Xavier Foster Announcement

What happened to the girl?
Douchbaggery would be a noun. It's a type of behavior, the quality of being a douche bag. So would douche...as in "Steve Alford is a major douche." If someone is acting douchie that would be an adjective, if you're describing their douchie behavior that would be an adverb.

(somewhere, Troy Davis's head just exploded)


Nobody knows this kind of crap! Are you a Russian asset?
OK, time for wild speculation why Fran visited last night and XF isn’t attending home opener.

XF informed Fran he was going to Clown U. Fran’s Mad Face drove home, bitched out Sherm on the phone and yelled at Marge when he got home.
BTW. Kakert tweeted a pic of XF at the game last night
I wonder if the talk of him not going to the game was a complete rumor, or it was true, but then Foster realized it was too obvious so he decided to go just to keep the secret.
So Clownfantasies has gone from Foster is 110% a Cyclone to now they didn't want Foster. Pretty sure CyTwins will start claiming that ISU actually pulled his offer as well, as they don't think they are getting him any longer.

So weird, it will be good this is all over tomorrow morning.
Maybe a certain weekend trend will continue.........Clone FB lose, Clone men BB lose, Clone women BB lose and the Clones lose out on ............

Hate to be that guy but I said he was choosing between us and ISU.

I also said that If he goes with his heart he is a Hawkeye. He if goes with his head he is a Cyclone.
Sounds like he's going to Iowa from what I've heard/read.
So Clownfantasies has gone from Foster is 110% a Cyclone to now they didn't want Foster. Pretty sure CyTwins will start claiming that ISU actually pulled his offer as well, as they don't think they are getting him any longer.

So weird, it will be good this is all over tomorrow morning.

Not sure who has fantasies about clowns but I digress....

I thought for awhile he could go to ISU but always knew with 17 year old kids you just never know. Anymore, I've been burned by recruiting hype so when I see them suit up on the court then I'll trust it. Sounds like Iowa has him so that's a good get for you guys. If he feels that's the best for him, then more power to him. Not much any ISU fan can do about it whether they like it or not. He's got big upside (literally).
Sounds like he's going to Iowa from what I've heard/read.

Not sure who has fantasies about clowns but I digress....

I thought for awhile he could go to ISU but always knew with 17 year old kids you just never know. Anymore, I've been burned by recruiting hype so when I see them suit up on the court then I'll trust it. Sounds like Iowa has him so that's a good get for you guys. If he feels that's the best for him, then more power to him. Not much any ISU fan can do about it whether they like it or not. He's got big upside (literally).

MJ, don't lie, you know all about Clown fantasies.

We will know where he is going in a few hours. I just thought it was funny that CyTwins and other poster claimed he was 110% a Cyclone, when they had no clue. Then as soon as they think they are losing him, it is all his dad's fault, he is pushing him to Iowa, he really wants to go to ISU. Or that it was all a troll, that Foster lead the ISU staff on, acting like he committed to ISU when he never did.
MJ, don't lie, you know all about Clown fantasies.

We will know where he is going in a few hours. I just thought it was funny that CyTwins and other poster claimed he was 110% a Cyclone, when they had no clue. Then as soon as they think they are losing him, it is all his dad's fault, he is pushing him to Iowa, he really wants to go to ISU. Or that it was all a troll, that Foster lead the ISU staff on, acting like he committed to ISU when he never did.

So so true....

Yeah I admit Twins had me hooked...then I thought to myself how does anyone know but Foster and who he decides to tell. If he thinks Fran is better fit for him then so be it. No idea about the dad angle. Probably will be lots more than I'll ever know about it as with most recruits.
MJ, don't lie, you know all about Clown fantasies.

We will know where he is going in a few hours. I just thought it was funny that CyTwins and other poster claimed he was 110% a Cyclone, when they had no clue. Then as soon as they think they are losing him, it is all his dad's fault, he is pushing him to Iowa, he really wants to go to ISU. Or that it was all a troll, that Foster lead the ISU staff on, acting like he committed to ISU when he never did.
Actually if you go to CryFan, there are two threads on this and everyone is saying they don't care.

They developed fake empathy as soon as he went to the Hawks game.
Actually if you go to CryFan, there are two threads on this and everyone is saying they don't care.

They developed fake empathy as soon as he went to the Hawks game.

I just went over to look and you're right.

But, wow, they sure do spend a LOT more time talking about him. We've got 1 thread that is 10 pages long while they've got 3 with one being 107 pages.
I just went over to look and you're right.

But, wow, they sure do spend a LOT more time talking about him. We've got 1 thread that is 10 pages long while they've got 3 with one being 107 pages.
Baby brothers who get leftover mashed potatoes and hand me downs. It’s what they do.

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