Worst BCS Stadiums

I am starting to like ISUer. At first I wanted to punch him in the face because of the stupidity that comes from his keyboard but now that stupidity makes me laugh and he defines rediculousness. Does anyone else get the feeling he is a 32 year old man who wears a Cyclone jersey to bed?

I am starting to like ISUer. At first I wanted to punch him in the face because of the stupidity that comes from his keyboard but now that stupidity makes me laugh and he defines rediculousness. Does anyone else get the feeling he is a 12 year old kid who wears a Cyclone jersey to bed?

hes got a rhoads blow up doll beside him to, for those special nights.
What was KF's record after two seasons again?

4 wins, not going to hide from the question like you do. The better question to be answered after the 2014 season will be how did Rhoads do his first six years compared to Ferentz. I highly doubt Rhoads' resume will be anywhere near what Ferentz did.
I will take a coach like Rhoads over KF anyday for personality sakes. A coach like Rhoads drives you harder and becomes "one of the players"

Yeah, all coaches like Ferentz do is get you bowl wins, conference championships, and millions of dollars with an NFL career. Who the hell wants that?
4 wins, not going to hide from the question like you do. The better question to be answered after the 2014 season will be how did Rhoads do his first six years compared to Ferentz. I highly doubt Rhoads' resume will be anywhere near what Ferentz did.
Well on the way, might take a year or two longer, but well on the way.
I am starting to like ISUer. At first I wanted to punch him in the face because of the stupidity that comes from his keyboard but now that stupidity makes me laugh and he defines rediculousness. Does anyone else get the feeling he is a 12 year old kid who wears a Cyclone jersey to bed?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYD_qeBc2mo]‪2009 Iowa State Football National Championship‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, all coaches like Ferentz do is get you bowl wins, conference championships, and millions of dollars with an NFL career. Who the hell wants that?
Rhoads is 1-0 in bowl games, Rhoads guaranteed conference championships when he was hired and after the first two seasons I have no reason not to believe him.
Rhoads is 1-0 in bowl games, Rhoads guaranteed conference championships when he was hired and after the first two seasons I have no reason not to believe him.
LOL....this guy is better than advertized. Keep it coming ISUer. You are special.
Rhoads is 1-0 in bowl games, Rhoads guaranteed conference championships when he was hired and after the first two seasons I have no reason not to believe him.

Now I know this is a joke. I admit it, you got me. good one.

Unless of course you are referring to a MWC Championship after the Big12 implodes and Boise goes to the Pac-16.
I figured it out, ISewer is actually a Hawk fan posing as a clown in order to make the isu fanbase look ignorant. It's the only way to explain the stupidity of his posts as no one could actually be that delusional.
Ya I think Rhoads let them know when he was leaving their place last season with a W.

It'll never happen. Simply because if ISU even gets close to sniffing 8 or 9 wins Rhoads will be plucked out of ISU and Pollard will just be inconsolable again...


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