Worst BCS Stadiums

Funny how a simple link to someone's view of the 10 worst BCS stadiums can quickly turn into a back-and-forth with an ISU fun currently running to 8 pages. Football must be in the air; kickoff can't get here soon eough.

Friday is the big day. Once that comes and practice starts you start getting little snippets of info here and there. It'll occupy most people.
I'm not the least bit worried. I am kind of split on my feelings of you not being on HN any longer. I love your stupidity.
I got to admit, you manned up. Someone on here named SECSucks or something said ISU would win 0-3 games but would not back it up and avoided the same bet and ran away from it, you didn't, I'm impressed.
its not a fair bet though. easy for you to just up and leave HN, while it will be harder for an iowa fan to leave HN. to make the bet fair, you should have to give up your account on cyfan.
its not a fair bet though. easy for you to just up and leave HN, while it will be harder for an iowa fan to leave HN. to make the bet fair, you should have to give up your account on cyfan.

Thats not a good idea. That just means he would spend more time here when he loses. To make the bet fair, ISUer should vow to never access the internet again for as long as you shall live.
Hey ISUer why don't u man up and bet me straight up Iowa @ ISU for our CF accounts. Or maybe who wins more games.... I never seen anyone be cocky cause their team might win 4 games. Who cares if they do, they still suck. Maybe they will have some unbelievable season and go 500 and go to some $hithole bowl....Who cares
its not a fair bet though. easy for you to just up and leave HN, while it will be harder for an iowa fan to leave HN. to make the bet fair, you should have to give up your account on cyfan.
Why is it not fair? He is confident in a 3 win ISU team. If he wants to make ridiculous statements may as well back them up, I will if I lose.
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Hey ISUer why don't u man up and bet me straight up Iowa @ ISU for our CF accounts. Or maybe who wins more games.... I never seen anyone be cocky cause their team might win 4 games. Who cares if they do, they still suck. Maybe they will have some unbelievable season and go 500 and go to some $hithole bowl....Who cares
Why I didnt make a ridiculous statement such as Iowa winning 3 games?
Thats not a good idea. That just means he would spend more time here when he loses. To make the bet fair, ISUer should vow to never access the internet again for as long as you shall live.

No, if he loses he needs to do what that monk did back in the 60's and sit cross-legged in the middle of a city street and set himself on fire.
Why is it not fair? He is confident in a 3 win ISU team. If he wants to make ridiculous statements may as well back them up, I will if I lose.
You make it sound like a 3 win season by the Clowns is completely out of the question. With their schedule it is off the reservation to think they will win more than 3.
Why is that? He won 7 games in year 1 and should have won 7 games last season.

First off we're talking regular season so he never won 7. Every team in the bcs if they count should of,would of, could ofs could count their wins up to 7. We'd have like 2 national championships if we counted close games. What's that really saying that u could of won 7? we only got our @ss completely beat by 5 teams? Vegas set line at 3 and your calling that rediculous while u predict 4 above that.
I got to admit, you manned up. Someone on here named SECSucks or something said ISU would win 0-3 games but would not back it up and avoided the same bet and ran away from it, you didn't, I'm impressed.

I do remember saying that ISU would win 4 tops. Do you want me to spell it out for you again?

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