Will the Big 1G Look South?

Yes Central Florida and North Texas be great additions along with the University of Phoenix. Let's add Cal State Fullerton to get into all the big states and then we can go NATIONAL!!!
I think we can add Maryland and get a great basketball program as well as the Baltimore D.C tv market. Maybe add Virginia for academics and UNC for basketball and academics.

Mizzou, Maryland and Virginia to Big Ten, then go to Notre Dame with a TV contract offer that NBC can't match. With SEC getting T A&M, OU, VATech and UNC in my opinion, Notre Dame (or even Texas) can't afford not to get into the mega conference mix with Big Ten. I love the chaos!
Maryland, Virginia, GT, Miami...pressing Notre Dame in for last slot. If they balk, take those four excellent academic schools who expand the Big10 footprint across the eastern seaboard. If they come on board, leave one of the four out.
There is a reason UCF has over 50,000 students. It is where the jorts wearers go when they can't get into Florida St.

Really don't know much about UCF academics, but lets not forget FSU was a joke of an athletic department and had no football until the 80's and late 70's and it has worked out ok for FSU. The growth would be true growth everyone throws out ND,Pitt, and other teams the Big Ten is already in all of those areas and would not see much growth from that but, bringing in an area like central florida could be true growth think 40 years not 5 years. Plus bring needed recruits from a rich state of recruits.

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