Why such Bielema hatred?


Well-Known Member
Why all the personal attacks on him and his character on internet message boards? This has been something that has bugged the crap out of me for a long time.

Bret Bielema is a former Iowa player and student who has worked hard over the years to get where he is. He worked his tail off doing anything he could to help the Iowa Hawkeyes when he was working here, and now he does the same for his current employer. He also appears to run a clean program up at Madison.

So why the venom?

Is it because he seems to target Iowa recruits?
Is it because people are jealous of his success?
Is it because he stole some people's girlfriends while at Iowa?

Does he seem overly arrogant? I've spoken with him a couple times over the years, and he never came across as overbearing to me.

I've never heard him say anything bad about anything remotely related to his alma mater. I guess I'll just never understand how some people can eat their own.

All this being said - I hope the Hawkeyes crush his Badgers this weekend.
He likes Iowa, but he hates America. Don't let the bad man win.

Seriously though, everybody gets blasted anonymously on the interwebs. It's a circle-of-life kind of thing. The yin and the yang. Or something like that.
I don't get the venom either.

Of course I don't understand the hatred for Rodriguez either....
The running "joke" which is not really a joke is that when Iowa offers a high school kid, "Biels" follows up with an offer. We recruit for him in a sense. Plus he is an arrogant POS. Going for 2 up 25? Whatever.
Why all the personal attacks on him and his character on internet message boards? This has been something that has bugged the crap out of me for a long time.

Bret Bielema is a former Iowa player and student who has worked hard over the years to get where he is. He worked his tail off doing anything he could to help the Iowa Hawkeyes when he was working here, and now he does the same for his current employer. He also appears to run a clean program up at Madison.

So why the venom?

Is it because he seems to target Iowa recruits?
Is it because people are jealous of his success?
Is it because he stole some people's girlfriends while at Iowa?

Does he seem overly arrogant? I've spoken with him a couple times over the years, and he never came across as overbearing to me.

I've never heard him say anything bad about anything remotely related to his alma mater. I guess I'll just never understand how some people can eat their own.

All this being said - I hope the Hawkeyes crush his Badgers this weekend.

I think it's pretty simple. The guy is a d-bag. I don't have a problem that a former Hawkeye coaches the badgers, I have a problem that he's a ******. Case in point -> the 2 point conversion thing from a couple weeks ago.
As has been said he is a complete d-bag. He is an arrogant ***** who has no sportsmanship whatsoever.
I think it has more to do with his on field demeanor. As Hawkeyes we are use to class acts like Kirk and Hayden. BB is not in this category at all. Similar to Stoops in AZ he just wouldn't be a good fit to consider him as a HC in the post KF era because of the way he carries himself on the field.
Why all the personal attacks on him and his character on internet message boards? This has been something that has bugged the crap out of me for a long time.

Bret Bielema is a former Iowa player and student who has worked hard over the years to get where he is. He worked his tail off doing anything he could to help the Iowa Hawkeyes when he was working here, and now he does the same for his current employer. He also appears to run a clean program up at Madison.

So why the venom?

Is it because he seems to target Iowa recruits?
Is it because people are jealous of his success?
Is it because he stole some people's girlfriends while at Iowa?

Does he seem overly arrogant? I've spoken with him a couple times over the years, and he never came across as overbearing to me.

I've never heard him say anything bad about anything remotely related to his alma mater. I guess I'll just never understand how some people can eat their own.

All this being said - I hope the Hawkeyes crush his Badgers this weekend.
He is like an ambulance chaser...recruit whoever Iowa does. Watch him on the sidelines...cry baby.
I don't hate him because he slept with my wife. I hate him because he wouldn't take her with him when he left town.
Despite what's talked about on message boards, most of the hatred towards Bielema has little to do with him poaching our recruits or offering them right after we do. It has more to do with his time at Kansas State when he was Co-DC.When Bielema was at Kansas State, he was the king of negative recruiting when it came to Iowa. If I remember correctly, he was only there for about a year. And he cleaned up his act when Alvarez got a hold of him. But his actions during that time really ticked off the Iowa coaches.

I know that there was one former Hawk who was being recruited heavily by both schools. I remember him saying that the entire time he was being recruited by BB, he heard very little positive things about Kansas State. Everything was based on Iowa's negatives. That really turned off this former player as well as his family.

Bielema did whatever he could to take the fast track to fame. There is nothing wrong with that I suppose. But you don't trash your former school like that. Especially when you have a tigerhawk tattoo on your leg. I find it hilarious when he makes comments about his confusion on why he's boo'd in Iowa City since he graduated from there.

You have earned those boos you scum bag.
There are several reasons:

1. He lies. Case in point, he said that ALL Iowa coaches tell recruits about his tattoo. KF point blank said he's never brought it up with a recruit.....ever.

2. He's a pompous, self-absorbed frat-boy.

3. His recruiting philopsophy is to see who Iowa offers and then offer them immediately afterwards and then trash his alma mater via negative recruiting (see Kenny Iwebema).

4. He doesn't respect the game or his opponent. Case in point, the two point conversion for no reason and then lied about it being on the "chart" (which merits the review of point #1 above).
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I liked him until he did the negative recruiting deal at K-St.
Then he came to Wisconsin and poached on Jay Valai after he committed to Iowa.
He also took the lb from the chicago burbs...Rouse?

I do not hate him like Fitz...but he is on my list of coaches who are dbs...like DickRod,Brewster,and Zook...and of course ,the biggest db..Fitz.
Haven't you ever met someone that you just instantly did not like? That is the feeling I get from him, just a complete *******. Fortunately my gut feeling has been supported by many of the factors that others have outlined above particualry 1) dishonesty 2) poor sportsmanship and 3) unscrupulous recruiting tactics - do your own damn homework Biels. Honestly, I cringe whenever anyone mentions that he ever had anything to do with Iowa, its embarassing.
I still don't think going for 2 up 25 should be held against him. There is not rule a that says when you can and can't score on your opponent. But, like Jon said, it is the BS he said in trying to explain his actions for going for 2 is what was the biggest problem.

The K-St stuff and the way he comes off is the biggest problem I have with him. He looks like someone who would spit on you if you had nothing to offer him. Pretty arrogant.
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I still don't think going for 2 up 25 should be held against him. There is not rule a that says when you can and can't score on your opponent. But, like Jon said, it is the BS he said in trying to explain his actions for going for 2 is what was the biggest problem.

The K-St stuff and the way he comes off is the biggest problem I have with him. He looks like someone who would spit on you if you had nothing to offer him. Pretty arrogant.

There may not be a "written" rule saying when and when not to go for two. But there is an unwritten rule called "class" and another called "respect" and yet another called "integrity" that pretty much says not to rub the other team's nose in sh!t. To me, KF is the gold standard in class, respect for his opponent, and integrity, and if he wouldn't do it, then that tells me it's just flat-out wrong.
I think it's because he is a *******. Going for two is one thing, but then coming up with some lousy nonsensical reason for it is another. He will get his someday and it will be awesome, similar to Harbaugh doing to it Carroll last year. That was awesome and I don't even like Harbaugh.