Why such Bielema hatred?

However you want to revise history to trip your trigger I guess. He put it to the cats anyway you want to slice it or dice it. Good for Hayden. Also, good for Bowden to when he was at FSU. He understood how to play the game with the voters.

If you can't understand the difference between "running up the score" and going for 2 (a difference of 1 point) when you're up 25, then that's a YOU problem.
My brother lives in Madison and says the majority of Wisky fans dont like him. Think he is a tool. Hand picked by BA and they feel they could have done better. Wisky fans also dont like that he is a former Hawk. Barry (former Hawk ties) had his share of detractors too ( His son and the parrot fiasco!) but winning Rose Bowls gets you quite a ways!
1)I think Bert has a reputation as a bit of a womanizer. Can be seen in the Madison bars hitting on coeds. Also heard stories of him outside of Madison and acting like a frat boy (Not that he ever was one). Like a high school teacher partying with kids...kinda creepy
2)Doesn't give credit when it is due. Agains't Iowa he doesn't ever say that Iowa beat them, only that they beat themselves. If possible, find his postgame press after 2008 Shonn Greene beatdown. Every team/coach could say that but it takes a little more humility to stand up and give credit to an opponent after a loss. Thats called class
3) The recent going for 2 point thing is just reinforcement to this perception.
Like to hear other Big 10 teams perception of him. Willing to bet a buck it isn't good either. Dont read other teams boards.
Hayden Fry must be a ***** then too. With the beat downs he gave Northwestern in the 80s. I have to stick up for BB here. I think it is actually the one weakness of KF in not running up the score and finishing off an opponent. It has cost us several games over his coaching tenure. One of these days, it could cost us from playing in something really big (NT game maybe).

And going for two? If they convert, they only get one more lousy point anyway. If I were BB, I would have just been honest about my intentions. That is were he made his mistake and it made him look like a bigger jerk than he already is.

There is so much wrong with these comments that it doesn't even deserve a reply. :confused:

I will say that it wasn't Hayden's fault that ISU and Northwestern had jr. college talent when he was coach. These games were over at Halftime and then they couldn't stop our 2nd and 3rd teams.
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Personally one of the main reasons that I cannot stand Bielema and RickRod is by the way they handle their teams on the field. If possible watch any game Michigan plays, any time something happens that Rod doesnt like, he will get all over his players or yell at officials. This ties into the "class" thing. Watch KF he NEVER gets on his players like this in games or public, Im sure it happens because if you walk by practice he will chew out players from time to time, but never on tv or in public. Its just complete disrespect for your players, officials, and fans to do stuff like this. And of course the way they think so highly of themselves, as if the only way they lose is because of beating themselves, or bad officiating
My brother lives in Madison and says the majority of Wisky fans dont like him. Think he is a tool. Hand picked by BA and they feel they could have done better. Wisky fans also dont like that he is a former Hawk. Barry (former Hawk ties) had his share of detractors too ( His son and the parrot fiasco!) but winning Rose Bowls gets you quite a ways!
1)I think Bert has a reputation as a bit of a womanizer. Can be seen in the Madison bars hitting on coeds. Also heard stories of him outside of Madison and acting like a frat boy (Not that he ever was one). Like a high school teacher partying with kids...kinda creepy
2)Doesn't give credit when it is due. Agains't Iowa he doesn't ever say that Iowa beat them, only that they beat themselves. If possible, find his postgame press after 2008 Shonn Greene beatdown. Every team/coach could say that but it takes a little more humility to stand up and give credit to an opponent after a loss. Thats called class
3) The recent going for 2 point thing is just reinforcement to this perception.
Like to hear other Big 10 teams perception of him. Willing to bet a buck it isn't good either. Dont read other teams boards.

This. He strikes me as a bigger, less appealing version of Larry Eustachy. Sooner or later photos will surface, I predict.
Re: For HaydenHawk56.

It is not so much running up the points that have cost us games with KF. Let me make that distinction. I think it has hurt us in the polls though at times.

Finishing off opponents has hurt us with KF though. I think of games with Northwestern, Michigan, Iowa St, and Ohio St as examples of this. Either by calling off the dogs, letting up, choosing to go to OT instead of ending things in regulation by going for a TD instead of a fg, etc.
"There is so much wrong with these comments that it doesn't even deserve a reply. "

I would like to know where then. Hayden ran up the scores on teams.

As far as the people on here arguing the difference between what Hayden did and BB did to Minnesota with the 2 point thing, you are just trying to make it fit your argument. Both were running up the score no matter the difference in point totals in the margin of victory, or the timing of the game.

The only difference is BB's BS explanation of it all. That is one thing that separates Hayden from BB. But, make no mistake about it, both ran up scores.

"If you can't understand the difference between "running up the score" and going for 2 (a difference of 1 point) when you're up 25, then that's a YOU problem."

There is no difference. He was running up the score. No different than a Bobby Bowden team still throwing the ball to the end zone when they are up 21 late in a ball game. Instead of crying about it, Brewster and his team should have done something about it then.

The object of the game is to win and do your very best. Unfortunately, until we get a playoff system, perception plays heavily on the minds of voters. For all we know, maybe BB was working on something for future games by going for 2 points. Sometimes you got practice those situations too. What better time we you are up 25 points. I don't think that is the case, but I have no problem with him trying to put another point on the board. My problem is his BS explanation of it.
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"There is so much wrong with these comments that it doesn't even deserve a reply. "

I would like to know where then. Hayden ran up the scores on teams.

As far as the people on here arguing the difference between what Hayden did and BB did to Minnesota with the 2 point thing, you are just trying to make it fit your argument. Both were running up the score no matter the difference in point totals in the margin of victory, or the timing of the game. Just because you looking at Boxscores and they looked lopsided doesn't mean that Hayden ran up the scores.

The only difference is BB's BS explanation of it all. That is one thing that separates Hayden from BB. But, make no mistake about it, both ran up scores.

Tell me should Hayden pulled his teams off the field and forfeited those games? Northwestern, ISU and all the mid-majors we played couldn't stop Iowa's 2nd and 3rd teams. That is a fact... Move on!! Running up scores is keeping your 1st team in to pile on. If they can't stop the 2nd and 3rd team then who cares. IMO that is considered calling the dogs off.

Hayden Fry IMO had one game where he ran the score up. That was against Texas in the FREEDOM BOWL.
I can understand what you are saying with the 2nd and 3rd team thing. I can also remember 2nd and 3rd team units still playing rather wide open. However, Hayden's 1st team squads still put quite a bit of points up against poorer teams (before putting in the 2nd and 3rd teamers). I would still argue Hayden ran up the score when he could. In contrast, KF plays a lot of ground control still keeping most of his starters in. See the Penn St game this year. I would argue there is a difference in style of play.

That gave some of those better 90s Northwestern teams a lot of motivation when they played against us. Players wanted to beat Iowa badly because they felt Hayden ran the score up against prior teams.

I will say again, I have no problem with a coach running up the score in college football because of the way ranking and voting is being done right now. You have to be impressive to the voters to get respect in many cases. BB and other coaches are not jerks because the other team can't stop them from scoring.
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This. He strikes me as a bigger, less appealing version of Larry Eustachy. Sooner or later photos will surface, I predict.

I live in Madison and am waiting for a Eustachy like incident to show up in the papers. He is known to party with students and generally act like one still.

There was also an article this week about how some fans may be softening on thier dislike of him after the win against OSU. He has been criticized in Madison for not being able to win against good competition.
I don't hate Coach Bielema. Some observations:

1. There is a lot of pressure on him to win. Yes, he is guilty of negative recruiting, but frankly, so are a lot of other coaches. It happens all the time. I don't think it works in the long run, but he is coaching for a great university.

2. He loves Iowa but he knows that he needs to beat Iowa to keep his job. It is a big game and he is a fierce competitor.

3. He is a really young coach and acts like a child sometimes. Going for 2 against the gophers was just foolish. What was the point?

If he coaches a long time, he will grow up and cast aside some of the childish behavior. It will take time, I think.

We won't be playing them as often in the future - perhaps some Iowa fans will even root for Wisconsin when they are not playing us.

I really don't have a major problem with him. He praises KF and Iowa when he can.
1. Doesn't matter if others do it. It's inexcusable. Especially against your former school.

2. Negative recruiting against your former school = still loving it. Seriously?

3. He's 40. He's not a really young coach. Past time to grow up.

Wisconsin is a rival. I won't root for them. Ever. When they play our divisional opponents in the years ahead I will want them to win. But I won't root for them to win.
BB was one of my least favorite Hawks when he plyed here. I knew him a little bit and I just wasn't a fan. When he tracked down Jim Walden and told him it was fun kicking his a$$ for 4 years, it just confirmed my feelings about my impressions of him in my mind. Rght or wrong, I have never been a fan, but I don't wish anything worse than a loss here and there on him.

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