Why such Bielema hatred?

There may not be a "written" rule saying when and when not to go for two. But there is an unwritten rule called "class" and another called "respect" and yet another called "integrity" that pretty much says not to rub the other team's nose in sh!t. To me, KF is the gold standard in class, respect for his opponent, and integrity, and if he wouldn't do it, then that tells me it's just flat-out wrong.

KF has class. He acts like a classy himan being everywhere. Sometimes on the field it is almost to a fault, but if that is his biggest fault, then he has lead a pretty upstanding life.
To complete the circle of "validation"...there are apparently plenty of people around Madison that don't care for him either.
I would say that if you dont know why Big ten fans dont like him then you havent been paying attention. Its not just HN that doesnt like him. Also there is no way you can say people shouldnt hate him because he went for 2 when up by 25. He knew what he was doing and then acted like even more of a dbag in the presser about it. Not only did he do that to a team that he is beating by 25 he is doing that to a team that will probably only have one win this year.
I guess I would expect more class from someone who played and was an asst. coach at Iowa. I never had any issues with Alvarez and still don't. BB on the other hand, something is just wrong with him and I don't know what BA sees in BB. He is Self-centered DB IMO.

The 2-point conversion attempt was just stupid. If it was in the 1st half or early in the 3rd quarter it wouldn't be an issue. However to do it with about 6 mins remaining in a game against probably the worst team is the conference is just classless.

I wish his name was never associated with the Iowa program.

Example: Say that the Minnesota game was the only game on TV that day in primetime. They bring up BB background. Played at Iowa, was an asst. Coach at Iowa. Then he goes for 2 to run up the score. People will associate that DB classless move and remember his association with Iowa. People notice that type of stuff.
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Everything that's been said plus his lack of class in being unable to compliment the opponent for a victory, especially if that opponent is Iowa, and instead blaming it all on his team. I respect virtually anyone who has worn the black and gold; BB is an exception to the rule.
I have no hate or love for BB. Never met the man. Seems like a pretty good coach who does not always say and do things the conventional way. I usually pull for Wisky when not playing Iowa.
Maybe you lie, Rawkhawk73.

Since BB has a chart and can put whatever he wants on it, then maybe that IS on his chart. You don't know. My point is that it is kind of idiotic to say he lies and use that as your proof.

And I don't believe he was in a fraternity. I guess that makes you as much of a liar as he is for saying all of the Iowa coaches talk about the tattoo. Maybe he said all of the assistant coaches say that. You don't have the exact quote, do you. It is more truthful than not to make that statement that all of the coaches talk about his tattoo.

I'm not a huge BB fan, but I don't revile his name, either. And no one did when he was at Iowa. Do yuo think he is THAT much different now or did you just need for him to not be a Hawk to hate him? He trash talked Walden after his last Iowa - ISU game and people thought that was funny. Probably a lot of the same people that thought that was funny hate him now.

There is probably a little hypochrisy floating around in some of you out there. And I would be willing to bet that a lot of the people that talk about class probably don't psoess a lot of it. KF has a lot of class and he doesn't talk down BB in public. So if you have class then I guess you wouldn't either.

Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, meet pot.
Hayden Fry must be a ***** then too. With the beat downs he gave Northwestern in the 80s. I have to stick up for BB here. I think it is actually the one weakness of KF in not running up the score and finishing off an opponent. It has cost us several games over his coaching tenure. One of these days, it could cost us from playing in something really big (NT game maybe).

And going for two? If they convert, they only get one more lousy point anyway. If I were BB, I would have just been honest about my intentions. That is were he made his mistake and it made him look like a bigger jerk than he already is.
Is it a surprise to people that he is not very classy. As a player he told an opposing coach it was fun kicking your ***. That was funny for us to hear about as fans but not classy, so you knew what he was like then. I don't dislike him I just understand he is classless.
He likes Iowa, but he hates America. Don't let the bad man win.

Seriously though, everybody gets blasted anonymously on the interwebs. It's a circle-of-life kind of thing. The yin and the yang. Or something like that.

I concur.

Bielema and Wisconsin want to defeat Iowa. Anyone who wants to defeat Iowa is an un-American, nazi-loving, communist dictator.

He must be defeated by AmeriStanzi and company to maintain the balance of power.

Plus, he's a little too arrogant for me.
Hayden Fry must be a ***** then too. With the beat downs he gave Northwestern in the 80s.

Oh, puh-leeze, do we have to refute this myth again? Check the writeups and boxscores on those games. The infamous 64-0 game was into the 50's by early 3rd quarter. All the starters were out, we weren't throwing bombs, we weren't going for 2. No comparison whatsoever.
I don't hate Coach Bielema. Some observations:

1. There is a lot of pressure on him to win. Yes, he is guilty of negative recruiting, but frankly, so are a lot of other coaches. It happens all the time. I don't think it works in the long run, but he is coaching for a great university.

2. He loves Iowa but he knows that he needs to beat Iowa to keep his job. It is a big game and he is a fierce competitor.

3. He is a really young coach and acts like a child sometimes. Going for 2 against the gophers was just foolish. What was the point?

If he coaches a long time, he will grow up and cast aside some of the childish behavior. It will take time, I think.

We won't be playing them as often in the future - perhaps some Iowa fans will even root for Wisconsin when they are not playing us.

I really don't have a major problem with him. He praises KF and Iowa when he can.
Oh, puh-leeze, do we have to refute this myth again? Check the writeups and boxscores on those games. The infamous 64-0 game was into the 50's by early 3rd quarter. All the starters were out, we weren't throwing bombs, we weren't going for 2. No comparison whatsoever.


And the term "running up the score" is obviously misunderstood by many. (not surprising, but that's a different thread)

What Bielema did was not "running up the score". It was much tackier.
However you want to revise history to trip your trigger I guess. He put it to the cats anyway you want to slice it or dice it. Good for Hayden. Also, good for Bowden to when he was at FSU. He understood how to play the game with the voters.
For HaydenHawk56.

What games has KF cost us by not putting more points on the board when he could have? I don't recall any, and if that had happened I think I would remember it.

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