Why does every analyst hate Iowa? You know why


You are on a thread that I started? :) I started it to have discussion. So.....thank you. You did what I wanted you to do.
add rusillo and kanell to the list of iowa haters....herbstreit....sehorn...cowherd....m. may.....i mean....who do you think respects us? Chuck Long? :)
A + B = C
A) I said that the national media thinks we are whiners....true statement
B) Many people on here are whining about that factual statement even name calling or insulting
C) The media is right.

Because a fellow hawkeye fan says the media hates us because we complain a lot......and then you turn on that person.......you think that doesn't justify what you are saying? You don't even like your own fans who disagree with you. Smart. smart.

Are you familiar with a syllogism? It's what you're trying there. If A then B. A therefore B. But your premise is only an assumption and an opinion. Not a fact. Please don't confuse the two.

Additionally, I'm fine with people disagreeing with me. But I have plenty to say on my own without you putting words in my mouth. I did not ever turn on you (i disagreed with you from the get-go) and as you have stated many many times, I can have my own opinions. Why are you so mad that they differ from your own?
add rusillo and kanell to the list of iowa haters....herbstreit....sehorn...cowherd....m. may.....i mean....who do you think respects us? Chuck Long? :)

Herbstreit doesn't hate us. Des Howard. Glenn Mason. Snoop Dogg. Jeff Dunham. Nearly every commentator on every Iowa game. That dude who said Beathard looks like Montana. That dude who was calling the game with Koehn's monster 57 yard kick.

Just because somebody doesn't think we're better than OSU doesn't mean that they hate us.
Are you familiar with a syllogism? It's what you're trying there. If A then B. A therefore B. But your premise is only an assumption and an opinion. Not a fact. Please don't confuse the two.

Additionally, I'm fine with people disagreeing with me. But I have plenty to say on my own without you putting words in my mouth. I did not ever turn on you (i disagreed with you from the get-go) and as you have stated many many times, I can have my own opinions. Why are you so mad that they differ from your own?

who's mad at you? don't assume. I've never mentioned your name as being wrong. I've never called anyone wrong. I'm being told I'm wrong because I think the national media hates us even more because of our attempts to persuade national pundits by calling them out/challenging them on twitter, social media, etc......they are saying it. I'm saying I think its true. The national media backlash is a result of our methods to tell them about how good we are. The national media isn't offended if we simply state our opinions. That's all i'm doing. I'm saying they are mad at us as a result. Not that you or whoever should stop. It was a simple observation for discussion. I haven't said one time that you are wrong or anyone is wrong. Find the post where I did please. Otherwise, continue to discuss.
Herbstreit doesn't hate us. Des Howard. Glenn Mason. Snoop Dogg. Jeff Dunham. Nearly every commentator on every Iowa game. That dude who said Beathard looks like Montana. That dude who was calling the game with Koehn's monster 57 yard kick.

Just because somebody doesn't think we're better than OSU doesn't mean that they hate us.

Do you honestly think that Herbstreit doesn't hate Iowa? Maybe not the team but he hates the fan base. He said as much in the last reveal when he told the fan base to stop sending him tweets and saying right to the camera for the fans not to get mad at him. He said it. Mason is a Big Ten analyst.
You're starting to sound pretty whiny in this thread.

How about this? I started the thread. If you aren't happy with it why are you here? You are free not to respond or reply. You can even block me. Thank you. If you can't handle other people's opinions...please....block me.
How about this? I started the thread. If you aren't happy with it why are you here? You are free not to respond or reply. You can even block me. Thank you. If you can't handle other people's opinions...please....block me.

If you can't handle his opinion that you are whining, then you should block him. How is his opinion that you are whiny really any different than your opinion that Iowa fans are being whiny?
I don't think at this point anyone's problem should be with the committee....the committee is commited to us as THE big ten rep if we beat OSU. Forget N. Dame. They think right now either Iowa or OSU is better than N. Dame. The committee is about the only group out there that has any sense. We are so biased for Iowa and the media is so biased against us......the committee...is doing their job...and doing it well.
The committee thinks either OSU or Iowa is better than Notre Dame because Iowa and OSU reside in the same conference. And conference champions MUST be in the playoffs. See, conference champions, in themselves, don't guarantee the best teams for the playoff.

Ponder this proudhawk21: would the committee take a one loss Iowa over a one loss Notre Dame? Yes, if Iowa were the B1G champion, and never Notre Dame, because they are the 'no-conference' champion? Would the committee take a one loss Iowa who isn't the B1G conference champion over a one loss Notre Dame? I think the answer to that is no. Again, the reason is politics.

All I'm saying is there's a lot of politics and biases used by the committee to determine the final four in football.
I can't remember all the issues fans had with the BCS. At least, IMO, the BCS used computer rankings to determine the final four. That is enough, IMO, to keep the BCS because it is, as you would also lament, not as biased as even the current version of determining who should be in the final four in football.

Besides, don't we want the best four teams in the college football playoffs? If there HAS to be one representative from some conferences (and not others) that doesn't guarantee the best teams in the playoffs.
The best teams in the playoffs may mean more than 1 team from the same conference makes the playoffs. And I think I remember one of the reasons why the BCS was junked...politics...the conference champion from certain conferences had to be a playoff team.
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The committee thinks either OSU or Iowa is better than Notre Dame because Iowa and OSU reside in the same conference. And conference champions MUST be in the playoffs. See, conference champions, in themselves, don't guarantee the best teams for the playoff.

Ponder this proudhawk21: would the committee take a one loss Iowa over a one loss Notre Dame? Yes, if Iowa were the B1G champion, and never Notre Dame, because they are the 'no-conference' champion? Would the committee take a one loss Iowa who isn't the B1G conference champion over a one loss Notre Dame? I think the answer to that is no. Again, the reason is politics.

All I'm saying is there's a lot of politics and biases used by the committee to determine the final four in football.
I can't remember all the issues fans had with the BCS. At least, IMO, the BCS used computer rankings to determine the final four. That is enough, IMO, to keep the BCS because it is, as you would also lament, not as biased as even the current version of determining who should be in the final four in football.

HomerChampless I'm in full agreement. The committee will not take a one loss Iowa team no matter what. I responded in a different thread that there would have to be a ton of upsets in the CCG's and even then it would open the door up for brand names with one or two losses over Iowa. Complete agreement. I referred to Iowa or Ohio State as in...whichever is the conference champ will be in..since they can't both be conference champs, our exclusion from the top 4 is an indicator that they feel that OSU will win the title game, if they do not they would move us up to top 4.
I'm not trying to fight anyone...I don't get why people can't accept my belief that this negativity by our fan base fuels further hatred of the hawks. I'm a hawk fan. Relatively intelligent. I created the post for discussion. I'm not hearing rebutals that I'm wrong....just insults. Give me an argument that says the national media has not intensified against Iowa since the season has started. Anyone. I will respect that argument and applaud the effort. Maybe one or two people have tried. I respect those opinions.
This thread is, IMO, a discussion and criticism of the biased nature of the committee that selects the final four in college football. I yearn for the BCS.
Sorry but honestly who cares. Go take a walk , play fetch with your dog, etc. Even with social media you can't have true discourse with the people you are vilifying so ignore them.
I live in Tallahassee and if you want to see fans whine come on down. Been listening to it for years. And if you think the media was not down here 'hunting' for news and scandals you have drank the kool-aide.
It sells. Period. $$$$$$
Sorry but admitting you listen to Cowterd is not a good thing. . . . . for ANYONE. . . :D
Trolling....for disagreeing with you? You are exactly why the media hates Iowa....senseless fighting and name-calling. I said that things like this cause the media to dislike us....how do you argue that when you are doing it right now?

I rest my case, Mr. Troll...
My personal opinion is that the fanbase has nothing to do with the team. I don't think the media cares what our fanbase thinks as it gives them listeners and attention. I think the bigger problem is that this "fool proof" plan of using a committee that currently has Iowa ranked # 5, upsets those that don't follow this team closely and don't think this team is for real based on the schedule they've played.

I think the fear lies in the possibility that Iowa may get the chance to make them eat crow and ultimately reflects negatively on their credibility as "experts". I've noticed the longer this plays out that those "experts" are either second guessing their original opinion or spending greater amounts of energy pushing their agenda so they can eventually claim they were right about Iowa.
I'm not trying to fight anyone...I don't get why people can't accept my belief that this negativity by our fan base fuels further hatred of the hawks. I'm a hawk fan. Relatively intelligent. I created the post for discussion. I'm not hearing rebutals that I'm wrong....just insults. Give me an argument that says the national media has not intensified against Iowa since the season has started. Anyone. I will respect that argument and applaud the effort. Maybe one or two people have tried. I respect those opinions.

I'm sorry that you felt my responses did not address the arguments you presented. In my opinion they did. Perhaps I will try one more thing.

The national media attention against Iowa is no more negative now than it was at the beginning of the season. But because there is so much more Iowa-centered media now after we are 10-0, the negative attention is just more obvious and not actually a greater percentage of the total media Iowa is receiving. And even if it is more negative than in week one, it's because we simply weren't worth talking about nationally then. And the more teams that we beat, the more national fans that begin to dislike us because we've either beaten their team or are a threat to their team's chances at a good bowl game slot or a spot at the table for the playoffs. Sports analysts are humans, and they have their own favorite teams, many of whom are in direct contention with Iowa for a spot in the playoffs (particularly Ohio State, Notre Dame, name your Pac-12 champion). Some data to back up this claim:

https://www.google.com/trends/explo...date=today 3-m&gprop=news&cmpt=q&tz=Etc/GMT+6

Clearly, as the season has progressed, Iowa has actually surpassed Ohio state in terms of news searches done compared to Ohio State. The trend is similar when you look at Iowa compared to notre dame:

https://www.google.com/trends/explo...e Football&date=today 3-m&cmpt=q&tz=Etc/GMT+6

And here's my favorite. This compares news searches related to sports since september for Alabama, Notre Dame, OSU, Stanford, and Iowa:

https://www.google.com/trends/explo...date=today 3-m&gprop=news&cmpt=q&tz=Etc/GMT+6

Does Iowa absolutely dominate these searches? No. But right up there with ND and OSU. Stanford doesn't even register at all. I can't give you data on how positive or negative these news stories are, but to be relevant in Google searches for sports news is big. Really big.

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