Why does every analyst hate Iowa? You know why

I have complained about the current constitution of the college playoff system and will continue to do so. I haven't really complained about Iowas ranking, or how the national media thinks and portrays Iowa.

I'm not sure though what it accomplishes when you whine about someone else whining? Aren't you just doing the exact thing that is bothering you so much? What is the difference between tweeting at Herby and whining about his opinion VS starting a post on a message board whining about Hawk fans opinions?
So every talking head is hating on Iowa because Hawk fans have gone Social Media apologetic/war after the talking heads hated on Iowa?

Which of you Hawk fans were going nuts on the talking heads that made them hate on Iowa before they hated Iowa? Whaaa...
I'm sure the Hawks like the idea we've got their back and aren't going to let all their hard work go unnoticed. How do you think they would feel if we just stood by and shrugged our shoulders and said That's Football! Now I don't like it when a fan goes overboard and makes a complete a$$ of themselves but every fan base has some of those. Anybody remember what happened when Alabama lost last year?

This is a reasonable man with a reasonable response. I'm way excited that there is so much passion!!! I just get tired of the "we're hated or disrespected" cry. We probably are disrespected a bit. So we can complain about that, but don't expect it to go away. It will continue to be a vicious circle. I just say lets stop complaining about being disrespected and just win. State your opinions, be loud, but don't complain when people don't like us. That's reasonable. Anyone who complains that we are hated...well.....accept that we are hated.

This thread is interesting as I just got done listening to Mike Hlas' podcast where he had Dennis Dodd on as his guest. This past week, Dennis did a two-fer in Iowa as he went to the Okie St/ISU game and then drove to watch the Iowa/Minn game.

It was interesting hearing his opinion as a national talking head, and he certainly praised this team, and KF in particular, for turning things around after 5 years of less-than-stellar results.

But one of the things Dodd mentioned when Mike brought up how a lot of other national guys don't think particularly high of Iowa, was that he thought that Iowa fans are unique across the entire country when it comes to defending their team nationally.....probably the most vocal fanbase out there. He brought up one of the things that Jon brings up all the time on here....basically saying that it's okay for a brother to criticize a brother, but if someone outside the "family" criticizes, then it's "Katie-bar-the-door".

Based on the things I see and read on a regular basis, I'd say he's probably got a good point. We are a pretty passionate fanbase (there's a reason why Iowa-centric podcasts are among the most listened to in the country) and we don't take kindly to "outsiders" taking potshots at our "family".

Right, wrong, or indifferent....that's how I see it.
I have complained about the current constitution of the college playoff system and will continue to do so. I haven't really complained about Iowas ranking, or how the national media thinks and portrays Iowa.

I'm not sure though what it accomplishes when you whine about someone else whining? Aren't you just doing the exact thing that is bothering you so much? What is the difference between tweeting at Herby and whining about his opinion VS starting a post on a message board whining about Hawk fans opinions?

This is can spin and spin.....I made an observation that i can see why the national media dislikes us. That's it. Hard to argue with that statement.

Watch the college football guys on espn today...you do your own work. Kirk Herbstreit. Cowherd, J. Sehorn. How many names do you want? Seriously, you want a link to the iowa hate? Ummmm.....the fact that you are arguing with me is hilaraious.....and you want a link. I think you KNOW what's out there. come on man.
Yes, OP, I get your point. They may be wrong 'cause they're biased in some way. One will NEVER show enough 'facts' to get them to change their bias. Leaning on them to change their bias will allow them to show more bias than they already have. Unfortunately, a one loss Iowa has a particularly difficult time getting into the national playoffs.OP, are you saying that the use of all the metrics of the BCS was a better way to determine the 4 playoff contenders? Are you saying the playoff needs to be expanded? As we have seen with basketball, someone will be displeased no matter how many teams are in the playoff picture.
I have come to realize that you that are arguing with me are right. No one hates Iowa. I was wrong. Bask in the love that you obviously feel from the media. But look at you posting away on my thread. Isn't that VIERD? VERY VIERD!! :)
This thread is interesting as I just got done listening to Mike Hlas' podcast where he had Dennis Dodd on as his guest. This past week, Dennis did a two-fer in Iowa as he went to the Okie St/ISU game and then drove to watch the Iowa/Minn game.

It was interesting hearing his opinion as a national talking head, and he certainly praised this team, and KF in particular, for turning things around after 5 years of less-than-stellar results.

But one of the things Dodd mentioned when Mike brought up how a lot of other national guys don't think particularly high of Iowa, was that he thought that Iowa fans are unique across the entire country when it comes to defending their team nationally.....probably the most vocal fanbase out there. He brought up one of the things that Jon brings up all the time on here....basically saying that it's okay for a brother to criticize a brother, but if someone outside the "family" criticizes, then it's "Katie-bar-the-door".

Based on the things I see and read on a regular basis, I'd say he's probably got a good point. We are a pretty passionate fanbase (there's a reason why Iowa-centric podcasts are among the most listened to in the country) and we don't take kindly to "outsiders" taking potshots at our "family".

Right, wrong, or indifferent....that's how I see it.

It simply took someone with more intelligence than me to make the point that I was trying to make. Thank you SpiderRico....check is in the mail. :)
It's a business. They "hate" us BECAUSE we respond. Because we create a buzz for their shows (especially the lower-rated ones) and blogs. For whatever reason (passion, protecting our own, lack of other things to do), Iowa fans respond when people attack our team. Since their business is measured by the amount of people paying attention, they attack us. And the cycle continues.

They don't hate us. They need us. Or maybe they're using us. Or both (maybe it's the same thing).

Maybe I don't care. My school has the #5 team in THE COUNTRY, when we were picked to be the #5 team in OUR DIVISION. We're on a gravy train with biscuit wheels.

They can say what they want ... but they can't tell me nuthin.
So, Iowa fans become non-biased while the rest of media remains biased? Or the rest of media becomes non-biased while Iowa fans remain biased?

Take the bias equation out of this. Return to computer ratings and selection. There'll be one to criticize (computer program) instead of everyone on the panel to select playoff teams.
It's a business. They "hate" us BECAUSE we respond. Because we create a buzz for their shows (especially the lower-rated ones) and blogs. For whatever reason (passion, protecting our own, lack of other things to do), Iowa fans respond when people attack our team. Since their business is measured by the amount of people paying attention, they attack us. And the cycle continues.

They don't hate us. They need us. Or maybe they're using us. Or both (maybe it's the same thing).

Maybe I don't care. My school has the #5 team in THE COUNTRY, when we were picked to be the #5 team in OUR DIVISION. We're on a gravy train with biscuit wheels.

They can say what they want ... but they can't tell me nuthin.

I'm in-line with this thinking!
I just want any analyst to defend Ohio state being ranked in the playoff right now. Their schedule to this point has been completely awful and theit "eye test" hasn't been that great either.

The sad truth is certain teams carry certain clout. Certain coaches carry certain clout. These teams are given the benefit of the doubt. It's a double standard
I just want any analyst to defend Ohio state being ranked in the playoff right now. Their schedule to this point has been completely awful and theit "eye test" hasn't been that great either.

The sad truth is certain teams carry certain clout. Certain coaches carry certain clout. These teams are given the benefit of the doubt. It's a double standard

I don't think it's the name as much as it is the cache from winning it last year. OSU wasn't getting ANY love last year in the first several polls until they were able to beat Michigan and then completely destroy Wisky.

Kind of the old adage.....To be the man, you've got to beat the man. Until they get beat, resume, SOS, controllable games, etc won't matter because they're the defending champs.
This is can spin and spin.....I made an observation that i can see why the national media dislikes us. That's it. Hard to argue with that statement.

And Hawk fans were making an observation that if you looked at resumes a couple weeks ago the #9 ranking wasn't justified. Hard to argue with that, as the committee corrected their mistake the following week.
So, Iowa fans become non-biased while the rest of media remains biased? Or the rest of media becomes non-biased while Iowa fans remain biased?

Take the bias equation out of this. Return to computer ratings and selection. There'll be one to criticize (computer program) instead of everyone on the panel to select playoff teams.

Of course everyone has a bias. The problem isn't the Iowa bias, they don't control the system, they are just reacting to the system. The problem is the bias for name brand teams. There will never, ever, ever be a 1 loss Iowa, UNC, Utah, TCU, Baylor than make the playoffs over a 1 loss OSU, ND, Texas, USC, Michigan. It won't happen, the committee can just say "eye ball test" which really means the "money bags test" and boom they are in.

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