Who did we play your first time at Kinnick?


Well-Known Member
My first time at Kinnick was in 1990 against Purdue. The thing I really remember about that game was it was the week after OSU beat us on a last second catch by Bobby Olive. I was still in high school in those days and I remember feeling like my heart had been ripped out after that loss. Walking up those steps and looking down at the field for the first time is one of those memories I will never forget. Hawks won 38-9.
UTEP, I believe it was 1986. I was 8 years old. Can't remember the exact score but I think it might have been 69-7.
9-17-1988 Iowa played and lost to Colorado by 3 points. This was the first home game of my time at Iowa.
Michigan State in... let's see, 2nd grade, I think, so 1984. We lost, 18-17 or something. Controversial call at the goal line right at the end of the game, I think. It was cold. My Dad & I sat on a plaid blanket.
10/16/1976. Homecoming vs. Indiana. The fans were clicking...but the Hawks were sooo not. L 14-7.

Northern Illinois a couple years ago. I had to bartend that night, so we all stayed up and took off for IC after we were done cleaning. Long day.
Man I wish I could remember. Born in 78 and my first vivid memory of a game was the Iowa-Mich game in 85.

I'll have to ask my dad to see if he knows
September of 1976, Bob Commings era. We beat Syracuse. I don't remember the score. But I do remember having PLENTY of room in the stands.
I was in Jr. High... '78' or '79'. We played Wisconsin and won... I've been hooked ever since!
9/28/1974---I was in 10th grade....Dad and I saw Penn State....we lost 27-0.

I'll add....first away game was 10/1/1983 @ Illinois....we lost 33-0.
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Iowa played themselves.....1988 Spring Game.

First "real" game was 1989 v. Oregon. Took a whoopin from the Ducks 44-6.
My first game was a classic,Ohio State in 1952 ( I was 12 at the time). We only won two games and that was one of them.It was Evy's firsts year. If I remember, about mid week he changed the whole offense and it really gave Woody fits.The defense was fantastic.The final score was 8-0.To this day, it might still may be my best memory.
Penn St., mid 1980's, we lost and I froze my arse off! Don't remember much of the game at all as I was huddled under a blanket, too young to drink any anti-freeze