Who did we play your first time at Kinnick?

My first game was Penn State 2001... hawks won 24-20 or something like that. A few years ago I was at a mall in Dez Moines and a guy was selling a 4ft long beautifully framed panoramic from that game. I had to buy it. One of my favorite posessions. I can almost see my head... we were 12th row behind penn state bench.
I was just thinking of my son's first game at Kinnick. It was in '08 when we lost to Northwestern after a nice lead in the 1st. We'll both remember it "fondly" because he got lost coming out of the bathroom. I'm so glad he was smart enough to go right to security. My phone absolutely blew up after my name was announced over the PA. He was terrified, but we can laugh about it now.
I think mid 80's no clue on the team.

One of my fondest early memories (I was 10 at the time) was watching the #1/#2 game in 85 on tv with my brother and sister. (my parents were at the game) I was so nervous I couldn't watch the kick but knew we won because I could hear the crowd from our front porch, our house was 2/3 miles away from Kinnick.
1984 - Indiana. Destroyed the Sam Wyche-coached Hoosiers. Wyche took the team to midfield at the end of the game to teach them a lesson about getting their butts kicked. I have a great photo of a Scott Halverson over-the-shoulder TD catch in the corner of the South Endzone.
Ohio State on November 3, 1962. Hawks won 28-14, but finished the season 4-5. It was the first of nineteen consecutive losing seasons. God Bless Hayden.
September 24th, 1983. I was a greenhorn frosh.
Hawks beat fOSU 20-14. :)

Somewhere in my 'personal archives' I still have my freshman year student ticket stub. In those days, you were issued a single season ticket, and the games were numbered and a hole was punched in the game's square when you entered Kinnick. You also didn't need a photo ID in those days, just our student ID, which looked basically like a credit card. Fully stocked tailgates were still allowed on University property.
A season or two later, the U outlawed 'mass displays' (kegs and bottles of booze) from tailgates on U property. This forced us to 'hide' our keg & ice bucket in the back seat of my '77 Cutlass, under a blanket, and snake the spigot out the back window. It was a pain in the azz to pump. We never got busted...enforcement was weak...!:D
It was November 15, 2008 against Purdue. We won 24-17 and I had a perfect view of the highlight of Shonn Greene, lowering his shoulder and driving some poor Purdue d back about 6 inches in to the ground. Life long Hawk fan and I was 23 before I made it to my first game. Now that I live in Georgia its kind of hard to make it to anymore.
2001 Michigan game. Hawks pulled a reverse at the start of the second half and got a TD. I believe it was the game that everyone booed Mccann as well. I got into the game on another students ID, it was freezing and we lost on a late touchdown by Braylin Edwards I believe.
1967 Michigan killed us Eddy P was playing and I was ten. My sister was attending U of I at the time
Iowa vs. Ohio State 1983, we won 20-14. I was 7. I can't wait to take my kids to there first game this year.
My first game was a classic,Ohio State in 1952 ( I was 12 at the time). We only won two games and that was one of them.It was Evy's firsts year. If I remember, about mid week he changed the whole offense and it really gave Woody fits.The defense was fantastic.The final score was 8-0.To this day, it might still may be my best memory.

Hey, I was at that game too 69Hawk. My Sophomore year at Iowa. It was homecoming and after the game we went down to where the homecoming monument was on the West side of Old Cap and watched other students burn it down in celebration of the big win. I vaguely remember that the monument that year was a giant ear (like a hundred feet tall) of corn. After that we tried to drink 1 beer in every bar in Iowa City. Don't know if we made it as we kind of lost track.
In 1946 against Illinois. I was a freshman in high school. We lost totally because of the speed of Illinois back Buddy Young. For those unfamiliar with him, here is some info.

Claude "Buddy" Young (January 5, 1926 to October 19, 1983) was an American football player. A native of Chicago, the 5'4" Claude "Buddy" Young, also known as the "Bronze Bullet," had exceptional quickness and acceleration. He is one of the shortest men ever to play NFL football. As a track star at the University of Illinois, he won the National Collegiate Championships in the 100 and 220-yard dash, tied the world record for the 45 and 60-yard dashes, and was the Amateur Athletic Union's 100-meter champion. Buddy was Illinois state champ in the 100-yard dash, and at the University of Illinois, he was the NCAA champion in the 100 and tied the world record (6.1) in the 60-yard dash.
It was probably '87 or '88. I was only 7 or 8 years old at the time so I don't remember who it was. I do remember being at the game when we played Miami U in the early 90's and getting slaughtered by them.
First game at Kinnick was v. Michigan St. and the result of that win was a trip to Pasadena. Roses dropped from the press box towards the end, when whoever had to win the Michigan v. OSU game won. That was an upset win for whichever team won the game. Was that 1981?

Not a bad start for a 12 year old, huh? :)