When was the loudest you have ever heard Kinnick?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCsyJas_YRE&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL5761BD4BFDEC61C8]Kinnick fly over - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone saying 2002 Purdue has a terrible memory or wasn't really there.

That game was not even a sellout and thousands of people had left early as it looked like Iowa was going to lose. There was MAYBE 55K people in the stands at the end. Nothing comparable to some of the packed houses that people have mentioned in this thread.

It got really loud when Banks tossed the touchdown to Clark.
Maybe it's the nature of the games, or something like that. But I have always thought that Kinnick gets MUCH louder when it gets dark outside.

The tOSU game of 2006, Purdue of 2004, are examples.

But the loudest two for me were definitely Iowa-Michigan 1985, and Iowa-Penn State 2008.
Maybe it's the nature of the games, or something like that. But I have always thought that Kinnick gets MUCH louder when it gets dark outside.

The tOSU game of 2006, Purdue of 2004, are examples.

But the loudest two for me were definitely Iowa-Michigan 1985, and Iowa-Penn State 2008.
I went to the 0'4 Purdue game and while it had its moments, the Wisconsin game was literally the loudest environment I have been in by far in my life. Seriously, I was screaming at the top of my lungs and couldn't hear myself and wasn't sure If I had actually made any noise lol :)
2008 penn state. by far the most exiting game ive ever attended. from the low fly-over at the beginning to the game winning kick. The place exploded when he made it.
2002 had some loud games, but I would say 2004 -v- Ohio State.

Wiscy was loud, but anything Hlas agrees with, I have to oppose, so this wasn't the loudest game.
One game my Dad always mentioned as being very loud was the '81 Nebraska game. He attended almost every game for well over thirty years.

Unfortunately, I missed the game.
I talked to a guy that was a full back at Indiana in the mid 90's. I asked him what was the loudest place he had ever played at? He said Iowa then Michigan.
1985 Iowa vs. Michigan. /End thread.

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My dad and I and about 80 billion people hit the field afterwards. This old man and his wife, had to be about 80 years old, was all crotchety, and as we were walking out i accidentally stepped on his parka. He turned around and yelled at me (I was like 8 at the time) and a bunch of the student section guys picked him up and carried him out of the stadium. His wife yelled oh my and tried to follow quickly. it was awesome.

Uh other really loud game was vs. Ohio State a few years ago when it looked like were going to take the next step and then Anthony Gonzalez had the most ridiculous reception and run for i think a td like ever zig zagging through our entire defense. Their speed difference that day was ridiculous. Anyway, prior to the Anthony Gonzalez magic it was one of the loudest settings for a game at Kinnick i've ever heard.
One thing about the 2004 OSU game....

The I-O-W-A chants after TDs in the second half were the loudest and longest that I can recall. The game was turning into a rout and the whole place was so unbelievably giddy.
#1 Iowa vs #2 Michigan 1985, will never forget it. Not just loud, but a frenzy of emotion at the end. Hope that happens again in Kinnick under similar circumstances really soon, everyone needs to experience that at least once in a lifetime :D
Michigan 1985. Been to nearly every home game since. It has never been close. The stands were shaking that day. Utterly deafening.

Easily the loudest hawk football game I've ever attended! Was a wild/crazy atmosphere the entire game!!
#1 Iowa vs #2 Michigan 1985, will never forget it. Not just loud, but a frenzy of emotion at the end. Hope that happens again in Kinnick under similar circumstances really soon, everyone needs to experience that at least once in a lifetime :D

The amazing thing is how quiet the place got when Long called time out with two seconds to go. Then Bo called a time-out. During the Michigan time-out, Sindlinger, Iowa's center, noticed that Houghtlin was only placing the kick six yards back & brought it to Houghtlin's attention.

The place was as quiet as a morgue. Then with the kick about half-way towards the goal posts the north endzone justs erupts. The whole place went ballistic. The loudest single roar I have every heard.

Here is the SI article:

When the No. 1 Hawkeyes beat No. 2 Michigan on a - 10.28.85 - SI Vault
03-05-2012 09:36 PMdjwoody98
1985 Iowa vs. Michigan. /End thread.

When Jim Harbaugh has to ask the refs repeatedly for more time on the clock to call plays and more time to hike the ball without suffering a delay of game because his own linemen can't hear him, and the refs AGREE with him and permit an indefinite amount of time to hike until the crowd quiets down, nuf said.

You are correct for the right reasons. I was at that game.