What Gopher fans are saying about Iowa and our state

The people from the Twin Cities have the biggest god damned inferiority complex out of anyone who has ever walked the Earth. It is truly amazing. "Um, hey people from San Francisco and New York, you should know that we are not some flyover hicks. Just last year we elected the first gender nonbinary woman of color as the head of streets and sanitation of any major city in the US! See, we're soooo progressive just like you. Please tell me I'm cool, please tell me I'm cool."

I live here and generally speaking, I like it apart from the chill. There are much worse cities. (and there are plenty of places in Iowa you couldn't pay me to live...despite my love for "home"). Every state has the good and bad to varying degrees.

BUT, the point is...what you say above is dead on OKeefe. There are some great people, but there are also a ton of emotionally constipated inferiority complexes and self-righteous virtue signalers. (sometimes in the same body). You'll never meet a more conflicted populus. We're progressive but intolerant, we're folksy yet urban. We're "Minnesota nice" (which is code for passive aggressive). I think it's the Scandinavian legacy.

Mpls/St Paul is an interesting study. Now that all the kids are out of school, we're looking for a warmer base sometime soon.
I can’t imagine Minnesota is going to keep playing at this level. That was their first time being in the spotlight in a decade. Hard to come back down from a win like that. And the Hawks are angry with how they played against Wisconsin.

Being in the Kinnick environment and playing flat, Fleck and his boaters will be rowing with one oar by the end of the 1st quarter. Hawks win big!!!

Thought they were angry about how they played at Michigan ... and against Penn State ...
That anger doesn't seem to be producing much when it really counts.

Maybe they should stop wasting time being angry and focus energy on playing some competent offensive football - starting with the damn game plan and personnel management.
According to sports radio up here, their students are already planning to return the favor.
Tough to do when they crank the uprights down as soon as the game is over. I'd have some police dogs waiting in the wings in the event the Gophers win this game and their fans get an inkling to come on the field. Even if Iowa would be about to lose that game, I'd stick around to watch that.
I was there that year. 2008. Total drunken shit-show. Concourses were on the verge of full scale brawls. It felt very tribal that game. Usually I find Minnesota fans pretty friendly. How could you not be with a football program so laughable? They weren't that game but neither were Iowa fans.
2008 was the sex in the bathroom year, I believe. Effed them on the field and in the bathrooms. A fitting way to say goodbye to the dome.
Thought they were angry about how they played at Michigan ... and against Penn State ...
That anger doesn't seem to be producing much when it really counts.

Maybe they should stop wasting time being angry and focus energy on playing some competent offensive football - starting with the damn game plan and personnel management.

Insanity...doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result
Tough to do when they crank the uprights down as soon as the game is over. I'd have some police dogs waiting in the wings in the event the Gophers win this game and their fans get an inkling to come on the field. Even if Iowa would be about to lose that game, I'd stick around to watch that.
might be more entertaining than the game itself after watching Iowa's offense this year
Funny, I was swimming in the Iowa River north of the Burlington Bridge one late night about 2:20 a.m. after last call and got hit by a golf ball.

In all seriousness a couple students drowned during my time when they got too close to the dam just past that bridge.

Another drowned when he left Mayflower residence hall, tried to walk across a frozen over Iowa river, and fell through.

I knew a student who tried to off himself by jumping off the Hancher bridge. His friend went in from the shore to try and rescue him and the friend, not my acquaintance who actually jumped, ended up drowning.

I jumped off that bridge a few times myself. I was lucky....and stupid.
Think we only missed a couple Metrodome games between 1982-2008. Loved that it was final game of the season and indoors. Also, since a pro stadium, sold beer at games!

What year did the Minny QB have to call timeout because Iowa fans were too loud and they couldn't hear their own signals?
I live here and generally speaking, I like it apart from the chill. There are much worse cities. (and there are plenty of places in Iowa you couldn't pay me to live...despite my love for "home"). Every state has the good and bad to varying degrees.

BUT, the point is...what you say above is dead on OKeefe. There are some great people, but there are also a ton of emotionally constipated inferiority complexes and self-righteous virtue signalers. (sometimes in the same body). You'll never meet a more conflicted populus. We're progressive but intolerant, we're folksy yet urban. We're "Minnesota nice" (which is code for passive aggressive). I think it's the Scandinavian legacy.

Mpls/St Paul is an interesting study. Now that all the kids are out of school, we're looking for a warmer base sometime soon.

I also live in minneymouseland. If you take away the Twin Cities, we have a fairly nice place up here, people not too unlike nice Iowans. The Cities is just a cess pool I try to avoid most times - if the oustate could get them to cecede from the Union we would.
I also live in minneymouseland. If you take away the Twin Cities, we have a fairly nice place up here, people not too unlike nice Iowans. The Cities is just a cess pool I try to avoid most times - if the oustate could get them to cecede from the Union we would.
Never forget what the did to our Metrodome.
This makes me laugh. Went up there one year (circa 1988-89)on a bus trip, one of the guys in our group lit up a cigarette in his seat, the goofer fans in front of us went berserk, pointing and screaming "NO SMOKING IN OUR DOME". Pussies called security. What a dump. The guy just moved up to a higher row and lit up anyway. F tards in twin cities think they are sooo progressive. Bunch of square heads
in fairness the concourse was a way better place to go to the bathroom then their restrooms, which were horrible. I mean, give us a better place to pee and maybe we'd have used your dang bathroom. sorry about the goal post thing, it was in the way of the celebrating.
and don't forget about the Iowa couple who had sex in one of the Metrodome's bathrooms during that 2002 game

This and the pissing on the walls. Too bad somebody didn't drop a deuce somewhere other than the bowl.

Talk about a trifecta. :D

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