What did the anti-Ferentz Crowd Think of Saturday?

This thread (and several more like them) are starting to convince me that I just need to stay away from here altogether during the season. I follow Hawkeye football for entertainment, and I first start coming around here in 2009 when I had just finished my thesis and finally had a little more free time on my hand. I thought it would be a good way to get extra info and increase the entertainment value of following the Hawks. And many times it can be that. But there are also times when it is just plain miserable to browse past.

I was at the game. I came away encouraged. There was plenty of bad, but more of the correctable variety than the fatally flawed variety. The team showed some definite strengths that lead me to believe they have a pretty high ceiling.

I come by here to see what others thought, and the negativity is just oppressive. Some of it is well-grounded, but with a glass-half-empty feel. Much of it is just stupid from people who do not understand the nature of sports. Two specific examples come to mind:
  • I saw a claim that any other team with the Hawk's talent not held back by the ineptitude of KF would have scored 50+ on NIU, and I guess presumably won the game by 40+. NIU was RPI #52, top 35 in the country in scoring defense last year, 4-1 in their last 5 games vs. the B1G, and has the 15th best winning percentage in the nation under the current coach as a road dog. Iowa won easily, played backups through most of the 4th quarter, and covered by +16. Meanwhile, Wisconsin played the RPI #121 team and won by an almost identical score. MSU played the RPI #79 team and was down in the 4th quarter. PSU played the RPI #71 team and snuck past them in OT. Also in the top 25, Stanford and USC beat worse opponents than NIU by smaller margins than 26.
  • The claims that Iowa's play calling and offense design were unimaginative, overly conservative, and inept are just plain wrong. Iowa struggled mightily in the first half, but the plays were there to be made. Iowa did not execute. Lack of execution is absolutely on the coaches, it is their job to have the players ready. But claiming that the issue was with design just shows a complete lack of understanding of the game. The claim that Iowa's WR are not winning is totally true however, and that is worrisome.
Those are just 2 examples of things I have read that frustrate me to an unreasonable degree. So why do I keep coming back? I really don't know. I am confident that I will enjoy the season more if I stay away, but there is an addictive quality to online interaction. I think I will try to stay away from the forums for a few weeks and see how things go, but chances are I will sneak back when I am bored at work and looking for a diversion. So maybe I will see you guys in a few weeks (or more likely 30 min).
I'll agree to disagree. I'll save you the heartache and emotional distress. Or maybe not. Name a football team that runs the same play 30 times a game..and if you can do that, explain how thats not overly conservative and not unimaginative. The first half I get. You have to work on your bread and butter. However, theres times to work on your offense. Like when your up comfortably on a opponent your clearly better than.

Then add that to the fact our offense has been one of the worst in college football. Why do we have the only coach in modern day sports thats ok with that? AGAIN, I'm not saying break out the entire play book..but get these guys comfortable with the idea that the same running play isn't going to cut it in bigten play.

Hey, at least I didn't call you wrong because my opinion differs from yours.
I've been one of Kirk's biggest critics over the years. I have also given him a lot of credit too. I won't count 70-78 as I was born in 70 and didn't catch the football bug until Hayden's first year. So for all of the last 40 year's I have only known 2 coaches. Football is big money and we are Iowa! I've come to accept that! For what it is I'm thankful for what we've had, two great coaches and some damn fun times. Would I love to have a national title? Hell yes! But the older I get and fighting in the wars overseas my priorities have given me a different prespective. It's football, a game ,a way to enjoy four hours from reality. I can tell you I don't miss being in scandals like the big dogs and glad we aren't Nebraska and Michigan knowing what being on top was and now irrelevant and chasing it back for ever! Congrats to KF!

I'm not even anti Brian Ferentz. If he's given enough time, he can become a .600 football coach too. I think we could have done much better if KF had actually put the OC position out for applications.
I did some research over the summer and it boggled my mind on how some of the all time legends of college football--people like Bryant, Bowden, Hayes, Schembechler, Paterno, and Saban all have career winning % of between .750 and .800. I thought those would be much higher. The only two I saw above .800 were Barry Switzer and Tom Osborne. Bottom line, it's not as easy to sustain at a high level as it looks, even for the legends. Perhaps if we had a basketball tournament style postseason, instead of bowl games for all these years, some of the above mentioned would have higher winning percentages.
I did some research over the summer and it boggled my mind on how some of the all time legends of college football--people like Bryant, Bowden, Hayes, Schembechler, Paterno, and Saban all have career winning % of between .750 and .800. I thought those would be much higher. The only two I saw above .800 were Barry Switzer and Tom Osborne. Bottom line, it's not as easy to sustain at a high level as it looks, even for the legends. Perhaps if we had a basketball tournament style postseason, instead of bowl games for all these years, some of the above mentioned would have higher winning percentages.
purely coincidental I’m sure, is that those two coaches coached in the Big8.
And keep us in the top 25 with occasional runs in the top 10 every few years. That would be great.

Improbable? Maybe just an occasional peek in 20-25. Would that be okay to everyone?

I've said for years, and still maintain that Kirk's pros outweigh the cons. I get as frustrated as anyone with the clock management, overly conservative nature, dropping a game a years we shouldn't, and yes seeming nepotism. That said, overall, I like how KF rolls, macro picture. I do believe that perennial top 25-30, with an occasional peek at top 10-15 should be where Iowa lives.

We won't really understand how lucky we have been, overall, for the last 40 years...until it happens.

History will smile fondly on KF, maybe not quite to the level of Hayden, but still.
This thread (and several more like them) are starting to convince me that I just need to stay away from here altogether during the season. I follow Hawkeye football for entertainment, and I first start coming around here in 2009 when I had just finished my thesis and finally had a little more free time on my hand. I thought it would be a good way to get extra info and increase the entertainment value of following the Hawks. And many times it can be that. But there are also times when it is just plain miserable to browse past.

I was at the game. I came away encouraged. There was plenty of bad, but more of the correctable variety than the fatally flawed variety. The team showed some definite strengths that lead me to believe they have a pretty high ceiling.

I come by here to see what others thought, and the negativity is just oppressive. Some of it is well-grounded, but with a glass-half-empty feel. Much of it is just stupid from people who do not understand the nature of sports. Two specific examples come to mind:
  • I saw a claim that any other team with the Hawk's talent not held back by the ineptitude of KF would have scored 50+ on NIU, and I guess presumably won the game by 40+. NIU was RPI #52, top 35 in the country in scoring defense last year, 4-1 in their last 5 games vs. the B1G, and has the 15th best winning percentage in the nation under the current coach as a road dog. Iowa won easily, played backups through most of the 4th quarter, and covered by +16. Meanwhile, Wisconsin played the RPI #121 team and won by an almost identical score. MSU played the RPI #79 team and was down in the 4th quarter. PSU played the RPI #71 team and snuck past them in OT. Also in the top 25, Stanford and USC beat worse opponents than NIU by smaller margins than 26.
  • The claims that Iowa's play calling and offense design were unimaginative, overly conservative, and inept are just plain wrong. Iowa struggled mightily in the first half, but the plays were there to be made. Iowa did not execute. Lack of execution is absolutely on the coaches, it is their job to have the players ready. But claiming that the issue was with design just shows a complete lack of understanding of the game. The claim that Iowa's WR are not winning is totally true however, and that is worrisome.
Those are just 2 examples of things I have read that frustrate me to an unreasonable degree. So why do I keep coming back? I really don't know. I am confident that I will enjoy the season more if I stay away, but there is an addictive quality to online interaction. I think I will try to stay away from the forums for a few weeks and see how things go, but chances are I will sneak back when I am bored at work and looking for a diversion. So maybe I will see you guys in a few weeks (or more likely 30 min).

I hope you stick around I like your analytical perspective on things......don't always agree with it, but it is definitely a good thing to have you around.
rob, isn't there a rule on this board about trolling? :) i think it is wholly unfair to generalize all who have been critical of kirk and his coaching style and label them as "the anti-ferentz crowd." Unless you mean literally those who hate kirk, but you didn't start your post with that distinction or clarification. kirk ferentz is a good human being and that cannot be publicly refuted, but i would assume that there are good human beings among those who are critical of kirk, as well. being critical of kirk, with honest and forthright statements is still okay, i thought.

anyway, congratulations to kirk for avg 7.5789 wins per season for 19 seasons plus 1 game and becoming the all time winningest coach in iowa football history. i have now lived through and watch almost all of iowa's wins for both hayden fry kirk ferentz. to me there is a huge difference between the first 143 and the next 144. to each his own. i'll just add that hayden did things the right way, also, did he not?

I would just point out that, had it not been for two missed chip shot fg's, we would have been down at half on saturday 6-3. so, you could say saturday was microcosm of the last 19 seasons plus 1 game for a kirk ferentz coached team. you yell at the t.v. screen for large portions of the game because the team looks like crap and/or unimaginative, but then you win the game 7.5789 times each season.
I'm not even anti Brian Ferentz. If he's given enough time, he can become a .600 football coach too. I think we could have done much better if KF had actually put the OC position out for applications.
Kirk Ferentz is not a .600 football coach, technically. Hayden was though.
Hayden 7.1W 4.4L 6-7-1 bowls 0-2 NY6

Kirk 7.2W 4.8L 7-8 bowls 1-1 NY6

If Hayden is a legend (he is to me) then Kirk should be as well.

I’ve had a great run of coaches for my life.
Hayden coached during an era of 11 game seasons. Kirk coached during an era of 12 game seasons.
You call me a jerk and then want a response? Go scratch.
You weren't going to respond anyway. You've cheap shotted before and you gave opportunity to respond on the topic.

Your comment did come across as sarcastic to those who have criticisms of KF. There are differences between hating, anti, and having criticisms.
Went to the game. My feelings coming away from it was a typical Ferentz like win.....feeling like a typical Ferentz like year likely to happen (7-8 wins). I think he is a good coach, but not a great one. By all accounts a good man with a good family, but very stubborn. He is overpaid if we are going by results. However, I do think he deserve his own statue or name being put on some U of I building. I think the U of I Children's Hospital mentioned in this thread would be a great idea. He will go down as an all-time great out of Iowa coaches in sports at the U of I. His body of work will also be good enough probably to be a Hall of Fame coach someday.

But, again, I don't think he is a great coach. If he was a great coach, Iowa would be more like Wisconsin is now.....getting to far more Big Ten Title games and winning some of them.....winning more far more big time BCS like bowl games (Rose Bowls). Having a much higher winning percentage against inferior competition.

Ferentz is a good coach, but if you hang around a place long enough (and it helps if you are good and can keep your team competitive like he does and you have a boss like Barta that gives you lifetime contracts) you can become the all time winningest coach in your program's history. As noted above as well, he also holds the most losses in program history. So although he is now in the record books as having the most wins and it can feel good....it can certainly feel good, I would also liken it to feeling like more quantity over quality as well (not to say there is not quality wins in their because there certainly is). So, I don't think it is something we should party about no longer than using Ferentz's own 24 hour rule on wins and losses. The Iowa St game should be the next focus on the agenda.

Again, I see a team that can be a tough out, but also can be real rough around the edges. Offensively, this team is going to have its struggles again. When you are content with going up the middle, up the middle, up the middle, and not being a consistent deep threat down the field, you are not going to strike fear on the opposing side of the ball. That is going to cost Iowa in some games this year yet again.

Iowa's defense is going to have to bail out the offense again and that will likely hurt in games where the games are close going into the fourth quarter and Iowa's defense has been on the field for a long time.

I think the schedule is going to help them out some and all things considered, Iowa will make another bowl game provided they avoid major injuries to key players. I do think this team could knock off again somebody they should not, but will lose a game or two to somebody they have no business losing to.

Just another typical Ferentz team. Good, but not great. But, it has been more consistent than the basketball program and has had better post season success over the last 20 years or so.
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This thread (and several more like them) are starting to convince me that I just need to stay away from here altogether during the season. I follow Hawkeye football for entertainment, and I first start coming around here in 2009 when I had just finished my thesis and finally had a little more free time on my hand. I thought it would be a good way to get extra info and increase the entertainment value of following the Hawks. And many times it can be that. But there are also times when it is just plain miserable to browse past.

I was at the game. I came away encouraged. There was plenty of bad, but more of the correctable variety than the fatally flawed variety. The team showed some definite strengths that lead me to believe they have a pretty high ceiling.

I come by here to see what others thought, and the negativity is just oppressive. Some of it is well-grounded, but with a glass-half-empty feel. Much of it is just stupid from people who do not understand the nature of sports. Two specific examples come to mind:
  • I saw a claim that any other team with the Hawk's talent not held back by the ineptitude of KF would have scored 50+ on NIU, and I guess presumably won the game by 40+. NIU was RPI #52, top 35 in the country in scoring defense last year, 4-1 in their last 5 games vs. the B1G, and has the 15th best winning percentage in the nation under the current coach as a road dog. Iowa won easily, played backups through most of the 4th quarter, and covered by +16. Meanwhile, Wisconsin played the RPI #121 team and won by an almost identical score. MSU played the RPI #79 team and was down in the 4th quarter. PSU played the RPI #71 team and snuck past them in OT. Also in the top 25, Stanford and USC beat worse opponents than NIU by smaller margins than 26.
  • The claims that Iowa's play calling and offense design were unimaginative, overly conservative, and inept are just plain wrong. Iowa struggled mightily in the first half, but the plays were there to be made. Iowa did not execute. Lack of execution is absolutely on the coaches, it is their job to have the players ready. But claiming that the issue was with design just shows a complete lack of understanding of the game. The claim that Iowa's WR are not winning is totally true however, and that is worrisome.
Those are just 2 examples of things I have read that frustrate me to an unreasonable degree. So why do I keep coming back? I really don't know. I am confident that I will enjoy the season more if I stay away, but there is an addictive quality to online interaction. I think I will try to stay away from the forums for a few weeks and see how things go, but chances are I will sneak back when I am bored at work and looking for a diversion. So maybe I will see you guys in a few weeks (or more likely 30 min).

Clap, clap, clap....very nice sum up of the negative element on this board. We could go 12-2 this year and they would sum the last eight years and say we average 8 wins or whatever. They simply can't enjoy the ride...in any capacity. There was so much to like yesterday in the way our DL played the second half...the way our OL took control in the second half. They dominated NIU and we just kept running the ball...they knew it was coming...they were worn out and couldn't stop it. That wasn't a push over opponent. Oh, and we were down two starters...the two offensive tackles, mind you. Positive, Positive, and more positive.

My frustration stems from a lack of understanding that, in the B10, the competition is off the charts...especially now. Purdue and Indiana have talent...Maryland has talent...then you throw in Penn State, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State & Wisconsin and you realize...this is a tough freaking conference and every week has peril. Iowa was 8-5 last year...but they were in every game...save one...at Wisconsin and if a few breaks go our way...that's a 10 win season. You have to appreciate how Iowa plays and competes...if you don't...you don't get it and I can't help you get it.
Went to the game. My feelings coming away from it was a typical Ferentz like win.....feeling like a typical Ferentz like year likely to happen (7-8 wins). I think he is a good coach, but not a great one. By all accounts a good man with a good family, but very stubborn. He is overpaid if we are going by results. However, I do think he deserve his own statue or name being put on some U of I building. I think the U of I Children's Hospital mentioned in this thread would be a great idea. He will go down as an all-time great out of Iowa coaches in sports at the U of I. His body of work will also be good enough probably to be a Hall of Fame coach someday.

But, again, I don't think he is a great coach. If he was a great coach, Iowa would be more like Wisconsin is now.....getting to far more Big Ten Title games and winning some of them.....winning more far more big time BCS like bowl games (Rose Bowls). Having a much higher winning percentage against inferior competition.

Ferentz is a good coach, but if you hang around a place long enough (and it helps if you are good and can keep your team competitive like he does and you have a boss like Barta that gives you lifetime contracts) you can become the all time winningest coach in your program's history. As noted above as well, he also holds the most losses in program history. So although he is now in the record books as having the most wins and it can feel good....it can certainly feel good, I would also liken it to feeling like more quantity over quality as well (not to say there is not quality wins in their because there certainly is). So, I don't think it is something we should party about no longer than using Ferentz's own 24 hour rule on wins and losses. The Iowa St game should be the next focus on the agenda.

Again, I see a team that can be a tough out, but also can be real rough around the edges. Offensively, this team is going to have its struggles again. When you are content with going up the middle, up the middle, up the middle, and not being a consistent deep threat down the field, you are not going to strike fear on the opposing side of the ball. That is going to cost Iowa in some games this year yet again.

Iowa's defense is going to have to bail out the offense again and that will likely hurt in games where the games are close going into the fourth quarter and Iowa's defense has been on the field for a long time.

I think the schedule is going to help them out some and all things considered, Iowa will make another bowl game provided they avoid major injuries to key players. I do think this team could knock off again somebody they should not, but will lose a game or two to somebody they have no business losing to.

Just another typical Ferentz team. Good, but not great. But, it has been more consistent than the basketball program and has had better post season success over the last 20 years or so.

Pushed like button twice.
Ferentz has remained comfortable in his own shoes while working in the shadow of a legend. For that he deserves some credit because it's not always easy. Especially when egos become involved. Look at Bret Biliema at Wisconsin. He had a solid gig. He was putting up video game scores when Chryst was his OC. But he didn't feel like he ever got completely out from under the shadow of a legend. The first Alvarez found out about the Arkansas offer was after Bert had already accepted it. Oops! There was a clash of egos that Bert wasn't going to win.
Brett was also unhappy with how his assistant coaches were paid
I'll agree to disagree. I'll save you the heartache and emotional distress. Or maybe not. Name a football team that runs the same play 30 times a game..and if you can do that, explain how thats not overly conservative and not unimaginative. The first half I get. You have to work on your bread and butter. However, theres times to work on your offense. Like when your up comfortably on a opponent your clearly better than.

Then add that to the fact our offense has been one of the worst in college football. Why do we have the only coach in modern day sports thats ok with that? AGAIN, I'm not saying break out the entire play book..but get these guys comfortable with the idea that the same running play isn't going to cut it in bigten play.

Hey, at least I didn't call you wrong because my opinion differs from yours.
I did some research over the summer and it boggled my mind on how some of the all time legends of college football--people like Bryant, Bowden, Hayes, Schembechler, Paterno, and Saban all have career winning % of between .750 and .800. I thought those would be much higher. The only two I saw above .800 were Barry Switzer and Tom Osborne. Bottom line, it's not as easy to sustain at a high level as it looks, even for the legends. Perhaps if we had a basketball tournament style postseason, instead of bowl games for all these years, some of the above mentioned would have higher winning percentages.
.75 to .80 win % is high.

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