Well, well WHAR the whiners?

Too low when we lose, too high when we win.

I'm guilty, but some are clinical.

Criticism is just part of the deal when things arent good. And many of criticisms were warranted. Heck, even I, a known "apologist" and long time KF fan , was ready for changes if some things didn't improve. Can't argue with a few of the criticisms.

That said, Some criticisms were just speculation based, unfounded, and repeated a bit much. There's really only a few posters, many of which are gone now, who I couldn't take. The rest simply want a competitive and successful Hawkeye team, and are very vocal.

Almost everyone here is a pretty die hard Hawks fan and I'm pretty pumped about this start. Didn't see it coming.

Keep it rolling and we'll all be happy (well, almost all of us).

Such are the lives of us message board posters...
Maybe the not renewing season tickets, but I doubt that whining on an internet forum is what motivates any coach including Kirk.

Since they mean nothing (and I agree they do) why do message boards bother the predators and intimidators and cruelknights so much when they can't bully others into silence?

I'll tell you why, because they think blind allegiance is what makes things great. But that's not what makes America great, it just makes it blind.

Hawg . . . I'm your huckleberry . . .

I think everybody wanted a positive change for the program and whether people complained or totally believed in Kirk it doesn't matter, the team is better. People calling others out reeks of insecurity and wanting validation for an internet post. Smh.
To be clear, I don't think Internet forum posters had direct effect on "new ferentz" but the writers and media were extremely critical of ferentz and Barta , and the season ticket sales dropped to the point where ferentz had to call a meeting because "he had the feeling we needed to talk". That seemed to be the turning point of ferentz where he decided it was time to really mix things up

So the disgruntled fans definitely had an impact. However large of an impact us up for debate.
You do realize that the whole point of cutting off financial support was to make a point things needed to change?

and what happened.

Does this start somehow erase the last 5 years of poor performance to you?

yeasterday was the first win of any significance in five years. Five years!

Were all happy things are looking good but you sound like a fool for acting like this is some kind of "told you so" moments.

Its an about freaking time moment.

You should be thanking the people who stopped buying season tickets. They were right.

Yep. Mr. Whar Whar is too ignorant to get it.
Too low when we lose, too high when we win.

I'm guilty, but some are clinical.

Criticism is just part of the deal when things arent good. And many of criticisms were warranted. Heck, even I, a known "apologist" and long time KF fan , was ready for changes if some things didn't improve. Can't argue with a few of the criticisms.

That said, Some criticisms were just speculation based, unfounded, and repeated a bit much. There's really only a few posters, many of which are gone now, who I couldn't take. The rest simply want a competitive and successful Hawkeye team, and are very vocal.

Almost everyone here is a pretty die hard Hawks fan and I'm pretty pumped about this start. Didn't see it coming.

Keep it rolling and we'll all be happy (well, almost all of us).

Such are the lives of us message board posters...

^^^^ THIS^^^^
Whar? Whar?

Whar are the geniuses who quit on the Hawkeyes
& didn't renew ticket orders and b((((ed and moaned all
summer long?

Now that the HAWKEYES are 5-0, ranked in the Top 25, rolling thru the
2015 BigTen season
, did those folks run over to
LAmes, or maybe to the school of Nowledge, further west?

LOL #goHawks

Rolling through the B1G season that is exactly one game old?

It was a huge road win for Iowa, no doubt about that but still a lot of games left and each of those teams left on the schedule have equal or higher quality skill position talent than Iowa does. The defense is going to have to put out a lot of fires. And if they don't bring their A game, CJ is going to have to be flawless for Iowa to win.
Since they mean nothing (and I agree they do) why do message boards bother the predators and intimidators and cruelknights so much when they can't bully others into silence?

I'll tell you why, because they think blind allegiance is what makes things great. But that's not what makes America great, it just makes it blind.

Hawg . . . I'm your huckleberry . . .


Thank god the fans whinned so much. I think it had a lot to do with Kirk making the switch at QB. People should be thanking all those crappy fans cause withouth them we would be sitting at 2-3 or 3-2 right now.

Well stated Sir. I don't know how you so often eloquently put things into perspective in such short statements, but sporting over 2,200 thumbs up is a testament to what you bring to the boards. You state it like it is and I like that.
I don't think its so much an issue about those complaints of the past. I think its more of a shot at those that wrote this team off before the season even started. Every year is a new season and each team should get the opportunity of a fresh start. To brand a team and say there incapable of winning or guaranteeing they won't make a bowl game isn't fair to anyone putting in the hard work. Unless that program is ISU.
People like the OP are just as bad as the "Fire Ferentz" crowd that comes out after every loss.
whar steel hear OP. So eeeowa is now winning "in spite" of thayre hed Koch. Aftr throhing the 2014 doun da garbaghe, he finalli put the write QB in. We sometimez hav the skil 2 du this, other yeerz we don't. I cee KF haphazardly going 4 it on forth don with still 0 understanding of how to manage "in gaam". Sure, he's going fur it on forth down but it'z at the completely wrong time (statizkits can lye). Seen it befor, and still seeing it, except now we can win in spiet of him. you happi with that ansur?
Well stated Sir. I don't know how you so often eloquently put things into perspective in such short statements, but sporting over 2,200 thumbs up is a testament to what you bring to the boards. You state it like it is and I like that.

This post has a real good shot at post of the year.
You do realize that the whole point of cutting off financial support was to make a point things needed to change?

and what happened.

Does this start somehow erase the last 5 years of poor performance to you?

yeasterday was the first win of any significance in five years. Five years!

Were all happy things are looking good but you sound like a fool for acting like this is some kind of "told you so" moments.

Its an about freaking time moment.

You should be thanking the people who stopped buying season tickets. They were right.

Save your energy, rrf, the super fans don't get that. It is interesting that the "whiners" are the fans that believed we could have seasons like this (so far) and weren't afraid to demand that expectation. The super fans were happy with .500 but they are the true fans because they accept .500 from a sports program.
Rolling through the B1G season that is exactly one game old?

It was a huge road win for Iowa, no doubt about that but still a lot of games left and each of those teams left on the schedule have equal or higher quality skill position talent than Iowa does. The defense is going to have to put out a lot of fires. And if they don't bring their A game, CJ is going to have to be flawless for Iowa to win.

Not sure I agree with your comment about all of our remaining opponents having equal or better skill position talent. For example Minnesota so far has scored 17, 23, 10, 27, and 0. They have a decent D but their offense is very likely inferior to Iowa's.
This season is going exactly as I anticipated; with this caveat:

When Kurt pulled his January Surprise, I said that this is either cynical window dressing and he's gonna just leave a turd and be done with Iowa.


Far more likely, Ferentz, a proud man, decided that change was less painful than failure, and he was going to kick a$$ or die trying.

My only real concern was whether the team was going to buy in.

Fortunately, Le Hox have a QB and DE who bought in and pulled everyone else in with them.

I kinda laughed at the people who ditched their tix prior to this season. Last season was the time to make that statement. This season was going to be entertaining one way or another after the January Surprise.

Kurt was stuck. Now he's not. He deserves great credit, and calling out the people who recognized the reality of things being stale is frontrunning bullsh!t.
The offense still needs to be more creative in big games. There was a screen play that got blown up before it developed that would have been a big gain had CJ had another second to get JC the ball. I'm tired of announcers talking about how everyone knows what we're going to do but we do it anyway. Like that's somehow a good thing.

All those new wrinkles we saw the first 4 games were fun to watch but where were they when we were in a dog fight? Kirk going for it on 4th from our own 20 or so was probably the coolest thing I've seen out of him though. That took balls that I wasn't sure he had.
The whiners are still here, they are putting up reality check threads and trying to make everyone feel like **** because we are 5-0 but haven't played perfect football. Others will say we haven't played anybody yet.

Like I just mentioned in another thread, this isn't a finished product but to me that makes me excited about the team.

Go Hawks!
The whiners are still here, they are putting up reality check threads and trying to make everyone feel like **** because we are 5-0 but haven't played perfect football. Others will say we haven't played anybody yet.

Like I just mentioned in another thread, this isn't a finished product but to me that makes me excited about the team.

Go Hawks!

You feel like **** because anonymous fanatics won't provide you with an echo-chamber? Maybe you need to re-evaluate your life priorities.

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