We have to think bigger than ISU, UNI, and Drake

Dead serious and not on anything. We gain nothing by playing you. Sorry to that, but I think Fran is on the money. It is time we move on from playing state schools.
Actually, after owning you for so many years during the Hayden Era, I frankly said what was the point anymore. Let's play somebody better. And that thought has never changed.

ISU only really gets noticed when they play Iowa, when they played Nebraska, and Texas and Oklahoma. Outside of those games (in most years), nobody cares other than ISU fans.
Iowa playing ISU in basketball is a good thing for both schools. there is absolutely no logical argument against that.

there are some better arguments for why dropping drake would maybe have an upside, possibly UNI too. but anyone making these arguments from the two major schools in the state (Iowa, ISU) just looks really butt hurt right now about losing to a team you feel "above". Absolutely no one would be saying that these games need to be dropped if you were winning them. bottom line.
Actually, after owning you for so many years during the Hayden Era, I frankly said what was the point anymore. Let's play somebody better. And that thought has never changed.

ISU only really gets noticed when they play Iowa, when they played Nebraska, and Texas and Oklahoma. Outside of those games, nobody cares other than ISU fans.

Do you live under a rock or something?
What about the OSU game? The WHOLE NATION was watching that game.
Really? no one cares about ISU? tell that to any Alabama fans right now.
Well, if your read above, I said in most years nobody watches other than the Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas game.

Congratulations, you upset a non-traditional power in football this year. Your biggest win ever in your football program's existence over a ranked team. We have done that several times.

I said we should drop the series when we were winning consistently. A lot of Iowa fans do because they know there is no upside to playing the other state schools. Unless it was playing for a National Title........
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Well, if your read above, I said in most years nobody watches other than the Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas game.

Congratulations, you upset a non-traditional power in football this year. Your biggest win ever in your football program's existence over a ranked team. We have done that several times.

Really? You knocked a team out of BCS NT contention, when in all reality they should be playing in New Orleans, but some old Hag who spends his saturdays in Kinnick puts them at #6 after a "bad loss" to a Iowa State team...

Tell me, what is a worse loss ON PAPER NO PERSONAL BIAS!
Houston losing to Southern Miss, or OSU losing to Iowa State... this answer will be great.
Nice post ICHawk, but to simplify it, no just drop the state schools. Just to take the high road and find better schools to play. We are from the Big Ten Conference. We would be an attractive opponent for other National Programs to play.

Look at it this way. Does Ohio St in football try to make it absolutely necessary to play Ohio or all of the other state schools year in and year out?

Why does Iowa have to be stuck to tradition of playing them? Heck Ohio St in basketball does not even play Ohio this year.

We don't need them and we could do fine without them.

Wow. Just....wow.

You are completely ignorant to how good Iowa is at football and basketball. Please stop while you are way, way, way wayyyyyy behind.
To clarify above, what I mean by several times, is we have knocked off top 10 and top 5 programs before.

ISU beating OSU was a bigger upset this year. No question about it.

I'm not ignorant about anything. I would say enlightened.
Hypothetical: If Iowa was good enough in THREE YEARS to compete with Duke on primetime espn, would you rather play Drake?
In terms of this topic, very enlightened. Yes, I probably don't know much about the tribal customs of some cultures. Sure, I could be ignorant about some things.

Cydkar why don't you tell us again why Iowa is so important to your future. Tell us about how the "rivalry is good for the state."

For that matter, I don't care what is good for the state in this case (more like what is good for ISU, UNI, and Drake). I only care what is good for the University of Iowa.
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And would be a ***** for doing so. I can see dropping away games to UNI and Drake but any more than that is ***** draped in sad excuses.

Neither Iowa nor Iowa State should drop even the away games...they're not dealing with "Tiny Mountain State"...they're in-state rivals who deserve a home and home...that would be like Iowa saying "Well, now that ISU can hold their own against us, we better treat them like UNI and only play them in Kinnick!"...not cool...not sure why I have taken a "Zero Tolerance" stance on this, but dammit...I have!

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