We are Hostages

Oh, well, that settles it. Koralakers doesn't see a desire to win on his face, so he's obviously given up. I am sure he doesn't mind watching his three sons walk off the field beaten and dejected every week because he's rich. I am sure he doesn't care about his legacy or pride, because he has more money coming.

I mean after all, look at his face....


What's a Moran, Ghost? Ever attend college or the U of I? Dude, I wish I could turn it off and not care, but I can't. Guess that's what a fan is. Guess that's why we visit sites like these. Maybe this is part of my counseling. But who really needs the counseling? At least I don't have 10 billion posts like Ghost. I guess you don't work, and have plenty of time on your hands to call people names brah. Congrats!
What's a Moran, Ghost? Ever attend college or the U of I? Dude, I wish I could turn it off and not care, but I can't. Guess that's what a fan is. Guess that's why we visit sites like these. Maybe this is part of my counseling. But who really needs the counseling? At least I don't have 10 billion posts like Ghost. I guess you don't work, and have plenty of time on your hands to call people names brah. Congrats!

Haha, this post is classic. Idiotic doofus is idiotic.

There is a difference in caring and having your priorities screwed up. You need help.
What's a Moran, Ghost? Ever attend college or the U of I? Dude, I wish I could turn it off and not care, but I can't. Guess that's what a fan is. Guess that's why we visit sites like these. Maybe this is part of my counseling. But who really needs the counseling? At least I don't have 10 billion posts like Ghost. I guess you don't work, and have plenty of time on your hands to call people names brah. Congrats!

I used to be the same way, back when I was emotionally immature. If your significant other acted this way about something, I'm assuming you'd think it was ridiculous.
Ferentz only makes about $.12 per second. I have no idea why so many are worked up about his salary..

Me thinks you might have misunderstood where I was going with my post. Clearly the OP was teetering on the edge. I was giving him a nudge.
I tend to remember in August, a certain coach talking about how he'd never had a team this young . I think the fact may be that he has known we were bad from day one and thinks we can improve down the road. Not defending him in any way, but 2/3's of the posters here were ready to write off the season before it started, and now we're all shocked that we suck. I'm confused.

I get that Kirk isn't exactly helping things by continuing to look the other way when change is eminent, but we act as though this was going to be our year and that he took it from us.

Young, smung..

Indiana was younger than us, playing a back up qb..The game was on the road, but not really. Playing in front of 3500 hardly qualifies as a road enviroment.
Penn State had an entire new coaching staff. Their kids magically seemed to pick up the new offense and defense rapidly.
Central Michigan has a really bad team. Probably the MOST INEXCUSABLE loss I can recall. (Western Michigan is close)

I was not ready to write off this season. I saw it as a golden opportunity.
5th year starting qb.
Solid o-line.
All world tight end
Experienced wide outs.
Experienced secondary
and most importantly, the weakest schedule Iowa has played in the modern era of Iowa football.

I expected at least 8 wins and hoped for more..
Young, smung..

Indiana was younger than us, playing a back up qb..The game was on the road, but not really. Playing in front of 3500 hardly qualifies as a road enviroment.
Penn State had an entire new coaching staff. Their kids magically seemed to pick up the new offense and defense rapidly.
Central Michigan has a really bad team. Probably the MOST INEXCUSABLE loss I can recall. (Western Michigan is close)

I was not ready to write off this season. I saw it as a golden opportunity.
5th year starting qb. -doesnt mean he is going to be good
Solid o-line.- That has lost its best tackle and has had 3 or 4 guys play extensively at the guard positions.
All world tight end- haha...according to who?
Experienced wide outs.- doesnt mean they are good
Experienced secondary- Lowery has been banged up and this unit has had the most pressure of any as the d line has struggled to get pressure
and most importantly, the weakest schedule Iowa has played in the modern era of Iowa football.- link please?

I expected at least 8 wins and hoped for more- a lot of people expected 8 wins this year. That doesnt mean its a realistic expectation. Look at the team and the lack of talent they have at important positions and if you can still honestly say that you should have expected this team to win 8 games this year then you are nuts.
What's a Moran, Ghost? Ever attend college or the U of I? Dude, I wish I could turn it off and not care, but I can't. Guess that's what a fan is. Guess that's why we visit sites like these. Maybe this is part of my counseling. But who really needs the counseling? At least I don't have 10 billion posts like Ghost. I guess you don't work, and have plenty of time on your hands to call people names brah. Congrats!

I knew the old injury excuse would come up eventually.

Name me a team that hasn't had some injury problems.

Northern Ill. Pretty good team this year but a reasonable Iowa fan should expect a win over a MAC team, every time
ISU: For ISU standards, they have a decent team. Again, a reasonable Iowa fan should be able to assume a win at Kinnick.
UNI:Iowa fans should always expect to win games in Kinnick against a "sub-division" school.
Central Michigan: Bottom feeder from the MAC. Game at Kinnick. Should be an automatic win.
Minnesota: Bottom feeder from Big 10 playing a back up qb: Should be a win.
At MSU: Reasonable hawk fans would assume a loss here, but thankfully, Dantonio coaches a lot like Ferentz so every game MSU plays is a crap-shoot.
Penn St.: Game at Kinnick. Maybe I am in the minority here, but I figured Iowa for a win in this game. PSU had numerous player defections and an entire new coaching staff. Reasonable Iowa fans expected a win in that game. Home game, at night, National T.V
At Northwestern: I guess we are to the point in Iowa football that we expect to lose this game.
At Indiana: Indiana football sucks. Ask Ball State and Navy. The Iowa program should be a the point where Iowa fans EXPECT to win this game, every year.
Purdue: Iowa fans should expect to win this game at Kinnick.

10 games, right there..
I think a reasonable Iowa fan could easily have expected 8 wins at this stage of the season. Couple that schedule with the fact that we have one of the top (6) college coaches in the country at the helm, an 8 win season should have been a given..
Ferentz only makes about $.12 per second. I have no idea why so many are worked up about his salary..

Thanks for putting it into a better perspective. I always looked at it as every morning he wakes up there's another $10,000.00 in his checking account. Game day $10,000.00. Sunday $10,000.00. Holidays $10,000.00. Vacation days $10,000.00. I feel better now.
Yes, have for many years. Doubt that I will pay the 1200.00 donation anymore. I want to but I can't continue to give this and other donations and think things will change. For the record, I believe KF has had real issues in the program since 2005 but I believed he could fix it. I was wrong.

I'm struggling with putting up the $$ these days, too. I'm going to see how next year goes and then re-evaluate. Cheers.
I knew the old injury excuse would come up eventually.

Name me a team that hasn't had some injury problems.

Northern Ill. Pretty good team this year but a reasonable Iowa fan should expect a win over a MAC team, every time
ISU: For ISU standards, they have a decent team. Again, a reasonable Iowa fan should be able to assume a win at Kinnick.
UNI:Iowa fans should always expect to win games in Kinnick against a "sub-division" school.
Central Michigan: Bottom feeder from the MAC. Game at Kinnick. Should be an automatic win.
Minnesota: Bottom feeder from Big 10 playing a back up qb: Should be a win.
At MSU: Reasonable hawk fans would assume a loss here, but thankfully, Dantonio coaches a lot like Ferentz so every game MSU plays is a crap-shoot.
Penn St.: Game at Kinnick. Maybe I am in the minority here, but I figured Iowa for a win in this game. PSU had numerous player defections and an entire new coaching staff. Reasonable Iowa fans expected a win in that game. Home game, at night, National T.V
At Northwestern: I guess we are to the point in Iowa football that we expect to lose this game.
At Indiana: Indiana football sucks. Ask Ball State and Navy. The Iowa program should be a the point where Iowa fans EXPECT to win this game, every year.
Purdue: Iowa fans should expect to win this game at Kinnick.

10 games, right there..
I think a reasonable Iowa fan could easily have expected 8 wins at this stage of the season. Couple that schedule with the fact that we have one of the top (6) college coaches in the country at the helm, an 8 win season should have been a given..

Going into the year your statements may have been true. But after watching this team for 3/4 of a season you cannot possibly look back and honestly expect them to win all the games you listed. Indiana and CMU are the only 2 teams that had less talent than the Hawks and have beaten them.

ISU, PSU and Northwestern are all more talented teams this year. Its not 20 years ago where ISU and NW are guaranteed W's every year.

Edit- Also, why you no explain your "all-world" TE comment? Who is the TE you are speaking of and who made that proclamation?
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Going into the year your statements may have been true. But after watching this team for 3/4 of a season you cannot possibly look back and honestly expect them to win all the games you listed. Indiana and CMU are the only 2 teams that had less talent than the Hawks and have beaten them.

ISU, PSU and Northwestern are all more talented teams this year. Its not 20 years ago where ISU and NW are guaranteed W's every year.

Edit- Also, why you no explain your "all-world" TE comment? Who is the TE you are speaking of and who made that proclamation?

Iowa has been kicking Penn State's *** for years. 20% of their team left including a good share of their top talent. They have a totally new coaching staff. The fact that you think they still have more talent than Iowa after all that, speaks volumes about the poor job Ferentz is doing.

Northwestern and ISU having more talent than Iowa? Maybe they do, but again, a huge Ferentz failure if that is true.

CJ, of course..Orobably the top tight end in the country, coming out of high school.

Although, to live up to that, we would need a coaching staff that can figure out how to use him, or even try.

CJ will be a very good NFL player (barring injury)
I knew the old injury excuse would come up eventually.

Yeah this is definitely the go to excuse for many around here as it seems every year Iowa has injury issues which highlights the real issue which is lack of depth which is directly Kirk's fault because he is the one who signs off on who gets scholarships.

My other favorite built in excuse is inexperience (like no other team deals with this except Iowa)

Just wait until 2014, the year many think Iowa will be "back" with this current young team being seasoned by then. Only problem will be Iowa will be breaking in 3 brand new LBs who in Kirk's scheme won't play a down this year or next because 2nd team guys don't get a lot of game reps unless the 1st team guy gets hurt.

Once again, a built in excuse that is directly the coach's fault. Glen Mason always used this excuse with his Gopher teams. One local columnist dubbed them, "The Forever Young Gophers".

Maybe Hlas or Morehouse will coin the phrase, "The Forever Young Hawkeyes".
Iowa has been kicking Penn State's *** for years. 20% of their team left including a good share of their top talent. They have a totally new coaching staff. The fact that you think they still have more talent than Iowa after all that, speaks volumes about the poor job Ferentz is doing.

Northwestern and ISU having more talent than Iowa? Maybe they do, but again, a huge Ferentz failure if that is true.

CJ, of course..Orobably the top tight end in the country, coming out of high school.

Although, to live up to that, we would need a coaching staff that can figure out how to use him, or even try.

CJ will be a very good NFL player (barring injury)

PSU has always had talent and this year is no different. The job they are doing this year just further magnifies how bad the coaching was under Paterno.

Who gives a crap if CJ was highly rated out of HS? He played mostly WR in high school at a fairly small Illinois HS. And if there is one position this staff can develop and know how to use, it is the TE position. CJ will not be a "very good NFL player", not unless he improves a lot between this year and next.

We lost about half of our 2008 and 2009 recruiting classes for a variety of reasons, a lot of them that KF cant control. Those classes were poorly ranked to begin with, which you can throw the blame at Ferentz there. Iowa is going to sturggle if they are missing half of the upperclassmen that are supposed to be here.
PSU has always had talent and this year is no different. The job they are doing this year just further magnifies how bad the coaching was under Paterno.

Who gives a crap if CJ was highly rated out of HS? He played mostly WR in high school at a fairly small Illinois HS. And if there is one position this staff can develop and know how to use, it is the TE position. CJ will not be a "very good NFL player", not unless he improves a lot between this year and next.

We lost about half of our 2008 and 2009 recruiting classes for a variety of reasons, a lot of them that KF cant control. Those classes were poorly ranked to begin with, which you can throw the blame at Ferentz there. Iowa is going to sturggle if they are missing half of the upperclassmen that are supposed to be here.

This cluster**** of an offense can barely find a way to get the ball from the center to the quarterback in under 35 seconds. The fact that they can't get the ball to CJ is not surprising. I feel bad for the kid.
Keep the excuses coming...
This cluster**** of an offense can barely find a way to get the ball from the center to the quarterback in under 35 seconds. The fact that they can't get the ball to CJ is not surprising. I feel bad for the kid.
Keep the excuses coming...

Is that all you got?

CJF couldnt even beat out Zach Derby and Herman for the starting TE job last year. He didnt play a whole lot until the end of the year.

But but but, he was highly rated coming out of HS. Blah blah blah.

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