We are Hostages

I tend to remember in August, a certain coach talking about how he'd never had a team this young . I think the fact may be that he has known we were bad from day one and thinks we can improve down the road. Not defending him in any way, but 2/3's of the posters here were ready to write off the season before it started, and now we're all shocked that we suck. I'm confused.

I get that Kirk isn't exactly helping things by continuing to look the other way when change is eminent, but we act as though this was going to be our year and that he took it from us.
Iowa has had seven bad years in the last eight. I know Jon makes money off the U of I and gets passes to games and other perks for free so maybe that's why he defends KF so much. Do you have tickets and donate to the scholarship funds? I just find it funny that the biggest supporters of KF don't seem to have any skin in the game. Not trying to call you out, I'm just wondering what your devotion is?

I don't make a cent "off the U of I"

Things are always better around here and 'for business' when the teams win. So your premise is flawed.

I just think a few folks have lost any sort of perspective and are acting all sorts of crazy. Posts like Kirk holding fans hostage is at or near the top of the crazy list, btw
After reading another of KF's yet again, tired, pointless pressers, I am coming to terms with the fact that this man is holding us hostage and I cannot say I am pleased. Now, I realize not actually hostage (i.e.--guests of Al Queda or pirates), but hostage in the sense that KF won't relinquish the FB program from bondage until he is paid his money. He knows the University simply cannot afford a 20M buyout and thus, he is simply biding his time, chewing gum, toying with the media and fans, getting paid a couple hundred K a month and all the while driving this program into the ground. Iowa has not done squat in 3 years. 2010 was a complete joke given the talent. This year Iowa's schedule is soft as a kitty and we have lost to ISU, some direction Mich school, NW and Indiana. There is no excuse whatsoever for that other than **** poor coaching, game preparation and recruiting

Some media outlet should write a story about what is going on in IC. Under no circumstances at any other school would these type of results be tolerated given the resources poured into the Iowa program. Yet, because of this insane contract, there is no viable recourse and the only option is to simply take it until 2020. Its almost unbelievable.

Please, no "I lived through the 1950s" responses please. Apples and oranges.

Agree. You have a quarterback with FOUR TD passes in 9 games! You were BLOWN OUT at home against Penn State. I think had he at least put another QB in that game for even a couple series, the fans wouldn't be quite so restless.

If he was correct and JVB was superior, then we'd be a lot more accepting. I truly believe he thinks JVB is their best QB but I also believe he doesn't want to take a chance on being wrong. The safe thing for him at this point is to ride JVB the rest of the way, barring injury.

If it's the best team you got, then it's the best you got. The fans just don't believe it, at least for one position, and we WILL NEVER KNOW and that's the way KF wants to keep it. If JVB goes down with injury and the backup comes in and produces, this place will go crazy. I think KF really, really fears that happening at this point.

Would we really be that much more accepting? How many on here have been calling for his head (probably rightfully so) stating that if the back ups aren't at the current playing level of JVB then its all on him. Either way, at this point, I don't think he's got a way out of this in which fans are accepting of the way the QB situation has been handled so far this year.
I don't make a cent "off the U of I"

Things are always better around here and 'for business' when the teams win. So your premise is flawed.

I just think a few folks have lost any sort of perspective and are acting all sorts of crazy. Posts like Kirk holding fans hostage is at or near the top of the crazy list, btw

Admit it Jon, your the puppetmaster behind the scene whispering in KF's ear, and you've finally been exposed.
I don't make a cent "off the U of I"

Things are always better around here and 'for business' when the teams win. So your premise is flawed.

I just think a few folks have lost any sort of perspective and are acting all sorts of crazy. Posts like Kirk holding fans hostage is at or near the top of the crazy list, btw

Thanks Jon. I know I am not a huge contributer around here, but I am glad that I am making an impact, even if some disagree with my personal view of the current situation.
In the midst of the losing streak, there's still so much love in Hawkeye Nation...I can feel it.
Iowa has had seven bad years in the last eight. I know Jon makes money off the U of I and gets passes to games and other perks for free so maybe that's why he defends KF so much. Do you have tickets and donate to the scholarship funds? I just find it funny that the biggest supporters of KF don't seem to have any skin in the game. Not trying to call you out, I'm just wondering what your devotion is?

I donate and have season tickets as well. I also drive to IC from another state.

Do you donate and have season tickets, since you asked?
Your assumptions aren't logical. Ferentz wants to win. Why would he bring his son back to Iowa City if his modus operandi now is to hold everybody "hostage" and collect his money? Parents don't work that way - he is convinced that Iowa can win big again, and he brought his son back to help him accomplish that goal and help his son become a great coach.

Can he win again? I think it will depend on the quality of his coaching staff, which is really his primary job as head coach. He had a very good staff for a long time (Norm Parker and KOK were a lot better than a lot of people think). Now he has to replace those two guys. Were the two replacements the right selections? Does he have the right people doing the recruiting?

I simply don't know, but assuming that his sole motivation is to "collect his money" simply defies logic. He isn't built that way.

Reading comprehension is hard, isn't it?

I was referring to the OP who is an obvious wacko that lacks all sense of perspective. FWIW I agree with your take on things otherwise.
I just think a few folks have lost any sort of perspective and are acting all sorts of crazy. Posts like Kirk holding fans hostage is at or near the top of the crazy list, btw

I agree there are folks that have lost perspective.

Jon I'm the same age as you and I like you have watched Iowa through good times and bad, during those bad times we would see glimpses that better times were coming. This feels very different and I'm very concerned and I don't have that confidence I've had in the past.
After reading another of KF's yet again, tired, pointless pressers, I am coming to terms with the fact that this man is holding us hostage and I cannot say I am pleased. Now, I realize not actually hostage (i.e.--guests of Al Queda or pirates), but hostage in the sense that KF won't relinquish the FB program from bondage until he is paid his money. He knows the University simply cannot afford a 20M buyout and thus, he is simply biding his time, chewing gum, toying with the media and fans, getting paid a couple hundred K a month and all the while driving this program into the ground. Iowa has not done squat in 3 years. 2010 was a complete joke given the talent. This year Iowa's schedule is soft as a kitty and we have lost to ISU, some direction Mich school, NW and Indiana. There is no excuse whatsoever for that other than **** poor coaching, game preparation and recruiting

Some media outlet should write a story about what is going on in IC. Under no circumstances at any other school would these type of results be tolerated given the resources poured into the Iowa program. Yet, because of this insane contract, there is no viable recourse and the only option is to simply take it until 2020. Its almost unbelievable.

Please, no "I lived through the 1950s" responses please. Apples and oranges.

Congratulations! You have the dumbest post of the day!
Iowa has had seven bad years in the last eight. I know Jon makes money off the U of I and gets passes to games and other perks for free so maybe that's why he defends KF so much. Do you have tickets and donate to the scholarship funds? I just find it funny that the biggest supporters of KF don't seem to have any skin in the game. Not trying to call you out, I'm just wondering what your devotion is?

Congratulations! You have the second dumbest post of the day!
I was referring to the OP who is an obvious wacko that lacks all sense of perspective. FWIW I agree with your take on things otherwise.

WRONG idiot! I just wished Ferentz showed as much PASSION as NeilDiamond, and then we would have 9 win seasons, at worst, every year.
After reading another of KF's yet again, tired, pointless pressers, I am coming to terms with the fact that this man is holding us hostage and I cannot say I am pleased. Now, I realize not actually hostage (i.e.--guests of Al Queda or pirates), but hostage in the sense that KF won't relinquish the FB program from bondage until he is paid his money. He knows the University simply cannot afford a 20M buyout and thus, he is simply biding his time, chewing gum, toying with the media and fans, getting paid a couple hundred K a month and all the while driving this program into the ground. Iowa has not done squat in 3 years. 2010 was a complete joke given the talent. This year Iowa's schedule is soft as a kitty and we have lost to ISU, some direction Mich school, NW and Indiana. There is no excuse whatsoever for that other than **** poor coaching, game preparation and recruiting

Some media outlet should write a story about what is going on in IC. Under no circumstances at any other school would these type of results be tolerated given the resources poured into the Iowa program. Yet, because of this insane contract, there is no viable recourse and the only option is to simply take it until 2020. Its almost unbelievable.

Please, no "I lived through the 1950s" responses please. Apples and oranges.

I agree with this 100%. We should do like Tennesssee did and clean house.

Seriosuly though, the only thing holding you hostage is your brain brah, your brain.
I don't think you understand the definition of below average.

I would guess 8 wins per year would be avg based on 13 games with a bowl game. Since 2005 he is below that mark. Doesn't seem unreasonable to me. I must want to much.
I don't make a cent "off the U of I"

Things are always better around here and 'for business' when the teams win. So your premise is flawed.

I just think a few folks have lost any sort of perspective and are acting all sorts of crazy. Posts like Kirk holding fans hostage is at or near the top of the crazy list, btw

I do believe you get paid off advertising on a website that is called Hawkeye Nation correct? Without the U of I, you wouldn't have a forum to sell ads on. My premise is far from flawed.

i know you don't agree but I find that logic funny.
I donate and have season tickets as well. I also drive to IC from another state.

Do you donate and have season tickets, since you asked?

Yes, have for many years. Doubt that I will pay the 1200.00 donation anymore. I want to but I can't continue to give this and other donations and think things will change. For the record, I believe KF has had real issues in the program since 2005 but I believed he could fix it. I was wrong.

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