We are Hostages

Good grief.

I know we are not pleased with the results this year, but it ain't like the man and those around him are tanking on purpose.

True but missing the point entirely... whomever at the UI agreed to this contract should be held up for public embarrasement and ridicule. Its an absurd contract for just 'a football coach' - and not even a good one. Its shameful, if not criminal
I do believe you get paid off advertising on a website that is called Hawkeye Nation correct? Without the U of I, you wouldn't have a forum to sell ads on. My premise is far from flawed.

i know you don't agree but I find that logic funny.

LOL! Way to prove your flawed premise with flawed reasoning.

Please continue...
You just need to start pulling some of this crap. There are freaking cycles. We are not good this year. So what. We have some guys who, at least according to scouting, look like they could contribute in a major way in a few years. Texas had a 5-7 year in 2010. Colorado was awesome and they have fallen off the face of the Earth. Tennessee had a prolonged drought. Michigan nearly tanked their football program with one bad hire. No program is immune from a bad year here and there.

This is the absolute truth but no one wants to hear it.
Being held 'hostage' is actually a perfect word for us, rabid Hawk fans, that practically get sick and depressed for weeks on-end after every Hawk loss.
Being held 'hostage' is actually a perfect word for us, rabid Hawk fans, that practically get sick and depressed for weeks on-end after every Hawk loss.

Yes, because you care soooo much more about the football team than he does. It's just a paycheck to him right? But it is serious to you.

You freaking idiot narcissists are becoming unbearable. No matter how much you hate losing, I promise you Kurt hates it 100 times more.
yep. I have to drive a 5 series bmw, can't afford the 7 series.

Wait...you make 65k per year and drive a 5series? Me no understand. Unless its a 2005 or later...or you dont plan on retiring...or home ownership. Or parents are loaded...

Either way...u drive a nice ride
Yes, because you care soooo much more about the football team than he does. It's just a paycheck to him right? But it is serious to you.

You freaking idiot narcissists are becoming unbearable. No matter how much you hate losing, I promise you Kurt hates it 100 times more.

If you went by facial and other emotional expressions, acts (and coaches) as if he deosn't care to win. In fact, coaches 'not to lose' instead of to win. I would be much happier if I got 4 mill even if we lose, with 20 million guaranteed!!!!!!
If you went by facial and other emotional expressions, acts (and coaches) as if he deosn't care to win. In fact, coaches 'not to lose' instead of to win. I would be much happier if I got 4 mill even if we lose, with 20 million guaranteed!!!!!!

Oh, well, that settles it. Koralakers doesn't see a desire to win on his face, so he's obviously given up. I am sure he doesn't mind watching his three sons walk off the field beaten and dejected every week because he's rich. I am sure he doesn't care about his legacy or pride, because he has more money coming.

I mean after all, look at his face....

Being held 'hostage' is actually a perfect word for us, rabid Hawk fans, that practically get sick and depressed for weeks on-end after every Hawk loss.

it sounds to me like you need some counseling man. this isn't a joke post. this is me being entirely serious. you put WAY too much emphasis on something you can't control. i suggest putting more energy and attention into your personal life and the other things you can control. you will be much happier when you realize there are much more important things in life than iowa hawkeye football.

look, i'm as big of a hawkeye fan as the next guy. it does suck seeing iowa lose and looking as bad as they have this season. but try to gain some perspective and realize there are more important things.

good luck and i'm pulling for you
Wait...you make 65k per year and drive a 5series? Me no understand. Unless its a 2005 or later...or you dont plan on retiring...or home ownership. Or parents are loaded...

Either way...u drive a nice ride

guess I should've followed that up with an emoticon. Regardless I've never been a fan of BMW's. If I was going to get one, I'd go with an M3. In reality I drive the most pedestrian car in the world, a honda accord. aside from routine maintenance, never had a single problem with it. If I want my exotic car thrill, I'll do this:RACING SCHOOL, Exotics racing school is the ultimate driving experience at Las Vegas Speedway with Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche.
...And the answer to that is pretty simple: Kirk Ferentz's time at Iowa is going to end whenever he wants it to end, because his contract makes firing him virtually impossible for the next six years, minimum. And considering the return on investment and financial obligation it puts on Iowa, it is without a doubt the worst contract in college football. "
Iowa Football: Kirk Ferentz Has the Worst Contract in All of College Football | Bleacher Report
it sounds to me like you need some counseling man. this isn't a joke post. this is me being entirely serious. you put WAY too much emphasis on something you can't control. i suggest putting more energy and attention into your personal life and the other things you can control. you will be much happier when you realize there are much more important things in life than iowa hawkeye football.

look, i'm as big of a hawkeye fan as the next guy. it does suck seeing iowa lose and looking as bad as they have this season. but try to gain some perspective and realize there are more important things.

good luck and i'm pulling for you

Well said. This entire thread is pretty much why I made a conscious decision at one point to not get so emotionally invovled in sports. I used to get so worked up over every aspect of every game, that I would dang near cause injury to myself, and I mean that literally. Ok, I realized - it just isn't healthy flipping out so much over the outcome of a stinking football game. The same goes for Hawkeye hoops, or Cubs baseball.

That doesn't mean I've stopped being a fan, or that I've stopped watching the games. I've just become more of a casual fan. If the team wins, great. If not, oh well - I'm not going to let it be the end of the world. Call it apathy if you will, but it's just easier and better that way IMO. I move on with my day (and my life) if my favorite team loses. I will certainly get excited if the Hawks have a big season, or if the Cubs make the playoffs (or a World Series). But it's not worth it stressing myself out with intense frustration putting so much energy into rooting for something that will probably never happen - like a Hawkeye National Championship, or a Cubs World Series title.

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