We are Hostages

since 1970 as was pointed out in another thread there have been 30 teams of all the DI teams with a +.500 record.
and as Ipointed out in another thread, Iowa has had 25 coaches since FB started and only 11 have a winning record, with 4 of them that coached for 5 seasons or more have a better record than KF
since EVY. only Hayden has a better % than KF.
between Hayden and KF, Iowa has enjoyed their longest stretch of success in their history going back to 1889.
you people got spoiled by the success of 2002-04 and now nothing but 10+ seasons will make you happy.
as for the future you nor I have no clue about how it will turn out..
Really? Some of you guys who go to the name calling are sure showing how intelligent you are. If you continue to stick up for the horrible coaching the last couple of years....what does that say about you? But hey, continue to stick up for mediocre coaching and unwillingness to change. We all better be satisfied with 6 or 7 wins because we are "so lucky to have KF as our coach" . Look at 2011, this year and the next two years and think about the bad situation we are in.

You have already admitted that you did not see 11 wins coming in 2009 so how can you completely write off the 2013 and 2014 season already?

Get a clue.
I agree with others who have indicated that the true disappointment came in 2010. That team had a lot of senior talent, and lost games they shouldn't have.
to the 2010 season was a disappointment but just look at how that vaunted defense for MSU is doing this year, to many time the defense gave up the winning score, after Stanzi put the team up late in the 4th QUARTER, this was a Norm Parker defense that failed to hold onto that lead.
of the 5 losses . 4 were Wisconsin, NW, OSU and Arizona, with the only bad loss to Minnesota, and that's what makes you people the maddest, you point to one bad losses and claim the season to be a failure as if losing to aforemention teams Iowa was supposed to roll over.
just like in 2011, the losses were too;
Minn again the only bad loss, again 1 bad loss and people swcream for change.
this year
2 bad losses in peoples minds
IND to determined as there are still 3 games left
its strange how people write off some of these teams as teams Iowa should beat every year
Thanks Jon. I know I am not a huge contributer around here, but I am glad that I am making an impact, even if some disagree with my personal view of the current situation.

If you want to make an impact, have your attorneys sue the forking band director to stop playing "Sweet Caroline" at games. It's degrading the Neal Diamond brand.
You have already admitted that you did not see 11 wins coming in 2009 so how can you completely write off the 2013 and 2014 season already?

Get a clue.

"Get a Clue" is exactly what you should be saying to Ferentz. Poor recruiting, HORRIBLE OFFENSIVE SCHEMES, and not playing backups enough in blowouts. I have not completely written off 2013 and 2014, I just said I can't see us winning 8 or more games in either of those two years. Especially if we keep the same offensive philosphy that we have had throughout KF tenure. If you have that much faith in KF and enjoy bad offense and poor clock management and lack of guts(on fourth downs).....then GodSpeed and God Bless.
Who is on the edge? I am merely pointing out the absurdity of the situation in IC. The man is one of the 5-6 highest paid coaches in cfb, but can barely make a bowl game and is locked in for another 8 years. People that want to defend the guy have to be either family, drunk or ol' Gary B.

Wow. What a revelation. Neil, I had never heard this before and never thought about KF being highly compensated. Thank you so much for your contribution to the message board!

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