Videos of 'Testy' Exchanges today at Kirk's Presser

This would be news if it were around the time of NFL camps.

This isnt news now.

Why would you bring this up now?

I agree with this, IMO it was unprofessional of Rob to even bring this up. The time and place for these questions would have been at the Big Ten Media days or the Hawks media day but not after a season has started.
1. DJK reached out to Rob Howe. Lets assume this was recently.

2. KF doesn't give many press conferences from signing day in the spring until the season starts in the fall. How do you ask when he isn't available to be questioned? Big Ten and Iowa media days were not appropriate times to ask about DJK.

Come on, you honestly think that KF wouldn't answer that question if asked through the sports information department or via an email?

Would it really be that hard to say DJK reached out to me and said that he feels you gave NFL teams a bad review of him and that's why he didn't get a camp invite, I know you normally don't like to answer question outside of Pressers but didn't think those would be the right time to bring this up.

Would that be so hard?
Come on, you honestly think that KF wouldn't answer that question if asked through the sports information department or via an email?

Would it really be that hard to say DJK reached out to me and said that he feels you gave NFL teams a bad review of him and that's why he didn't get a camp invite, I know you normally don't like to answer question outside of Pressers but didn't think those would be the right time to bring this up.

Would that be so hard?

Oh he would answer it. Sure. It would be a well-crafted, refined, vanilla answer.

What you would miss is the opportunity to put him on the spot with it. That's what Rob did today.

Regardless, #1 on my previous list most likely applies more than anything.
Oh he would answer it. Sure. It would be a well-crafted, refined, vanilla answer.

What you would miss is the opportunity to put him on the spot with it. That's what Rob did today.

Regardless, #1 on my previous list most likely applies more than anything.

This. We're taught at the DI to only talk with sports information if it's necessary. Otherwise, you risk getting prepped responses. Put them on the spot and get their immediate reaction. That's what makes it a tough question.
why did it have to be KF? What if the scouts and gms asked coach campbell or O'Keefe. #1 I don't think KF is a liar so if he said he didn't, he didn't. #2 if he is not truthful to NFL people about his players he is doing the rest of them a disservice. DJK's problems are his own. I would love to see him get a shot but he wasn't "blackballed" by KF, nor likely anyone on Iowa's staff. He simply wasn't talented enough to overcome his baggage.
What you would miss is the opportunity to put him on the spot with it. That's what Rob did today.

I see. You are someone who wants to make Kirk look bad rather than get an honest answer.

I swear, I don't know why most of you ******** follow the Hawkeyes.
It was the wrong forum to ask that question to begin with.

But, I thought his overall demeanor today was kind of out of line. Reporters are doing their jobs, I don't think treating them like they are children or morons is appropriate.
I see. You are someone who wants to make Kirk look bad rather than get an honest answer.

I swear, I don't know why most of you ******** follow the Hawkeyes.

Wow. Gain some perspective.

How is asking him the question in person denying him of the ability to provide an honest answer?

How does it make him look bad? If he didn't do what was suggested, then he can answer as such with confidence.

He was visibly irritated by the question and his attitude during his response was a little out of character for him. That's not because of the question, it's because he didn't have a well-planned, scripted, vanilla answer to offer, which was the point of asking him in person.

Why would I want KF or the Iowa program to look bad? I'm a hawk fan. I financially contribute, I attend the games. I'm invested in it. That doesn't mean I will blindly believe and follow whatever KF and the athletic administration tell us. It's nice to see some tough questions thrown at him. I also liked the question about the 4th and 1 call. Did that question make him look bad as well? Last time I checked, KF made that call himself.
It was the wrong forum to ask that question to begin with.

But, I thought his overall demeanor today was kind of out of line. Reporters are doing their jobs, I don't think treating them like they are children or morons is appropriate.

Lighten up. It comes with the territory. The team Ferentz coaches lost to an in-state rival in three overtimes Saturday, and there were plenty of legitimate questions about his coaching decisions at the end of the game and in the overtime periods. Whether he wants to acknowledge it or not, he knows there was an abundance of criticism in the fan base and Iowa sports media. He could feel a bit sore about that. He and the staff are getting the team ready for Pitt, yet the reporters want to ask about decisions from the previous Saturday.

They were not out of line to do so. But how much time does Ferentz need to spend talking about that took place three days ago when his focus is on a game coming up in four days? As a coach, I don't think KF was unusual at all in this regard.
Some folks just need to move on. I find it ridiculous that DJK would come up in a press conference prior to the 3rd game of the season.
Guys did far worse things than DJK, were less talented and still were invited to an NFL camp as a FA. Not saying they were drafted, but DJK didn't even go to a camp.

Just an odd deal all around.
I don't buy that DJK wasn't good enough or too big of a criminal to get into a training camp:

I just heard them talk to Rob Howe on 1460 about this. I guess there use to be like a little side session where you could ask Kirk tougher questions and maybe just different questions then what you would at the press conference. Well apparently they got rid of that this year, so that is why he had to ask it here. He said he has been trying to for a couple weeks now but couldn't find the right time.

They also said DJK was told a couple weeks before his arrest, if he caused anymore trouble, that they would be sure to let the NFL know about him. Sounds like DJK thinks Kirk is trying to keep him out of the NFL. I just don't think NFL people want the TO/OchoCinco personality without the TO/Ocho talent level.
DJK had historically bad numbers in the shuttle drills and other explosiveness drills in his tryout.

This stuff also showed up on film when he couldn't recover on poor throws. It also showed up when he couldn't get separation against man coverage.

Seriously people, if he was drafted, it would be a shock. Considering that, it makes sense no team wanted him in camp.

Basically, you might take a chance on a questionable character with big upside. His numbers indicate the upside is just not there.
DJK had historically bad numbers in the shuttle drills and other explosiveness drills in his tryout.

This stuff also showed up on film when he couldn't recover on poor throws. It also showed up when he couldn't get separation against man coverage.

Seriously people, if he was drafted, it would be a shock. Considering that, it makes sense no team wanted him in camp.

Basically, you might take a chance on a questionable character with big upside. His numbers indicate the upside is just not there.

this might be the dumbest thing Ive ever read here. did his lack of speed show up on long TDs against NW, Indiana or KO returns against Minnesota or OSU?

the leading wr in Iowa history couldnt get seperation?

he did have poor times at the mini combine he went to in Indy. He had an issue with his foot and shouldnt have ran. he had surgery the next week.

most draftniks had him 2-4th round prior to his arrest. you must know more than them when it comes to evaluating talent.
Don't compare DJK and Pryor in terms talent and potential, not even in the same class. It looked like from my vantage point that Rob was pretending to be a reporter today. Geez he answered the question Rob, you asked if you thought it was weird that he didn't get any looks or if anyone contacted him. He said no one contacted him. I like you Rob and enjoy your stuff, but don't mistake yourself as a journalist breaking a big story. Unclassy.
I find it extremely unlikely and unbelievable that Kirk didn't have not one single conversation with any GM's/NFL coaches about DJK. He's a talented receiver. I get that he made his own bed and caused his own problems, but I just find it very unlikely he didn't have not a single conversation at all about Derrell.
Enough about DJK. A great football player at Iowa who made a big mistake at the end.

Personally I was more interested in KF's comments about lack of contain, etc. It certainly isn't paradise this week at practice I'm guessing.

Beat Pitt!
Guys did far worse things than DJK, were less talented and still were invited to an NFL camp as a FA. Not saying they were drafted, but DJK didn't even go to a camp.

Just an odd deal all around.

^ this

He plead guilty to marijuana possession and the rest of the charges were dropped. Other past/present NFL players have done much worse and yet they make their way into camps and teams.

I doubt KF said anything to keep DJK out of the NFL but I bet a lot had to do with what he did not say. Your a NFL GM and you ask a coach about one of his players you generally are going to get a bunch of information. But ask KF about DJK and he will tell you to go watch the film. That pretty much says it all.
Sounded like someone was having a bad day and then the media asked some questions that weren't sugarcoated and someone got a little testy! The man deserves all the criticism he gets these days.
Sounded like someone was having a bad day and then the media asked some questions that weren't sugarcoated and someone got a little testy! The man deserves all the criticism he gets these days.

You are damn right. He is getting paid enough money to coach this team, you coach a lousy game like that you answer the questions. You get tired of answering the questions then make sure you win the damn game!

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