Videos of 'Testy' Exchanges today at Kirk's Presser

Just to recap - Some of you now think that the coach that we have held in such high esteem over the years, the coach that took this team from the cellar to Big 10 championships and BCS bowl games while doing 'it' the right way, the respectable way - now this guy is a liar and the recreational pharmacist that that **** the bed at NFL workouts and thinks everyone is out to get him is the victim?
Djk spent his career bumping heads with the one guy other than himself that had great resources to get him a look. Should have figured that out years ago...
These accusations and implications are completely out of line. Minus hard proof this idiot reporter needs to be fired.
Just to recap - Some of you now think that the coach that we have held in such high esteem over the years, the coach that took this team from the cellar to Big 10 championships and BCS bowl games while doing 'it' the right way, the respectable way - now this guy is a liar and the recreational pharmacist that that **** the bed at NFL workouts and thinks everyone is out to get him is the victim?

I think that perhaps Ferentz is trying to avoid "bad mouthing" DJK in public by saying that no one called him after November. More of a white lie.
Bottom line - if DJK had NFL talent, he would have been in a camp/on a roster right now. If DJK had NFL talent, even if KF had handed in his resignation so he could devote every waking minute keeping DJK out of the league, DJK would still have found his way into the league.

The NFL is a business...with the salary cap, budgets are tight. Only 53 roster spots. Etc, etc. There might be 1 or 2 GM's out there that would take KF's word as golden, but I'm presuming the remaining 30+ guys really wouldn't let it stop them from signing a guy that they thought could help them out.

This whole thing is just preposterous.
Sounded like someone was having a bad day and then the media asked some questions that weren't sugarcoated and someone got a little testy! The man deserves all the criticism he gets these days.

No doubt Ferentz deserves criticism for some of his coaching decisions lately, but that has nothing to do with Cokelianos's chosen lot in life. I sure hope (and will try to teach) my kids know that if they decide to do cocaine and other drugs, and knowingly live with people who are selling the stuff to not even think about blaming someone else if they can't get a job because of those choices. Seriously, we are 2 weeks into the season and here we are making a guy who admitted doing hard drugs out to be a victim? And further justify ripping our coach about this primadonna's choices because the coach had a bad week at the office. This spoiled wierdo goes running off to Rob Howe and Howe agrees to serve as his mouthpiece? Cokelianos knows how to use facebook and twitter; he has an agent. If he's got a problem he wants out in the public than man-up and come out with it. Hey, did Kirk call all the CFL and AFL GMs to blackball Cokelianos also? Because last I checked he's not on any of those rosters either.
I heard a stat on 1600 today (Rob Howe was on with B&B) that from 2002 - 2009 (or 2010, I don't recall), 75 of 82 senior starters for the Hawkeyes got, at the very least, an invitation to camp somewhere upon leaving the university.

So what I'm expected to believe is that the all-time leading WR in Iowa's history (granted, we're not Wide Receiver U) in multiple categories didn't provide enough of a blip on even 1 of 32 NFL teams' radar to get an invitation to camp?


**Edit - I just watched a little bit of the vid...sounds like 2002-2009 (same stat he shared on the B&B show today).
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I heard a stat on 1600 today (Rob Howe was on with B&B) that from 2002 - 2009 (or 2010, I don't recall), 75 of 82 senior starters for the Hawkeyes got, at the very least, an invitation to camp somewhere upon leaving the university.

So what I'm expected to believe is that the all-time leading WR in Iowa's history (granted, we're not Wide Receiver U) in multiple categories didn't provide enough of a blip on even 1 of 32 NFL teams' radar to get an invitation to camp?


I have to agree. Its odd but it is what it is. DJK messed up with the coach and university...that is not Kirk's fault.
I heard a stat on 1600 today (Rob Howe was on with B&B) that from 2002 - 2009 (or 2010, I don't recall), 75 of 82 senior starters for the Hawkeyes got, at the very least, an invitation to camp somewhere upon leaving the university.

So what I'm expected to believe is that the all-time leading WR in Iowa's history (granted, we're not Wide Receiver U) in multiple categories didn't provide enough of a blip on even 1 of 32 NFL teams' radar to get an invitation to camp?


How many of those seniors were arrested for running a drug house in December of their senior season?
I heard a stat on 1600 today (Rob Howe was on with B&B) that fr
om 2002 - 2009 (or 2010, I don't recall), 75 of 82 senior starters for the Hawkeyes got, at the very least, an invitation to camp somewhere upon leaving the university.So what I'm expected to believe is that the all-time leading WR in Iowa's history (granted, we're not Wide Receiver U) in multiple categories didn't provide enough of a blip on even 1 of 32 NFL teams' radar to get an invitation to camp?Mmmkay...

How many of those 72 were kicked off the team before the draft for living in a drug house and admitting a coke habit?
how many of those 75 were kicked off the team for multiple legal infractions? If Cedric Everson had had an successful football career at Iowa only to be convicted of rape at the end of his career, do you think he would get into a camp? Maybe if he were a guaranteed draft pick...if he was a question mark talent wise, the answer is no.
How many of those seniors were arrested for running a drug house in December of their senior season?

How many of those 72 were kicked off the team before the draft for living in a drug house and admitting a coke habit?

how many of those 75 were kicked off the team for multiple legal infractions? If Cedric Everson had had an successful football career at Iowa only to be convicted of rape at the end of his career, do you think he would get into a camp? Maybe if he were a guaranteed draft pick...if he was a question mark talent wise, the answer is no.

You guys are like the same person! :D

I don't have the 75 in front of guess would be less than a couple. I'm pretty sure DJK had a mid/late round grade on him prior to his legal troubles...

What was he actually convicted of again? I think it was possession and he got probation and a $315 fine. Not even a special teams look?
I can not believe I am reading these posts. HawkeyeNation almost seems offended DJK is not in the NFL. Don't get me wrong the kid was dynamic to watch. He recieved a scholarship to the University Of Iowa. In accepting that scholarship he has a standard to uphold. DJK made his own bed. I for one do not feel bad for him one bit. If he was already playing in the NFL, and had a drug conviction. The union has negotitiated disciplinary action, it is much harder to get rid of that player. What NFL team is going to risk bringing a potential rotten apple into the bucket? Would he come work for your organization? I don't think so.
You guys are like the same person! :D

I don't have the 75 in front of guess would be less than a couple. I'm pretty sure DJK had a mid/late round grade on him prior to his legal troubles...

What was he actually convicted of again? I think it was possession and he got probation and a $315 fine. Not even a special teams look?

How is that Kirk's fault?
DJK was not an elite wide receiver. He was good, but really nothing too special in the eyes of the NFL.

Correct IMO. The NFL (not for long) typically looks alot at the physical characteristics, size, speed, bench press, 40 time, etc. In DJK's case he is not NFL receiver big, not fast by NFL standards, combined with off-field issues and a non-endorsement from his coach, why gamble on that. If he wants to play in the NFL he may have to work his way up through the CFL or even arena. Although coach K has helped get 40+ players into the pros, it is not his responsibility to do so. If he can help, I'm sure he does. If it is with a kid who he thought maybe acted too big for the Iowa program and was living in a house full of drugs and cash, maybe he doens't go out of his way to endorse.
How is that Kirk's fault?

Did you quote the wrong post? How is what Kirk's fault? Unless you are addressing my prior post...

You said it yourself a couple posts up. It's odd that he wouldn't even get a look given his collegiate accomplishments. The circumstances read like a puzzle without all the doesn't make sense to me. That's it.
These accusations and implications are completely out of line. Minus hard proof this idiot reporter needs to be fired.

This. Sensationalist trying to get hits on his pay site. Howe knows DJK is a fire cracker and decided to ask this question that was so irrelevant and irresponsible its pathetic. The irony is, Kirk tried to give him free pub but Rob's site name changed to Hawkeye Insider. I will now officially cancel my membership after this stunt.
I believe Kirk when he says no one contacted him. It is a pretty well documented fact that DJK was in the dog house most of his time at Iowa (he capped it off with the drug house business) and it is widely accepted that those in the NFL respect Kirk's opinion. Trouble child + drugs + issues w/ respected coach + poor work out + (let's be honest) not top flight NFL talent = no one is interested. I don't think that the math is really that hard.

Go back in time to the point that this happened and ask yourself if it were you would you want this kid on YOUR team?
Stunt? Reporters ask questions, some of them are tough. Kirk is a big boy, makes $3m a year, he can handle a few tough questions about in game decisions and whether he got DJK black balled or not.

DJK made his own bed, but many people have wanted the question asked for a long time. I am glad it was asked.

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