Videos of 'Testy' Exchanges today at Kirk's Presser

DJK played Howe knowing that Rob would ask the question I just don't understand why it needs to be asked in a Presser during the season. Why wouldn't as KF said ask NFL personnel people? DJK has nobody to blame but himself. If he didn't get kicked off the team after his arrest he's probably would have made a camp. I still don't understand why it matters either way other than Howe doing the dirty work for his buddy.
I believe Kirk when he says no one contacted him. It is a pretty well documented fact that DJK was in the dog house most of his time at Iowa (he capped it off with the drug house business) and it is widely accepted that those in the NFL respect Kirk's opinion. Trouble child + drugs + issues w/ respected coach + poor work out + (let's be honest) not top flight NFL talent = no one is interested. I don't think that the math is really that hard.

Go back in time to the point that this happened and ask yourself if it were you would you want this kid on YOUR team?

Trouble child - Only because he had the nerve to want to be an college of all places!
Drugs - Major issue...although didn't come up until end of career. In terms of NFL, though, major issue...
Issues with respected coach - Isn't this just a way to make your formula longer (see trouble child above)
Poor workout - I'd accept average, but poor seems to be a little understated...
Not top flight NFL talent - Top flight? No. Draftable...prior to the drugs, yes. After the drugs, nope.

Someone should have at least been curious for an invite to camp though. IMO.

I'd take him on my team. He's a ballplayer. His effort on some plays would be an issue, but I also think that under different circumstances he could have excelled even more.
I believe Kirk when he says no one contacted him. It is a pretty well documented fact that DJK was in the dog house most of his time at Iowa (he capped it off with the drug house business) and it is widely accepted that those in the NFL respect Kirk's opinion. Trouble child + drugs + issues w/ respected coach + poor work out + (let's be honest) not top flight NFL talent = no one is interested. I don't think that the math is really that hard.

Go back in time to the point that this happened and ask yourself if it were you would you want this kid on YOUR team?

I've maintained all along that DJK did not have enough talent to overcome the rest of DJK. That's why he was not invited to a camp. I seriously doubt Kirk Ferentz had much to do with that.
DJK played Howe knowing that Rob would ask the question I just don't understand why it needs to be asked in a Presser during the season. Why wouldn't as KF said ask NFL personnel people? DJK has nobody to blame but himself. If he didn't get kicked off the team after his arrest he's probably would have made a camp. I still don't understand why it matters either way other than Howe doing the dirty work for his buddy.

I didn't know Kirk had off season press conferences?

You couldn't ask the question in the spring, as nobody knew if he would be invited or not.

Whether DJK deserved what he got and whether the question should of been asked aren't the same question.

You are buddies with someone if you want to pursue and interesting story, that is directly related to IA fb?
I'm glad to see some tough questions for Kirk, I was disappointed in several of the answers about this years team and leaves me thinking we are screwed if things are going to change. As for DJK questions, why now? He is yesterday's news just like Wegher....time to move on.
FTR, I can understand people being upset with the questions regarding DJK. It's just a little too late for that now.

However, questions about the decisions to sit on the ball in regulation and kick in OT are EXACTLY the kinds of questions that should be asked. The press isn't supposed to be all unicorns and rainbows. They're supposed to tell it like it is. Asking the tougher questions is how they get the full picture.
If the NFL wanted DJK then the NFL would have DJK ... Good or bad ... The NFL is filled with plenty of players who have done worse than DJK ...
Did you quote the wrong post? How is what Kirk's fault? Unless you are addressing my prior post...

You said it yourself a couple posts up. It's odd that he wouldn't even get a look given his collegiate accomplishments. The circumstances read like a puzzle without all the doesn't make sense to me. That's it.

Oops...yeah my bad.
Marc should have pressed him more on whether he still thinks it was the right decision at the end of regulation. He didn't really say anything there.
I dont care one way or the other about the DJK, but remember the reports DJK signed with the eagles but then nothing. Does anyone know who the D coordinator is there? Give ya a hint starts with a C and ends with a llo. just thought I would throw that out there. I like the reporters doing there job and asking tough questions.
I dont care one way or the other about the DJK, but remember the reports DJK signed with the eagles but then nothing. Does anyone know who the D coordinator is there? Give ya a hint starts with a C and ends with a llo. just thought I would throw that out there. I like the reporters doing there job and asking tough questions.

Not quite sure what you're getting at with Castillo, so I apologize if I'm repeating your point.

To be fair to Ferentz, the Eagles may not have had to talk to Ferentz, given that their own defensive coordinator has a son who has been with the team for a couple years. Greg could have just as easily clued the Eagles in on things.

This isn't meant as an accusation against Greg. Just that if he were asked, he could tell many of the same things Ferentz could.
name one WR with less talent than Derrell who has been busted for coke and continues to play in the league.

You'd have to amend that to CHARGED with snorting blow. He wasn't convicted of anything but pot possession.

The list of players charged with coke-related offenses is likely longer than those convicted of said offenses.
name one WR with less talent than Derrell who has been busted for coke and continues to play in the league.
The only charge on DJK's record is possession of weed. And, yes, the league has a lot of dude that smoke weed.

The NFL used be very coked up, look at the old Super Bowl Cowboy teams. Big time cokeheads, and it wasn't just them.
who cares about charges? the dude admitted to using multiple substances way beyond weed that would be violation of the league drug testing.
3 points that stick out to me:

* borderline talent + the word (cocaine)

* he had 3 teams come to his private workout - apparently not impressive enough to get a camp invite

* Ferentz looked uncomfortable (similar to me in high school and I came home drunk and had to talk to the parents.)

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