VanLaere: Iowa Basketball and the Postseason

But you brought up the practice thing and the fact that Iowa gets to practice all year long. That's where this whole can of worms opened. You only have yourself to blame for putting that statement out there, which implied that the extra practices Iowa would get didn't matter because they get to practice all year long.

You get that right?

And if that wasn't the implication, why you mention the ability to practice year round?

So you want this explained to you a third time?

Go back and read it yourself. Damn.
But you brought up the practice thing and the fact that Iowa gets to practice all year long. That's where this whole can of worms opened. You only have yourself to blame for putting that statement out there, which implied that the extra practices Iowa would get didn't matter because they get to practice all year long.

You get that right?

And if that wasn't the implication, why you mention the ability to practice year round?

oh god i just open a can of worms in my kitchen!!!!:eek:
Then, Ghost, why bring up year round practice? Enlighten me.

Also, is this where I am supposed to put up a graphic that distracts from the conversation?
Oh, I get it now.

The teams get to "practice" all year long, so the extra team practices don't mean anything according to Ghost. Got it. Cool story.

It's a difference of opinion. I enjoy talking about it.

Also, these guys keep putting words in my mouth, and I am not strong enough to let it go.

seriously guys! if woman is right, never argue with her because shes always right. you just have to suck it up .if ghost is a woman dont argue with him. just suck it up and walk away. no point to fight with woman.
seriously guys! if woman is right, never argue with her because shes always right. you just have to suck it up .if ghost is a woman dont argue with him. just suck it up and walk away. no point to fight with woman.

Damn have these moments of making sense. This is one of those times!
My wife is over 8 months pregnant and beyond crabby. I turned to Hawkeye Nation for relief. Listening to my wife b*tch me out for her back pain is better than reading this thread.

I have no refuge tonight.
Do any of you ever sleep? Three posts from three different posters at 4 AM (I get the one from the dude with the pregnant wife, went through that twice myself. Just wait, it gets better).
Do any of you ever sleep? Three posts from three different posters at 4 AM (I get the one from the dude with the pregnant wife, went through that twice myself. Just wait, it gets better).

I think you better check your clock brah.

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