Oh, sorry. I forgot that whenever you say something it
Well something caused the US to do worse than most countries with covid. It's either that covid kills fat people and the whole country is fat, or it's all the politician's fault. You gotta be Sherlock Homes to figure out which one caused it.Seriously? Back to the thought. If we heavily tax smoking, why not obesity?
I responded to this: Well. This an exciting new piece of nonsense.
Pls Read: https://khn.org/morning-breakout/ob...-nations-covid-death-toll-global-study-finds/
Obesity Is Key Driver Of A Nation’s Covid Death Toll, Global Study Finds
The link between covid severity and obesity, a new study finds a "dramatic" connection: In countries where more than half the population is overweight, fatality rates are 10 times higher than in other nations.
CNN: Covid-19 Death Rates 10 Times Higher In Countries Where Most Adults Are Overweight The risk of death from Covid-19 is about 10 times higher in countries where most of the population is overweight, according to a report released Wednesday by the World Obesity Federation. Researchers found that by the end of 2020, global Covid-19 death rates were more than 10 times higher in countries where more than half the adults are overweight, compared to countries where fewer than half are overweight. (Mascarenhas and Rahim, 3/5)
The Washington Post: Most Coronavirus Deaths Occurred In Countries Where Majority Of Adults Are Overweight Among the nations with overweight populations above the 50 percent threshold were also those with some of the largest proportions of coronavirus deaths — including countries such as Britain, Italy and the United States. Some 2.5 million people have died around the world of covid-19, more than 517,000 of which were in the United States. (Cunningham and Hassan, 3/4)
78% of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the US overweight or obese, CDC finds
Among 71,491 U.S. adults who were hospitalized with COVID-19, 27.8 percent were overweight and 50.2 were obese, according to the CDC's latest Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report published March 8.www.beckershospitalreview.com
78% of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the US overweight or obese, CDC finds
Well something caused the US to do worse than most countries with covid. It's either that covid kills fat people and the whole country is fat, or it's all the politician's fault. You gotta be Sherlock Homes to figure out which one caused it.
I'm not sure if we could have done better. We are dealing with 330 million idividual personalities who all pretty much make their own decisions. We are well over a year into this thing now top. Look at the numbers. Do extreme lockdown and mask mandate states have better numbers?We could have done better, but my bet is on obesity for the most part. India would be a good case to look at as right now it's the upper end of the economic array that is getting clobbered. Poor people are more likely to be inside for one, but they are less inclined to be obese.
Also guessing some of it is reporting. The US is likely to be more accurate than many countries for a variety of reasons. Though I personally believe the fatalities to be closer to the 1 million that the U of Washington (I think w/o looking.) mentions.
Our country has a lot of obesity.
In IL there have been two recent teenage deaths. One was an athlete female and the other an obese kid
I'm not sure if we could have done better. We are dealing with 330 million idividual personalities who all pretty much make their own decisions. We are well over a year into this thing now top. Look at the numbers. Do extreme lockdown and mask mandate states have better numbers?
If you are saying we could have done better if every American was willing to make the personal decision to shut their life down for a year, I would say you're probably right. If you're saying we could have done better if politicians would have said different things or made different decisions, I'd say I doubt it.
To compare smoking and obesity is a false equivalency. Smoking is a yes or no. Weight issues have multiple nuances. I am not going to bother to argue this point with you further.Seriously? Back to the thought. If we heavily tax smoking, why not obesity?
I responded to this: Well. This an exciting new piece of nonsense.
Pls Read: https://khn.org/morning-breakout/ob...-nations-covid-death-toll-global-study-finds/
Obesity Is Key Driver Of A Nation’s Covid Death Toll, Global Study Finds
The link between covid severity and obesity, a new study finds a "dramatic" connection: In countries where more than half the population is overweight, fatality rates are 10 times higher than in other nations.
CNN: Covid-19 Death Rates 10 Times Higher In Countries Where Most Adults Are Overweight The risk of death from Covid-19 is about 10 times higher in countries where most of the population is overweight, according to a report released Wednesday by the World Obesity Federation. Researchers found that by the end of 2020, global Covid-19 death rates were more than 10 times higher in countries where more than half the adults are overweight, compared to countries where fewer than half are overweight. (Mascarenhas and Rahim, 3/5)
The Washington Post: Most Coronavirus Deaths Occurred In Countries Where Majority Of Adults Are Overweight Among the nations with overweight populations above the 50 percent threshold were also those with some of the largest proportions of coronavirus deaths — including countries such as Britain, Italy and the United States. Some 2.5 million people have died around the world of covid-19, more than 517,000 of which were in the United States. (Cunningham and Hassan, 3/4)
78% of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the US overweight or obese, CDC finds
Among 71,491 U.S. adults who were hospitalized with COVID-19, 27.8 percent were overweight and 50.2 were obese, according to the CDC's latest Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report published March 8.www.beckershospitalreview.com
78% of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the US overweight or obese, CDC finds
Will you, for once quit moving the goal posts? I never,ever would argue that obesity was not a high risk factor in our battle with Covid.Seriously? Back to the thought. If we heavily tax smoking, why not obesity?
I responded to this: Well. This an exciting new piece of nonsense.
Pls Read: https://khn.org/morning-breakout/ob...-nations-covid-death-toll-global-study-finds/
Obesity Is Key Driver Of A Nation’s Covid Death Toll, Global Study Finds
The link between covid severity and obesity, a new study finds a "dramatic" connection: In countries where more than half the population is overweight, fatality rates are 10 times higher than in other nations.
CNN: Covid-19 Death Rates 10 Times Higher In Countries Where Most Adults Are Overweight The risk of death from Covid-19 is about 10 times higher in countries where most of the population is overweight, according to a report released Wednesday by the World Obesity Federation. Researchers found that by the end of 2020, global Covid-19 death rates were more than 10 times higher in countries where more than half the adults are overweight, compared to countries where fewer than half are overweight. (Mascarenhas and Rahim, 3/5)
The Washington Post: Most Coronavirus Deaths Occurred In Countries Where Majority Of Adults Are Overweight Among the nations with overweight populations above the 50 percent threshold were also those with some of the largest proportions of coronavirus deaths — including countries such as Britain, Italy and the United States. Some 2.5 million people have died around the world of covid-19, more than 517,000 of which were in the United States. (Cunningham and Hassan, 3/4)
78% of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the US overweight or obese, CDC finds
Among 71,491 U.S. adults who were hospitalized with COVID-19, 27.8 percent were overweight and 50.2 were obese, according to the CDC's latest Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report published March 8.www.beckershospitalreview.com
78% of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the US overweight or obese, CDC finds
You are flat out wrong about the economy. The culprit is largely the disappearance of the middle class with obscene wealth at the top end. Look at wages for the middle class. They have been losing or static for decades. Did you forget we are a consumer economy? In the meantime, economic indicators seem pretty positive. Obama used federal stimulant to cause a rebound. In fact, more would have been better. Did Covid cause havoc with the economy? Duh. Watch the rebound even if we have a lot of fat people. Honestly Gold, you continue to be all over the map on your views with a path to living in a different universe.But, what is the real cost? We are pumping money like crazy into the economy. It is on life support. All this money has done little for economic activity beyond a small impact from all the pumping.
The velocity of money is tracing how money creates economic activity.View attachment 7858
But what does that look like if we got the boarders shut down earlier? It would have taken longer to spread more for sure. But would it have ever had dips in the numbers if less people had it early? I'm guessing it would have ended up doing all the spreading it did by now anyway. It just would have gotten to the end a little different.We can disagree. If we shut down the economy we certainly could have closed borders. It is a fallacy that Trump's Admin acted fast. Not saying slow but not fast. Numbers by state are elusive for a number of reasons including climate. I can say the Champaign area has faired much better than rural areas around Champaign. I do think certain medications were not moved forward for political reasons (such as Ivermectin). IL as a whole hasn't done well and outside Chicago, some rural areas where it was not taken seriously have struggled more than some cities.
I don't believe the Chinese numbers at all.
That's a cop out.To compare smoking and obesity is a false equivalency. Smoking is a yes or no. Weight issues have multiple nuances. I am not going to bother to argue this point with you further.
Will you, for once quit moving the goal posts? I never,ever would argue that obesity was not a high risk factor in our battle with Covid.
But what does that look like if we got the boarders shut down earlier? It would have taken longer to spread more for sure. But would it have ever had dips in the numbers if less people had it early? I'm guessing it would have ended up doing all the spreading it did by now anyway. It just would have gotten to the end a little different.
Another thing to consider is people naturally need to see something get bad before they take it seriously. If it didn't get as bad early, less people would have taken it serious, which would have just made it worse later. Like I said, this was probably always going to be pretty close to the finished product regardless of what politicians did.
And also remember that Trump was ripped on pretty bad for shutting down the border when he did. Imagine what democrats would have said if he would have acted sooner.
You are flat out wrong about the economy. The culprit is largely the disappearance of the middle class with obscene wealth at the top end. Look at wages for the middle class. They have been losing or static for decades. Did you forget we are a consumer economy? In the meantime, economic indicators seem pretty positive. Obama used federal stimulant to cause a rebound. In fact, more would have been better. Did Covid cause havoc with the economy? Duh. Watch the rebound even if we have a lot of fat people. Honestly Gold, you continue to be all over the map on your views with a path to living in a different universe.
The culprit is largely the disappearance of the middle class with obscene wealth at the top end. Look at wages for the middle class. They have been losing or static for decades.
Obama used federal stimulant to cause a rebound. In fact, more would have been better.
Possibly. But didn't Mexico get smoked pretty bad? I'm not sure weather has much to do with it. One thing is for certain tho. Trump caught a lot of shit for closing the borders when he did. From the info coming from China, it seemed like everything was under control. What happened first, Trump closing boarders, or Faucci telling everyone we have nothing to worry about here? It's easy to say close borders earlier in hindsight, but we have to remember the information we had at that time. If we closed the borders every time there was a possible threat if an outbreak it would cause problems too. I'm not saying that's a bad idea tho. Perhaps we should from now on.The vaccines were a matter of time. It would have bought more time. How many lives who knows. Maybe NY would have been avoided had we made it to warmer temps.
No. You do not understand plain English. That is exactly what I said. Get a “Dick and Jane” reader and start over.That's a cop out.
It is clear. Obesity leads to early death. Covid 19 deaths and hospitalizations are proven to be related to obesity.
Depends on where in the middle class one looks. The upper middle class has done extremely well in the past 40 years. The middle and lower middle class, not so well.
I think the word you mean here is stimulus, not stimulant, but irregardless, the federal stimulus comes primarily in the way of printing the ever living shit out of the dollar and pushing down interest rates. The stimulus is by and large from the monetary policy side. While this sort of stimulus can easily garner praise from those with short attention spans, it is a major factor in driving so-called "wealth inequality" and diminished standards of living for the middle class you seem to care so much about. The new money is used so the Fed can buy bonds to push down interest rates and the folks who sell those bonds rotate into stocks because the bond yield is laughable and they have to put that newly printed cash somewhere. Who owns huge positions in stocks? Really, really, really rich guys like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.
I went heavily long on oil stocks back in October and November when the pundits called oil uninvestable and another group of pundits claimed a Biden win would kill the oil industry. Why did I go long oil? Because I fully expect the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department to engage in completely reckless monetary printing that will cause an oil spike similar to what we saw in 2007 on the heels of 5 years of massive "stimulus" implemented after 9/11 that saw oil hit $140 a barrel and housing prices to go through the roof. I'm not going to blame the President for it, but when gas hits $4 a gallon this summer and the Left Wing Party of Big Government pisses and moans about "gas company price gouging" I'm going to laugh my ass. "WE'RE HERE TO HELP THE LITTLE GUY." Yeah right. My Valero stock just crossed a 100% gain and my Exxon position is close to 100% gain so I hope they keep that money printer going until 2023 like the Fed has promised.
Thanks for telling me I used the wrong word. I know what a stimulant is, as well as a stimulus. Look up my word. Also, irregardless is incorrect. “Regardless” is the word you are grasping for. And yes, I ended my sentence with a preposition on purpose to confuse you. More importantly, you seem to have no idea of the value of the feds stepping in to provide a stimulus. But hey. Typical repub economy theory. How has that worked outDepends on where in the middle class one looks. The upper middle class has done extremely well in the past 40 years. The middle and lower middle class, not so well.
I think the word you mean here is stimulus, not stimulant, but irregardless, the federal stimulus comes primarily in the way of printing the ever living shit out of the dollar and pushing down interest rates. The stimulus is by and large from the monetary policy side. While this sort of stimulus can easily garner praise from those with short attention spans, it is a major factor in driving so-called "wealth inequality" and diminished standards of living for the middle class you seem to care so much about. The new money is used so the Fed can buy bonds to push down interest rates and the folks who sell those bonds rotate into stocks because the bond yield is laughable and they have to put that newly printed cash somewhere. Who owns huge positions in stocks? Really, really, really rich guys like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.
I went heavily long on oil stocks back in October and November when the pundits called oil uninvestable and another group of pundits claimed a Biden win would kill the oil industry. Why did I go long oil? Because I fully expect the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department to engage in completely reckless monetary printing that will cause an oil spike similar to what we saw in 2007 on the heels of 5 years of massive "stimulus" implemented after 9/11 that saw oil hit $140 a barrel and housing prices to go through the roof. I'm not going to blame the President for it, but when gas hits $4 a gallon this summer and the Left Wing Party of Big Government pisses and moans about "gas company price gouging" I'm going to laugh my ass. "WE'RE HERE TO HELP THE LITTLE GUY." Yeah right. My Valero stock just crossed a 100% gain and my Exxon position is close to 100% gain so I hope they keep that money printer going until 2023 like the Fed has promised.