Re: Urban Meyer OUT at Florida!

I'm sorry but this post is utterly sick!!!!! You should be ashamed...

Post Number 69 is divine.

I do have to ask, what was 'sick' about his post?

Just a word of advice- If you take offense to what you see and read on the internet I would suggest you may want to stay away from the internet. Either that or you may want to limit your internet usage to that of your Church's website and emailing pictures of your Golden Retriever and Children.
Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread

He'll join the ESPN SEC cheerleading Squad and we will have to endure one more SEC Blow-boy EVERY week next season :)
Re: Official Urban Meyer Prediction Thread

If it is actually health reasons then Urban and his family have my deepest sympathies. I've followed him since he's been at Utah. I've thought he is the best coach in college over the last 7 years.

But here's my conspiracy theory: This is the smoke screen. Come black Monday in the NFL Urban will release a statement that Cleveland has contact him. He is itching to get back into the game.

Urban is such a great coach that I think he's actually looking out for Florida right now. They need prepare for his departure and he is so aggressive that he wants to get going.

Again this is me going out on a huge limb with this prediction, but that's what I'm doing.

No way do I feel like he's done coaching and I certainly know there's no honor amongst coaches, however to 'resign for health reasons' now only to take another job 4 to 6 weeks later would be beyond low. If he was planning on moving to another job in the NEAR future he would simply release a statement saying he was 'resigning for personal reasons' or to 'pursue other interests'. To use ones health as a smoke screen would be BAD KARMA.
Re: I'm already sick of.....

hearing about Urban Meyer. I wonder how long this is going to be the top story of ESPN? I hope Florida gets beat bad in the Sugar Bowl.

Well, it is pretty big news when the said coach has 2 National Titles in the last 3 seasons and is probably the #1 job in the country right now. What else should they cover now, NBA hoops?
Re: Florida coach replacement rumors

If what Meyer says is actually true....what about Spurrier for a few years and then when Meyer is ready again, he comes back
Re: Florida coach replacement rumors

If Meyer intends on coming back in a few years then they will be looking for more of an interim coach. If that were the case I'd say they'd be looking for a coach ready to retire or a current staffer who would be willing to step down at any given time should Meyer decide he's ready. I wouldn't be entirely shocked if McCarney got the jon in the interim. Would be pretty cool.
Re: I'm already sick of.....

how?? No WAY florida loses this game now...do you realize how much hype there is going to be for "Meyer's last game". There will be a strong "win one for the gipper" mentality

No kidding. Cincy was going to have a brutal time matching up to begin with...now I expect Florida to absolutely dominate this game for 60 minutes.
Re: Urban Meyer OUT at Florida!

I see this differently.. The insinuation of the gay post and the fact that Meyer is out due to health reasons. I took exemption to PDX words stating that Meyer is out for the "obvious reason is obvious" I put 2 and 2 together..
Re: Urban Meyer OUT at Florida!

I wish Urban the best and hope it is not serious. Very shocking when announced and still shocking right now. WOW.
Re: I'm already sick of.....

I picked Cincinnati so this is awesome news..

I picked Cincy also and now wanting to change my pick. Urbans last game and Tebows last game. The Gators are going to be pumped for this game. Cincy can play a great game and might make it a close game.
Re: Florida coach replacement rumors

I think they will approach Dan Mullen who was the top assitant (OC) for Meyer at most of his previous stops. I am not sure if he will listen but that is my best guess. The McCarney idea seems pretty far-fetched unless Meyer really is going to sit out one season.
Re: I'm already sick of.....

hearing about Urban Meyer. I wonder how long this is going to be the top story of ESPN? I hope Florida gets beat bad in the Sugar Bowl.
If ESPN's love affair of Tim Tebow is any indication we are going to be hearing about Meyer for a long long time.

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