Two Pieces of Information that I haven't seen posted here yet


Well-Known Member
1) It appears that Sherman Dillard may be our #3 Asst coach. Link from rivals

I would be interested to see who this guy has at his development camps. From what I could find, he lives in Frisco, TX (Dallas) and runs a development camp. He's flamed out a few times as a head coach but has connections with Nike and strong AAU ties.

2) Coco Ware, if offered, would accept a scholarship at Iowa. - link from hawkeye insider -

Its safe to say we are either going to get Salter or Ware. I would take both since we are short players and almost out of time to sign anyone for next year. These guys are both JUCO players. Salter has two years left and Ware has one year or vice versa. Either way it's a nice way to add some depth without tying up scholarships for a long period of time.
Maybe one of the recruits won't come if the other does. Which one would be best this coming season?
Dillard would be a great choice for the third assistant. What a variety of experience and connections on one bench. Nice.
Salter is a 2 year guy with a lot more offers.
Ware is a 1 year guy that doesn't have as many because of the fact he has only 1 year.

Either would help enormously.
would love to have them both!! but if it really came down to it......i guess Ware, that gives us another scollie for next year, a probably wouldnt have to worry about the grade issues,dont get me wrong I want both and love what I read about Salters game.
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I'd rather just take Salter. I just don't like the idea of throwing a guy in their for 1 year. It could work out great, but that would be my preference.

That being said, I doubt if Fran asks my opinion anytime soon ;).
Dillard sounds like a very interesting possibility.
I wanted Fran to hire a very connected recruiter-type for this last position and Dillard sounds like Raveling II....I like it.
I wouldnt mind having all three, preferably Dillard first because it would be nice to have a full staff. I imagine it would make it easier for a recruit to commit knowing he likes the 3rd assistant.
FM knows what he is doing. If this happens this hire will put Iowa squarely in the recruiting game.

The staff was in place, but he still needed his AAU guy.
Seems to me another indication that McCaffery is thinking outside the proverbial box, and doing it very, very astutely. Finding & convincing a legend like Sherm Dillard to return to serving as an assistant college coach took imagination and smarts, no other way to sum it up.

Also speaks to Fran's own connections. He's known the guy for 30 years.
Dillard sounds like a very interesting possibility.
I wanted Fran to hire a very connected recruiter-type for this last position and Dillard sounds like Raveling II....I like it.

There was a time when hiring Sherm Dillard would have been a major, shocking development announcing that the Iowa Hawkeyes had become a major national hoops power. Now, that was back in the days of Lute Olson & George Ravelling, but stilll....

Thirty years ago, when I was living in a MD suburb of Wash DC with Terrapin season tickets, Sherm Dillard was the rising young recruiter to Lefty Driesell, bring ing in guys like Len Bias. Later, he brought so many, many top blue chippers to GA Tech that many people made the mistake of thinking his boss, Bobby Cremins, was an actual authentic college coach who might someday challenge Dean Smith.

Dillard made the mistake of taking the head coaching job at his alma mater. Whether he lacked the requisite skills to succeed as a head coach as he did as an assistant, or whether it was just too hard to recruit kids to a mediocre mid-major in the Boonies, not much was heard of afterwards...well, at least I lost track of him.

But his kind of skills in evalauating & recruiting talent don't rust away. Maybe he can be the reincarnation of Rip Van Winkle. If he can recruit in his fifties in the Midwest the way he recruited in his thirties in the East & Southeast, WOW!!! WHOOPEE!!! Christmas in May!

This seems another indication of McCaffery thinking imaginatively outside the proverbial box--and doing it very astutely. Finding & convincing a legendary recruiter like Sherm Dillard, what's not to love?

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