Well-Known Member
Not worked up. You just can't do that in most professional jobs. But even separating that, it comes across immature In a profile job where maturity matters.
Lastly his job brings attention to the nepotism know as the family business. It comes across as the McCaffery brothers level. They arent employees.
Try doing something like that working for Pioneeer Hybrids or Fidelity Bank and Trust in a PR job.....
Fair enough, but, I don't think you can really compare Pioneer Hybrid or a bank job as apples to apples with a Div 1 football program.
I mean, there is no Pioneer Hybrid Nation forums having numerous threads critiquing your job. Nobody is in the news or covering a seed company president or bank president. There is nobody starting threads not knowing anything about seeds or banking but acting like they do or questioning their business decisions. It's just not the same.
Yea, they might have the occasional news article but it is nowhere on the level of people following college football and having opinions about the programs. Not anywhere close.