Tucker released from University of Iowa


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Long time reader of hawkeye nation ... first time poster.

Found out from family member (who is close friends with someone very close to situation) tonight that Anthony Tucker was granted his release from the university of Iowa.

... so in other words he will not be seeing the floor anytime soon.
Long time reader of hawkeye nation ... first time poster.

Found out from family member (who is close friends with someone very close to situation) tonight that Anthony Tucker was granted his release from the university of Iowa.

... so in other words he will not be seeing the floor anytime soon.

i worked for the university for several years and i have no idea what that means.

tucker could be released from his scholarship, but only if he requested it. he could withdraw from classes, but that would be a unilateral decision on his part. there would be no need for the university to "release" him from classes. the only other things i can think of are that he could be ruled ineligible b/c of grades (which i don't think get reported for 2-3 more weeks) or he could get booted from the team for another legal violation. i don't want to speculate on the basis of third-hand anonymous information, but i'm pretty sure those are all of the options.
That would be best for both sides as far as I'm concerned. Also another selfish move at this point in the season, no suprise there. So Lick has another scholly to play with, go find a true post please.
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If this is true it would be extremely weird. If Tuck was going to transfer i would assume he wouldve done it at semester. I hope this isnt true.
A release is different from simply withdrawing from classes. A release is necessary to enable coaches from other programs to talk to a scholarship player about transferring.
A release is different from simply withdrawing from classes. A release is necessary to enable coaches from other programs to talk to a scholarship player about transferring.

I was just thinking about that, but doesn't a player ask for a release after he knows another program will accept him?
If this is true it would be extremely weird. If Tuck was going to transfer i would assume he wouldve done it at semester. I hope this isnt true.

I'm not buying into the report (no offense to the OP) at this point, but based on what Lick has said all along Tucker's suspension from actually playing was of indefinite duration. It's possible that Tucker got tired of waiting.
I was just thinking about that, but doesn't a player ask for a release after he knows another program will accept him?

Technically no discussions are supposed to take place before a release, otherwise it's tampering and a sanctionable violation. Sometimes players find out through an intermediary, such as a high school or summer league coach. But sometimes there really is no contact before a release is granted.

In this case--again, not assuming the veracity of the OP--Tucker could have gotten PO'd and asked for a release before any preliminary/indirect contacts had been made.

If he did elect to leave, or his ride were not renewed, Tucker would have no difficulty finding another program to accept him for the remaining two years of eligibility after a redshirt.
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I'm not buying into the report (no offense to the OP) at this point, but based on what Lick has said all along Tucker's suspension from actually playing was of indefinite duration. It's possible that Tucker got tired of waiting.[/QUOTE]

Waiting for what? Iowa fans, coaches and team memebers have been waiting for two years for the kid to be a productive memeber of the team on and off the court.
Technically no discussions are supposed to take place before a release, otherwise it's tampering and a sanctionable violation. Sometimes players find out through an intermediary, such as a high school or summer league coach. But sometimes there really is no contact before a release is granted.

That seems to be a little backward, doesn't it?

Say Tucker is planning on transferring to UNI, but he hasn't contacted them and they haven't contacted him in any way. He's going to ask for his release, get it, and then call up to Cedar Falls? And then they're going to accept him and give him a schollie?

I'm not saying you're wrong, just that the above scenario makes no sense at all, but at the same is exactly what you're describing. Couldn't a player get burned in that scenario if the school they want to go to tells them to get lost?
i don't see how the timing works here. 24 hours ago AT was engaged enough with the team that he dressed, participated in warmups, and cheered from the bench. since then, he has already asked for his release and been granted it? don't you think lick would at least have asked him to sleep on it?

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