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Well-Known Member
It's been brought up on both Hawk boards that there are rumors of one and possibly more players leaving. Does anyone know anything about this? Is there anything concrete or all just rumors?
True, If it's a major contributer or two he might have to go too. Who wants to start all over again. If this happens we need someone new to right this ship.
I would not be shocked at all if 2 or more players left. Neither Gatens or Tucker have looked happy this year (not to say it's them) and I could see them both leaving.
I'm friends with Matt, he's not happy but he won't leave. There are a few guys that are talking about leaving. It's not looking good.
There was a post on another board that said Tucker was going around telling his friends he was transferring. It was promptly deleted...but it didn't sound good.
Matt Gatens isn't going anywhere! Coach may lose a few more and who cares if we do??? They don't deserve to be a Hawkeye! We'll be better off without them! I'm standing by Coach Lickliter and whoever wants to be a Hawk! It's not easy to win at Iowa, we don't have the facilities like Coach Lickliter had at Butler. Just need to be patient and by 2013 Iowa will be back in the NCAA's. Go Hawks!
There was a post on another board that said Tucker was going around telling his friends he was transferring. It was promptly deleted...but it didn't sound good.

I still support Lick and will no matter what the teams record is this year but if anybody transfers after this year I think Lick has to go.
Tucker has been a huge disappointment this year and Fuller is not too far behind. On any other team, Tucker would not be playing. 2 out of 10 games shooting well does not make up for his atrocious defense.
Players defecting off of a losing team is one of the worst signs you can see. Sure players hate playing on a losing team but they are also well aware of the fact that if they move to a winning team they may get limited or no minutes PLUS they have to sit out a season unless they head the DII route. The DII route isn't an option for any player that actually feels they are going to play at the next level.

Wait a second.....the above is for the players that aren't that good to being with so let's look at the players that have left the program in the past shall we?

If you are a good to great player, you want to play on a winning team and have a legit chance of playing in the NCAA tourny and get exposure. You know that its going to be tough and you will have to sit out a year but you get to hand pick the team you are heading to and know without a doubt you are going to get playing time or at the very least have enough confidence in your abilities that you should see plenty of time on the floor.

If one more of the latter type players transfers from our program then heads need to roll and we need to pull the plug on anything and everything associated with Iowa basketball. The kids clearly don't enjoy playing in this 'system' and the recruits don't appear to be lining up to sign with us. You are aware that we are a top 15 salary program right? We tend to pay our coaches well above the average and we shouldn't have that hard of time finding a coach that wants to come in here and build something.

For the LOVE OF GOD please go hire Billy Gillispie.
Tucker has been a huge disappointment this year and Fuller is not too far behind. On any other team, Tucker would not be playing. 2 out of 10 games shooting well does not make up for his atrocious defense.

Wrong. On OUR team Tucker is being asked to do things that are outside of his skill sets. On other teams he will be utilized to highlight his strengths and limit his weaknesses.

And how in the hell do we know that Fuller is a disappointment as the kid never gets in a game (see David Palmer)
Matt Gatens isn't going anywhere! Coach may lose a few more and who cares if we do??? They don't deserve to be a Hawkeye! We'll be better off without them! I'm standing by Coach Lickliter and whoever wants to be a Hawk! It's not easy to win at Iowa, we don't have the facilities like Coach Lickliter had at Butler. Just need to be patient and by 2013 Iowa will be back in the NCAA's. Go Hawks!

It is one thing to be loyal to a program. It is a whole other thing to not accept reality and say that a kid does not deserve to be a Hawkeye because they want to leave a program they do not believe in. I don't thin anyone who leaves will leave simply because they don't like losing- they'll leave because of the dynamics with their coach, or not believing in the system of the coach.

In the athletic world of today, there is no such thing as being patient until 2013 when a program has been on a steep decline for three years already.
Lick has just had some minor pumps along the road...We should give him a couple year extension and let him work through these rough patches.
If Brommer transfers and they fill his spot with a solid player we should throw the staff a parade....Brommer will never be an impact player at Iowa imo

I don't care who transfers to be honest. If a better player replaces the player who leaves I am perfectly fine with it. History shows that transfers do not get replaced with better players in these parts though.

I dout West Virgina fans gave a damb about Devan Bawinkle transfering as I am sure they got a player 10x better than him to fill his void.

Who knows we shall see how it all shakes down.

I expect Bromer to leave. He is not going to get any better his next two seasons to make a difference anyway.
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