Tracking 2013 Class Offers

Delano Hill is going to be rated higher and also get a few more schools talking in his ear. Hopefully he stays with Iowa.
With Jon Wisnieski's commitment, it sounds like his coach mentioned they had 4 schollies to give still.

This boils it down to 3, it seems.

Definitely a RB.. what else though? 1x OL? 1x ???
Im guessing that by signing day they sign more than 3 more guys. They will get a RB for sure, I would say 2. I read somewhere they were done with OL.
With one of the LBs slotted to move to DE.. I wouldn't be surprised if we rangle in another LB if we can find one of fair quality..

1x RB, 1x LB, 1x ???
Yeah, you would think they would get one more LB but as of right now I don't think they have any offers out to LBs except that Mitchell kid from Texas who has a top 3 that doesn't include Iowa.
Yeah, you would think they would get one more LB but as of right now I don't think they have any offers out to LBs except that Mitchell kid from Texas who has a top 3 that doesn't include Iowa.

Great point.

Well.. should be fun to see how this shakes out.
If i am not mistaken I think there are least two kids coming to visit at the end of the month. Mycial Allen, who tried to commit once, and Rachid Ibrahim. Sounds like they are really recruiting Braylon Edwards brother Berkeley hard for RB.
I think we need either 2 RB and 1 DE/LB or 1 RB 1 LB 1 DE.

Berkeley Edwards would be an awesome pickup
I think we need either 2 RB and 1 DE/LB or 1 RB 1 LB 1 DE.

Berkeley Edwards would be an awesome pickup

I'd say 1 of each is about right. My hopes are Edwards at RB, Kimbrough at LB, and Augusta at DE, but I think most of those are dreams.
I'd say of those scholarships left a TB, OT, and least. Hopefully, another DE, and possibly another TB(ummm, can't have too many...dodges lighting bolt).


A couple of updates to the list in the OP--
-Wisnieski's commitment has been noted.
-4-star OL Khaliel Rodgers, who Iowa may or may not have been recruiting, has committed to USC. Rodgers is a teammate of 2015 QB David Sills, who committed to USC in the spring of his 7th grade year.

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