Tracking 2011 class offers

Homer- How do the recent defections (assuming Wegher doesn't come back) that gives us 3 scholarships (Wegher, Gray, Hundtermark) affect the way Iowa uses their scholarships on the next class. Are we going to see another LB?
Homer- How do the recent defections (assuming Wegher doesn't come back) that gives us 3 scholarships (Wegher, Gray, Hundtermark) affect the way Iowa uses their scholarships on the next class. Are we going to see another LB?

It just means that we're going to have a full (and big) recruiting class. The coaches might even take advantage of the whole oversigning option too.

As for extra LBs ... you should expect for us to take on 3 or 4 LBs (total) in this class. We already have 2.
Homer- Do we have a shot with Zettel? I think he would make a nice addition.

Early on in the process, I thought that we did. However, the more I think about it ... the harder I believe it will be to get him. What potentially gives me some hope is that it seems like he really liked his visit to PSU. If we can get an official visit from him ... then I think that we still have a shot (albeit not necessarily a good one).
What's the word on Armonze Daniel? With Gray leaving maybe we take 3 or 4 LBs in this class. He seems like he could be a good one. I thought I read somewhere that he needed in improve academically. I hope he does and we can land him. He looks like he could develop into a big time playmaker at LB.
What's the word on Armonze Daniel? With Gray leaving maybe we take 3 or 4 LBs in this class. He seems like he could be a good one. I thought I read somewhere that he needed in improve academically. I hope he does and we can land him. He looks like he could develop into a big time playmaker at LB.

Daniel definitely has talent ... the question will be whether he can qualify.
Wonder if Shepard is rethinking his decision about KU after they lost to NDSU. Also, saw somewhere that miller is setting up his officials. Wonder if KU will get one now.
Single game outcomes have little to no effect on recruits. I'm not sure why people assume because a team lost a game they shouldn't have that a kid will eliminate them. Its not like kids stopped going to UM after they lost to Appy State. Its a non-factor.....

Rumor is Pitt may be the leader for Ejuan Price now, still not sure if there is a time table for a decision.
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Single game outcomes have little to no effect on recruits. I'm not sure why people assume because a team lost a game they shouldn't have that a kid will eliminate them. Its not like kids stopped going to UM after they lost to Appy State. Its a non-factor.....

Rumor is Pitt may be the leader for Ejuan Price now, still not sure if there is a time table for a decision.

I agree about one game outcomes not affecting, but this is just a sign of things to come. It's not like it was a lucky win. KU had nothing, absolutely nothing, and to compare the tradition of KU to UM is ridiculous. Totally different, and I think that this one game (which will be an entire season of embarassment) will affect their recruiting.

And bummer about Price. At least it's not OSU (sorry fufred)
fufred....Why do ya think Price maybe changed? It seemed like OSU had a good feeling about him. Would love him at Iowa but I would rather he pick another B10 school over Pitt.
fufred....Why do ya think Price maybe changed? It seemed like OSU had a good feeling about him. Would love him at Iowa but I would rather he pick another B10 school over Pitt.

I think its because he recently opened back up his recruitment to Pitt and one of his HS teammates has pit in his top two also.
I think Price is feeling the pressure to give Pitt another look and his teammates/family might be the driving force behind Pitt being in the lead. I really hope he comes to Iowa but anywhere he goes he is going to be a good one. Our linebacker recruiting has been very good and our development has been even better......
Word has it that he didn't make the trip to Kinnick this weekend. I believe the fast start my Michigan is swaying him.

From all indications and articles, he is Michigan's to lose and has been for some time now. I think scUM is a flavor of the month and will start tanking down the stretch like last year. I just dont think an offense like Dick Rod's will work in the Big 10 because of the amount of hits the QB takes and how many carries they have. We will see how it works out but I like our offensive/defensive line recruiting and commits in this class........