Tracking 2011 class offers

From all indications and articles, he is Michigan's to lose and has been for some time now. I think scUM is a flavor of the month and will start tanking down the stretch like last year. I just dont think an offense like Dick Rod's will work in the Big 10 because of the amount of hits the QB takes and how many carries they have. We will see how it works out but I like our offensive/defensive line recruiting and commits in this class........

I could be wrong, but I look for Michigan State to paste Michigan.
Does anyone know why Miller had a one game suspension? I know he is only 17 but could this be an early sign of bad things to come?
Does anyone know why Miller had a one game suspension? I know he is only 17 but could this be an early sign of bad things to come?

I'm not worried. The Iowa coaches seem to have decided that they'll still pursue Miller. If it's okay with them ... then it's okay with me.
Saturday's game is absolutely ideal for these kids to come and witness Kinnick for the first's going to be electric
Hey Homer. Who is visiting this weekend? Sounds like some big time recruits. Do you or anyone else have any predictions for some signings this weekend.

I say we get Miller and one other big recruit to sign by Sunday afternoon.......
Recruits visiting this week are Daniel, Byrd, Gregory, campbell, and spears IIRC. So far thats all i got. May be more.
Have to wonder with Brewster's situation in Minnesota if there aren't some kids that Iowa may take a look at up there....
Homer, Tabb has a visit this weekend. What do you think the chances are with him now?

I'm both very intrigued and very happy that Iowa is still in the picture for Tabb's services.

The great thing is that Tabb projects at TE, LB, and DE ... and Iowa is VERY good at developing guys at ALL of those spots. Given how important the TE spot is for our O and given that over the next 2 years we will be losing our top 2 TEs ... there definitely exists a need to "reload" there. Furthermore, between attrition and position changes, we definitely have "room" available at TE.

I'm willing to bet that the coaches are willing to give every guy a legit shot at the TE spot ... and they're simply going to let the top guys win it. After that, they'll simply recommend alternative avenues where guys might see the field faster ... and the rest may end up being history.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that Iowa is still actively recruiting guys at LB and DE ... and Tabb definitely projects at those positions too (as do Duzey and Krieger-Coble, for that matter).

How much chances does Iowa have of landing Tabb? I don't know. However, I think that we have a good "in" concerning positioning. The only detrimental angle is that we already have 3 guys who project at TE commits. Will that scare him off? Well ... it hasn't yet. If the coaches are selling the LB or DE angle ... I think that they have a TON to sell there ... however, for whatever reason, we tend to have a bit more difficulty landing highly touted guys outside the midwest at those spots.
Hey Homer. Who is visiting this weekend? Sounds like some big time recruits. Do you or anyone else have any predictions for some signings this weekend.

I say we get Miller and one other big recruit to sign by Sunday afternoon.......

The guys Iowa lands after officials are usually the guys who haven't already visited on unofficials. I think that the visit will help sway a guy or two our way ... however, I'd be happy if we would even land ONE commit by the time Monday rolls around.

Of course, given the more aggressive style that the coaches have been using in their recruitment ... they very well may have the current group of guys "baited" with a guy who is already uber-high on Iowa and will pretty much be talking to the other guys about how he's going to commit.
Also, per word from both the rivals and scout site ... it seems like the 'ship to Armonze Daniel has been pulled.

My guess is that it relates to a number of facts ... the first being that Iowa doesn't need to take a risk with him, especially seeing that he's a bit of an academic liability (he could commit, but then still not qualify). A second possible contributing factor is that we're having a number of other quality guys who project nicely at LB visit too ... namely, Spears and Tabb.

Lastly, I think that there's an outside chance that it could also be a sign that Iowa may now be the leader for French's services. Maybe French is now a "silent verbal" for Iowa .... maybe? Hey, I'm reaching ....
Also, per word from both the rivals and scout site ... it seems like the 'ship to Armonze Daniel has been pulled.

My guess is that it relates to a number of facts ... the first being that Iowa doesn't need to take a risk with him, especially seeing that he's a bit of an academic liability (he could commit, but then still not qualify). A second possible contributing factor is that we're having a number of other quality guys who project nicely at LB visit too ... namely, Spears and Tabb.

Lastly, I think that there's an outside chance that it could also be a sign that Iowa may now be the leader for French's services. Maybe French is now a "silent verbal" for Iowa .... maybe? Hey, I'm reaching ....

What about Price? Do we still have a shot there?
What about Price? Do we still have a shot there?

No freakin' clue. The last word that was coming out of tOSU fans was that Pitt may have jumped in the lead for his services.

If that's the case ... I'd anticipate that Jefferson and Price are BOTH likely heading to Pitt.

I'll give Wanny his due ... he and his guys are impressive recruiters. It's awfully difficult to beat them out for recruits hailing out of Western PA.