Tracking 2011 class offers

Daniels (WR from IL) to Notre Dame. Not a huge surprise there. I'm just disappointed that Big 10 teams can't keep the talent in the conference.
Some of the most exciting recruiting buzz is that Iowa's chances of landing Cyrus Kouandjio and his teammate Darian Cooper aren't nearly as remote as I had originally thought.

Don't get your hopes up though ... I'll believe it when I see it. However, it definitely is something that is very fun to think about though.
Another thing that I'd mention that I find rather shocking is that Iowa hasn't offered ANY new O-linemen for quite a while ... and that is ever after we whiffed on Allen, Sterup, and Martin.

That leads me to believe that the Iowa coaches have a clear plan if they don't land Kouandjio or Zettel. And, going off of how Michigan has been faring thus far this season, I'm thinking that Iowa's chances of landing Zettel are continuing to rapidly diminish. As bad as Michigan's D is this year, the O is significantly better. I think that that will be enough to prevent the sort of let-down that the Wolverines experienced in '09. While I don't anticipate that Michigan will have a great year, it will likely be good enough to save Rich Rod's job. And with there being less concern about coaching continuity at Michigan ... that will likely be enough for Zettel.

This then begs the question ... who do the Hawk coaches like on the OL, who they haven't yet offered? It would appear that they're keeping their cards close to their vests. Maybe it is the Marz kid from Minnesota? I dunno ... however, I'm definitely intrigued.

Maybe their plan is simply to reinforce the DL so that they can move a guy or two over to the OL. For instance, guys like Hardy, Carl Davis, and Donavan Johnson each project to the OL every bit as well as they projected to the DL. Of course, don't get me wrong, I really hope that the aforementioned guys remain on the DL ... however, ultimately, I just want the guys to find the position that proves to be the best fit for them.
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Looking at the current Class breakdown of OL, we could bring in another OL propsect or two.

Note: OL group also lost Cody H. a JR. this year.




Redshirt Freshmen:
Van Sloten

True Freshmen
Looking at the current Class breakdown of OL, we could bring in another OL propsect or two.

Note: OL group also lost Cody H. a JR. this year.




Redshirt Freshmen:
Van Sloten

True Freshmen

I originally projected that we could probably take as many as 4 OL commits this year. I'm genuinely surprised that we haven't seen more offers going out reflecting that fact.

Right now I anticipate that we'll AT LEAST take one more guy on the OL ... the intriguing question again is who the heck that guy will be.

Of course, it's also interesting to note that we already have quite a number of OL offers out to the 2012 class. It could be that the coaches feel pretty confident overall about their chances of landing guys we have offers out to (either who remain on the 2011 board or on the 2012 board) and they don't just want to give out new 'ships just to land a warm body.

Lastly, another factor could be that we really seem to be having quite a number of young guys who have been doing well for themselves. For instance, we already know about what Nolan MacMillan has been bringing to the table. However, from what I've seen, Boffeli and Van Sloten are further along in their development than I would have originally expected. That is VERY good news! Furthermore, Tobin seems to be a walk-on who truly is legit. On top of all those underclassmen who have actually been seeing playing time ... it sounds as though Scherff has been generating some positive buzz for himself through his hard work at practice.

Given the seemingly high percentage of underclassmen who seem to be on really positive developmental paths ... in other words, we're seemingly having a high percentage of "hits" and surprisingly few "misses" ... it could be that that is affording Ferentz and Co the luxury to "pick and choose" their OL targets.
also dont forget Mcminn could end up being an O-line men.....kinda of like what we did with Reiff. Not saying it will happen but definitely could.....also Kreiger-Coble might end up being a lineman too......maybe? You never know with the coaching staff. I definitely see one more at least....but you never know
Lastly, another factor could be that we really seem to be having quite a number of young guys who have been doing well for themselves. For instance, we already know about what Nolan MacMillan has been bringing to the table. However, from what I've seen, Boffeli and Van Sloten are further along in their development than I would have originally expected. That is VERY good news! Furthermore, Tobin seems to be a walk-on who truly is legit. On top of all those underclassmen who have actually been seeing playing time ... it sounds as though Scherff has been generating some positive buzz for himself through his hard work at practice.

This is what really jumps out to me, at least the youth on the OL. Right now 3/5 of the OL starters are RS sophs or younger, and only JVV graduates. The bigger surprise to me is that only 1 junior is starting (others are contributing, but only Big Zus starts). I'm from the school of thought of taking 3-4 OL every yr, but w/ so much young depth in the current program, it just doesn't seem necessary this recruiting year...and that is awesome to consider for the future of this program, and the OL in particular.
LOL! You know fufred ... that sort of post is one of the very reason why some of the thin-skinned nitwits on HawkeyeInsider wanted you off their board.

All the same, thanks for the news ... albeit bad knews.

How is being wrong bad news?
per scout...Byrd sad the trip to kinnick, "it was insane." But it's a pay article so who knows what else was said
From Andy Hamilton - "He (Darrian Miller) listed the Hawkeyes as the leader for his services entering the visit and said Iowa remains in front of a pack that also includes Kansas, Minnesota and Memphis.
Miller will make his decision by the end of his senior football season. He said he also plans to enroll early in January. I've got to imagine Kansas is our primary competition for his services.
How is being wrong bad news?

At the time, there was pretty credible info to suggest that there was credible evidence to support fufred. However, as is often the case with teenagers, they change their minds ... they sometimes do it quite a bit.

I'd say that your remark benefits a bit too much from hindsight.
Price is back down to Iowa and Ohio St, Pitt quit recruiting him. Flip a coin, it's anyones guess....