Tough "break" for Georges

I think I'm partially at fault. I had an epiphany at some point during our skid when I knew we were gonna crap the bed liek a trucker who ate two Hoiburgers and decided that I would cheer for ISU during the tournament, because even though I hate them, I am sick of the power programs and mid major love. Of course, once I start cheering for a team they become immediately jinxed and now this happened to ISU. This sucks.
I think I'm partially at fault. I had an epiphany at some point during our skid when I knew we were gonna crap the bed liek a trucker who ate two Hoiburgers and decided that I would cheer for ISU during the tournament, because even though I hate them, I am sick of the power programs and mid major love. Of course, once I start cheering for a team they become immediately jinxed and now this happened to ISU. This sucks.

Thank you for taking the blame, a-hole!

(totally throwing you under the bus right now because I thought it was my fault, for most if not all of the reasons you just mentioned)
It's too bad ISU lost Georges. They have been playing as well as anybody of late. Same thing happened with losing Chris Babb last year against tOSU. Got to think ISU would have gone deeper without key players going down.

I would take a player like Naing on the team any day. Too bad some of us have to rejoice in ISU's loss of a player.

During the game I kept thinking to myself if the ISU players keep undercutting the NCC players something bad is going to happen. Well they kept undercutting and it finally caught up to them.
Then go to their board and be a clown fan and STFU.

They've been talking crap about Fran all season and when something with his son happens they all act like they give a rats ***. Give me a break. I've never known a bigger group of two faced ******* in all of my life.
It's possible to think that Fran isn't a good coach and poke fun at his lack of gameday coaching ability. While still feeling bad that he as a person is dealing with a personal tragedy.
This board is inundated with Clown trolls that stir up crap all the time. They were here in droves when we lost to Tennessee, talking trash. Sooner or later the shoe is on the other foot (usually as soon as football season starts).
Nobody enjoys it when a player is injured. That sucks.
Everybody enjoys it when Clown dreams are smashed on the rocks of life.
It might not be this way if they didn't come here to gloat at our misfortune.
I'm still rooting for the Cyclone TEAM. But I always root against Clown fans and will rub their noses in pooh, wherever it might be found. If they don't like it, they can stay on ClownFanatic. I don't go there to post crap.
Like all State of Iowa Universities at some point something happens to end their run. Injury or choking whatever you want to call it, this state is cursed when it comes to big time sports.
We have a list of curses going back to playing for the National Championship against the San Francisco Dons with Bill Russell.....

Too many to list right now, just one more, Connie Hawkins, the best recruit the Hawkeyes ever had.....

I liked to watch the Clones when the Hawks were not playing. Always want the Hawks to destroy them in every sport.....


I want ISU to lose as much as anyone but come on rejoicing from an injury to a kid??


As annoying and douchey as Clone fans are, I love their team and wanted Georges to be a Hawkeye and I get no laughy out of a player being hurt. Even if Cyclone fans do nothing to deserve empathy for them the player definitely deserves it for himself. Not to mention Georges made 2 or 3 shots after that injury, while limping around...1. That's a gamer. 2. He shoots better hobbled on one healthy foot than our guys do on twp... :mad:
If you dedicate yourself to taking care of your body and not carrying excess weight, you are much less prone to injuries like this.
Is it gainst the rules to like Cyclone teams but hate their fans? My heart goes out to Niang because I know how hard he worked to get where he's at but at the same time, I take pleasure in Clown fan agony. I'm a complicated Person.

As annoying and douchey as Clone fans are, I love their team and wanted Georges to be a Hawkeye and I get no laughy out of a player being hurt. Even if Cyclone fans do nothing to deserve empathy for them the player definitely deserves it for himself. Not to mention Georges made 2 or 3 shots after that injury, while limping around...1. That's a gamer. 2. He shoots better hobbled on one healthy foot than our guys do on twp... :mad:
I agree. Kid is a gamer. But I highly doubt Georges is going to read this thread, or this site for that matter. He, unlike Clown trolls, has a life. So i have no problem taking shots at Clown fans. It's not like Georges isnt going to live through it. If he doesn't, I'll issue a public apology.
I agree. Kid is a gamer. But I highly doubt Georges is going to read this thread, or this site for that matter. He, unlike Clown trolls, has a life. So i have no problem taking shots at Clown fans. It's not like Georges isnt going to live through it. If he doesn't, I'll issue a public apology.

Carry on. Just because I don't participate because it looks like we're having fun at Georges' expense doesn't mean I don't mind you guys trolling their trolls on our site since they can't seem to stay away from it.

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