Tough "break" for Georges

Come on guys really? Rivals or not, you don't ever wish or cheer for an injury on someone. Niang is a great player, one I wish Fran could have beat out Fred for. Best of luck to him in his recovery.
I had ISU losing to NC Sunday in my brackets. That's when they had their entire 6 man rotation. They now have a 5 man rotation and NC already played their poor game today...will want to play well Sunday and should smell blood in the water.
Dude, keep trying to make it sound legit. Look at your post history. Every post is either negative towards iowa or defending Isu. But keep up the disguise. It's almost working
Hawkdick I don't give a **** what you think of me. You have proven you are garbage. Keep it up dirt bag.
We can all see your post history my man...

One of the worst, obvious attempts at trolling I think I've ever seen.
Call me what you want. I have found your quest to be the embarrassing hawk fan...shameful. Should clone fan cheer pats cancer? **** no. If there was a moderator present your glee over naings injury would have been as short as our tournament participation. You fail and amplify our weak *** rep.

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