Thru 7 Games: Who is Iowa's MVP?

Who is Iowa's MVP Thru 7 Games?

  • Adrian Clayborn

    Votes: 91 45.3%
  • Rick Stanzi

    Votes: 44 21.9%
  • Ryan Donahue

    Votes: 19 9.5%
  • Tyler Sash

    Votes: 29 14.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 18 9.0%

  • Total voters
I agree with what's been said about the other players but it all starts with the quarterback. Although Ricky has had his share of mistakes, his poise and demeanor in the huddle following these plays are huge for this team. He's steadily putting together a very nice season statistically and hopefully he continues this progression throughout the rest of the season. If he does continue to progress we could have a very good player on our hands going into next year.
I went with Stanzi, but it did take some thought. Ultimately, when our running game hasn't worked this year, Rick has done it through the air. While he's had some issues with decision-making, he's also put some passes in windows now bigger than a 2x2 box. Runner-up goes to Norm Parker...
Adam Robinson
Amari Spievey
Tyler Sash
Adrian Clayborn
Ricky Stanzi

in that order. Spievey won't get much recognition but he basically eliminates one entire side of the field which allows our entire defense to play better. He is quietly one of, if not the most important player on the team.
You could make a good case for a lot of guys, but I went with Ricky. I think as long as he can continue to make enough plays he is our MVP. I should say that he NEEDS to be our MVP. The defense works so well as a unit that it is hard to pinpoint just one guy, but as Ricky goes our offense goes.
To this point in the season I think it has got to go to Clayborn and really the rest of the defensive line. Maybe the entire defense but Clayborn should be the representative from the defense and so far the team. As the Offense and Stanzi have struggled to get going this year, the defense has kept the team in the game. Every week the D steps up and keeps them in the game until the O gets going. Without the tough D play, the sluggish O wouldn't thave had all those great come backs.

MVP: Clayborn
I had to go with Stanzi, more for his leadership and resiliency than any single play. I think he has set the tone for how well this team rebounds from adversity.
I'm going to have to say. UNI's field goal kicker. If he didn't kick it way too low, twice, Iowa might not be 7-0, and might not have realized they can't take 1 week off.
I would go with the whole team. There have been points in each game where different areas of the team picked up everyone else. Kind of like the Patriots Super Bowl team when they played the Rams. This team needs to stick together and keep chugging along.
Arob for me. He gives us a solid run game and takes care of the ball.

Like most other folks, I think it's very difficult to pick one person. However, I think about how inept our running game was against UNI and have to give the nod to Robinson.
like many of you, i believe this is a tough choice, but if your deciding between clayborn and stanzi, it has to be stanzi. clayborn simply cannot have as big of an impact on the game as stanzi does. look at it this way, if clayborn was not on our team and his backup was starting all year long, how many games would we win, probably all of them, unless you want to give clayborn complete credit for the penn state game. now how many games would we win if Vandenberg was our starter? who knows? im guessing not 7
Ricky is a close pick over Adrian and Angerer,with Amauri...Triple AAA?, all in the team picture. Tony will be there if he keeps it up. ARob could make it AAAA.
I voted for other. The reason is simple; there is not one MVP on this team. It truly is a team effort. My other vote would go to the entire defense. They have bailed the offense out and created many turnovers.
I can't name a player, but I would say the defense as a unit is the MVP. You might narrow it down to the front four, but I think every level has had their bragging points.
ITS GOTTA BE STANZI. Guy gets the most criticism every week and he steps on the field on saturdays and makes the plays. That pass to Moeki in the corner was a throw that I have not seen Iowa make in a long time! Spievey could be the MVP by year end.