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  • You asked about how Klug's production would benefit Clayborn vs Binns creating chaos on the other side. Teams look to create advantages and since there are 11 players counting the center and QB, there can be a one blocker advantage on either side of the center. That blocker is usually the TE or it may be the direction the fullback goes in the blocking scheme. You are partially correct in the idea of Binns positive production being beneficial to AC. Perhaps if Binns had a monster start, the fullback or TE would be included in blocking scheme's to his side. But if Klug has a disruptive effect on the o-line...well you can only commit one extra blocker, so again AC would benefit.

    Football is a numbers game. Who manages and takes advantage of those situations gets the upper hand. This is why Norm Parker is so valuable...he's seen it all, and knows how to adjust on the fly.
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