This is the best Hawkeye website


Well-Known Member
I frequent them all (and have for years) and pay $99/year to one. And yet, this is the first site I click on. Great articles, updates, and posters. If the Tuesday and post game interviews were on here, this would truly be one stop shopping (so to speak). Great work Jon. I hope this site lasts as long as I do!
I frequent them all (and have for years) and pay $99/year to one. And yet, this is the first site I click on. Great articles, updates, and posters. If the Tuesday and post game interviews were on here, this would truly be one stop shopping (so to speak). Great work Jon. I hope this site lasts as long as I do!

Good to hear an unbiased opinion as I only have time to frequent this site (and occasionally BHGP). I would love to be able to get the interviews forwarded here as well vs youtube or elsewhere. Anyone?
This is a great site and Jon does a great job but i'll never leave hawkeyeinsider.. Rob Howe gives great insight and I enjoy the recruiting aspect of scout
Agree with the OP. HR is the place to post if you're angry, friendless and suffer from p**** envy. Anyone who spends more than a couple minutes on their site can't help but have flashbacks to the end credits of THIS movie.
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Speaking of HR, it's the only message board I've seen that uses the acronym WOB. I have no idea what it stands for and a quick Google search offered no insight. Anyone know?
HR is terrible even after a win. The only good thing about the site is recruiting info and posts by Blair.

With all the free, instant alternatives to receive Hawk news and updates, you have to wonder if the subscription sites will start to decline.
Speaking of HR, it's the only message board I've seen that uses the acronym WOB. I have no idea what it stands for and a quick Google search offered no insight. Anyone know?

When someone posts something that is spelled wrong or has a different meaning then what they are trying to use it for. In other words a want a be. But spelled obviously different to make fun of the person. A very annoying thing on there.

Another annoying occurrence on that board is the whole BAU comment. At least this one can be figured out (business as usual). But some posters use it on every other post they make.
WOB: The incorrect usage of a phrase in a sentence. Originating from the use of the phrase "want of bee", instead of "wannabe". Primarily used on Internet Message Boards, but has also branched out to all facets of life.

The following are examples of want of bee:
"If she wasn't such a pre-Madonna. You could probably get into her pants."
Thanks. There are several good sites and I appreciate people making this a stop along their Hawkeye days.'

As for Tuesday Interviews, we typically have the live Ferentz chat as he speaks it, and Rob and I have the On the Side up before anywhere else. I link the player videos and such from other sites as soon as I see them.

That being said, there are plans in the works for next year for expanded football coverage...and yes, for those that enjoy recruiting, too..I have not forgotten about that, but a few things need to happen to do it the way I a) would like to and b) am contractually bound to. I agreed with Scout that I would not contact prospects for a few years, in order to amicably part ways. That being said, there are ways that I believe Iowa fans can get recruiting info, free, and that may happen starting next fall.
I wish one or two of them would fold up so we could get more traffic here. Also Jon, you should consider adding a "campus life" section to try to lure in current students. I think that is why CyFanatic is such a success.
I wish one or two of them would fold up so we could get more traffic here. Also Jon, you should consider adding a "campus life" section to try to lure in current students. I think that is why CyFanatic is such a success.

I am very pleased with our traffic. We are at the same traffic level right now that HN was at in year sixth with Scout. I think it will continue to grow.
Thanks. There are several good sites and I appreciate people making this a stop along their Hawkeye days.'

As for Tuesday Interviews, we typically have the live Ferentz chat as he speaks it, and Rob and I have the On the Side up before anywhere else. I link the player videos and such from other sites as soon as I see them.

That being said, there are plans in the works for next year for expanded football coverage...and yes, for those that enjoy recruiting, too..I have not forgotten about that, but a few things need to happen to do it the way I a) would like to and b) am contractually bound to. I agreed with Scout that I would not contact prospects for a few years, in order to amicably part ways. That being said, there are ways that I believe Iowa fans can get recruiting info, free, and that may happen starting next fall.

I do like the link to player/coach interviews (usually through the Gazette) because they are usually via YouTube. TOS uses flash for the interviews, which I cannot watch through my iPad.
I like how this board is run. The scout board used to have some people with some pretty good insider info but most of them are gone now. I check it about once a week
I pretty much visit all of the Hawkeye boards and find all to have their positives and negatives depending on the particular cast of characters visiting the forums that particular day. They all provide features exclusive to that particular board and, as a Hawkeye fan, I find all of them to be entertaining and informative.

HALO is the board I visit the least as rudeness and crudity seems to be the currency most prized in those forums.

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