I haven't been a fan of Sandberg managing, either, and I was a HUGE Ryno fan growing up. One, I just don't want to see his image tarnished if he were to become a scapegoat for poor seasons. Two, I'm not sure his philosophy of small ball jives with Epstein's? Now, I may be speaking way over my head here, I'm not a stat junkie like some of you or other Cub forums I visit. But I have read where Sandberg will bunt his #4 to move runners over, etc. Some say "great, let them play the game the way it is meant to be played", others say "you just can't do that with your biggest bat at the plate." So it becomes a question of philosophy. His records in the minors are pretty good, but do records matter in the minors so much? I guess what he would have going for him is that a lot of the players who would be in the system would know him and he would know their strengths and weaknesses because he coached them. I'm torn. But to say all of Chicago or all Cub fans want him in the manager spot is a stretch.