The sad life of DJK

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Im not sure who looks like more of an idiot now. DJK or all the know it all posters who constantly ripped on KF for having DJK in the doghouse or on the 2nd line of the 2 deeps every week.
Im not sure who looks like more of an idiot now. DJK or all the know it all posters who constantly ripped on KF for having DJK in the doghouse or on the 2nd line of the 2 deeps every week.

Hindsight is 20/20 isn't it?

KF also did DJK a favor by NEVER telling the press what was actually going on. It was always a "violation of team rules" and nothing further.
Hindsight is 20/20 isn't it?

Or people could just trust the person who runs the program instead of pretending they know what the hell is going on inside the program and howling for DJK to start or see more playing time.

That would be too hard for idiots on the internet though, wouldnt it?
Wow. He sounds like someone continuing to struggle with closing a chapter in his life. Clearly he isn't happy about the way things ended. Clearly he still prefers to blame others instead of himself.

Maybe there were certain instances that others could have handled differently, but by and large DJK made the bed he's sleeping in. I wonder if the fact he was adopted and handed everything as a kid has caused him to fail to understand what it means to take responsibility for your actions. A teenager who is an elite athlete, and comes from a rich family can very easily end up being a grown man who doesn't understand what it means to be humble and learn from your mistakes. He chose the wrong school to go to if he thought Kirk Ferentz of all people was going to cater to his ego. Brandon Wegher's story isn't much different. Not the ego part, but as far as being an elite athlete from a rich family who was handed everything as a kid. However, to Brandon's credit at least he's out there trying to make the most out of what he has left for a football career. At least he seems to have acknowledged that he just didn't want to take care of the school part of things at that stage in his life. Admission is the first step to moving forward. Certainly doesn't seem like DJK is willing to accept the consequences of his actions.

It really is quite sad that DJK is still trying to garner attention on himself. That was what made him loved by many fans, but also what ultimately led to his demise. I don't know what his family situation is like now, but I hope there is someone who remains close enough to him that can somehow manage to get through that thick skull of his.
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One of the things about DJK, that has always been perplexing to me is this. The kid was adopted (if not legally, effectlvely) by a couple that appear to be successful and solid. IIRC, his adoptive Father is a Doctor. While that doesn't necessarily translate to good has always puzzled me.
Did they go so overboard with the "white guilt" thing, that they blew it.

Perhaps or maybe like some kids white or black that come from privilege they have a sense of entitlement without putting the work in. It may not be a "white guilt" thing at all, who really knows.
Or people could just trust the person who runs the program instead of pretending they know what the hell is going on inside the program and howling for DJK to start or see more playing time.

That would be too hard for idiots on the internet though, wouldnt it?

That has worked out well in recent years for places like OSU, Michigan, USC, Penn State, etc...
All of them ended up in trouble with the NCAA because they "trusted" the guy leading their program. Penn State is on a whole different level and speaks for itself.

Never stop questioning. Never.
That has worked out well in recent years for places like OSU, Michigan, USC, Penn State, etc...
All of them ended up in trouble with the NCAA because they "trusted" the guy leading their program. Penn State is on a whole different level and speaks for itself.

I think the poster was writing in terms of certain personnel decisions. could be like Texas fans and get rid of a Mack Brown with ZERO guarantee that the next coach will do better...or even achieve at the same level...or make better personnel decisions...or recruit well...

Never stop questioning. Never.
That has worked out well in recent years for places like OSU, Michigan, USC, Penn State, etc...
All of them ended up in trouble with the NCAA because they "trusted" the guy leading their program. Penn State is on a whole different level and speaks for itself.

Never stop questioning. Never.

Yeah, not even really close to the same thing though. Of course you need people inside to program for checks and balances on compliance issues.

But personnel or playing time decisions comes down to the coaching staff and KF. Every week in 2009 and 2010 when the depth chart was released people would be up in arms about DJK not being a starter. They acted like KF just plain old didnt like DJK when obviously there was a much bigger issue.
That has worked out well in recent years for places like OSU, Michigan, USC, Penn State, etc...
All of them ended up in trouble with the NCAA because they "trusted" the guy leading their program. Penn State is on a whole different level and speaks for itself.

Never stop questioning. Never.

Yeah, this Ferentz character needs checked out. I think he'd do anything to win......

This whole DJK thing has really jumped the shark.
DJK ‏@coachkoul 28m
"You've never had to work for anything in your life. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth." - @Coach_Doyle

DJK ‏@coachkoul 26m
"If you do one more thing between now and the bowl game, I will tell every scout what you've done wrong since you got here." - KF

The funny thing about these quotes is what exactly was said that was wrong?

1. Maybe he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but by the time he was at an age where you actually learn what it takes to be a man he was in a family that handed him everything.

2. This is the most perplexing. He's basically admitting Ferentz was not willing to put up with any more of his crap. KF was even kind enough to warn him. Yet he still prefers to play the "you ruined my future" card?

Pathetic. He's a grown man that still needs to learn to grow up and shut up.
If DJK was good enough and clean enough, he would have found a place in the NFL. I'm sure Ferentz has some influence over how NFL teams view a player of his, but in the end, he would have made it if he had the goods. DJK made or broke his own success. He failed. Blaming others won't change that reality, except his own.
DJK ‏@coachkoul 28m
"You've never had to work for anything in your life. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth." - @Coach_Doyle

DJK ‏@coachkoul 26m
"If you do one more thing between now and the bowl game, I will tell every scout what you've done wrong since you got here." - KF

The funny thing about these quotes is what exactly was said that was wrong?

1. Maybe he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but by the time he was at an age where you actually learn what it takes to be a man he was in a family that handed him everything.

2. This is the most perplexing. He's basically admitting Ferentz was not willing to put up with any more of his crap. KF was even kind enough to warn him. Yet he still prefers to play the "you ruined my future" card?

Pathetic. He's a grown man that still needs to learn to grow up and shut up.

Agreed. I haven't seen this much butthurt in one place bince VintageHawkeye got banned from here.

Ultimately, you can say what you want about KF hurting the kid's NFL chances, but the NFL can forgive A LOT of character issues if you can ball. DJK didn't do enough to prove he could ball and that's why he never played in the League. It's really that simple. Fact is, the kid probably got a lot more leeway than other players while at Iowa because he was so good and Ferentz was attempting to teach the kid to carry himself in a more professional manner and DJK didn't like it. Some kids take the life coaching and rave for decades about how their coach was a great father figure, even if he is strict. Others don't and end up like DJK or Maurice Clarrett.
If DJK was good enough and clean enough, he would have found a place in the NFL. I'm sure Ferentz has some influence over how NFL teams view a player of his, but in the end, he would have made it if he had the goods. DJK made or broke his own success. He failed. Blaming others won't change that reality, except his own.

Amen, brother. There are plenty of long rap sheets playing on Sundays. Worst case, it hurts one's draft stock, but if a kid has a great tape and is lights out at the combine, he'll get a shot. But scouts will notice things on tape such as DJK giving up on plays and his exasperation whenever he went deep and the ball got picked. That will be overlooked if you are Randy Moss good, but DJK was nowhere near that level.
Agreed. I haven't seen this much butthurt in one place bince VintageHawkeye got banned from here.

Ultimately, you can say what you want about KF hurting the kid's NFL chances, but the NFL can forgive A LOT of character issues if you can ball. DJK didn't do enough to prove he could ball and that's why he never played in the League. It's really that simple. Fact is, the kid probably got a lot more leeway than other players while at Iowa because he was so good and Ferentz was attempting to teach the kid to carry himself in a more professional manner and DJK didn't like it. Some kids take the life coaching and rave for decades about how their coach was a great father figure, even if he is strict. Others don't and end up like DJK or Maurice Clarrett.

Exactly. DJK had opportunities in the CFL and in Arena ball and he still failed to make an impact. It's laughable that he blames Ferentz for not having a shot in the NFL. If you don't have what it takes to make it in the the freaking CFL or AFL, how in the hell do you think you could have made it in the big league?

I just watched a UFC documentary on Matt Brown (welterweight fighter). Apparently Maurice Clarrett is spending his time training with him. They both had good things to say about each other. Seemed to me like Clarrett has finally figured it out. It's never too late. Maybe things will click for DJK sooner or later.
Wow. He sounds like someone continuing to struggle with closing a chapter in his life. Clearly he isn't happy about the way things ended. Clearly he still prefers to blame others instead of himself.

Maybe there were certain instances that others could have handled differently, but by and large DJK made the bed he's sleeping in. I wonder if the fact he was adopted and handed everything as a kid has caused him to fail to understand what it means to take responsibility for your actions. A teenager who is an elite athlete, and comes from a rich family can very easily end up being a grown man who doesn't understand what it means to be humble and learn from your mistakes. He chose the wrong school to go to if he thought Kirk Ferentz of all people was going to cater to his ego. Brandon Wegher's story isn't much different. Not the ego part, but as far as being an elite athlete from a rich family who was handed everything as a kid. However, to Brandon's credit at least he's out there trying to make the most out of what he has left for a football career. At least he seems to have acknowledged that he just didn't want to take care of the school part of things at that stage in his life. Admission is the first step to moving forward. Certainly doesn't seem like DJK is willing to accept the consequences of his actions.

It really is quite sad that DJK is still trying to garner attention on himself. That was what made him loved by many fans, but also what ultimately led to his demise. I don't know what his family situation is like now, but I hope there is someone who remains close enough to him that can somehow manage to get through that thick skull of his.

Or maybe there's some truth in what he's saying about '09 and '10. Jose Canseco is a self-centered clown yet what he wrote about ended up being true.

Not saying that Iowa did anything wrong in '09 and '10 but I don't think anyone can honestly say there weren't some improper things done as well.

That said, I seem to remember DJK praising KF after he got kicked off of the team so who knows what's going on?
Yeah, not even really close to the same thing though. Of course you need people inside to program for checks and balances on compliance issues.

But personnel or playing time decisions comes down to the coaching staff and KF. Every week in 2009 and 2010 when the depth chart was released people would be up in arms about DJK not being a starter. They acted like KF just plain old didnt like DJK when obviously there was a much bigger issue.

Supposedly "punishing" someone on paper, while giving them no consequences in reality is a dumb way to handle discipline. So the criticism KF received on that point was deserved, imo. Although, yes, it was stupid if people thought it was just because KF didn't like DJK.
Or maybe there's some truth in what he's saying about '09 and '10. Jose Canseco is a self-centered clown yet what he wrote about ended up being true.

Not saying that Iowa did anything wrong in '09 and '10 but I don't think anyone can honestly say there weren't some improper things done as well.

That said, I seem to remember DJK praising KF after he got kicked off of the team so who knows what's going on?

I'm not sure what you're implying. I never once said in my post that it isn't possible some improper benefits were going on. I wouldn't have a clue.

However, assuming there was something going on how does that change the situation? DJK still put himself in this position. So now that his decisions have wasted away his opportunities he feels the need to try to bring everyone else down with him?

The whole thing is just ludicrous. Specially coming from a guy who has proven over and over again he has zero credibility. He only wants attention. Sorry I didn't choose to acknowledge anything DJK is claiming in my post.
Supposedly "punishing" someone on paper, while giving them no consequences in reality is a dumb way to handle discipline. So the criticism KF received on that point was deserved, imo. Although, yes, it was stupid if people thought it was just because KF didn't like DJK.

I can remember a couple times where DJK sat the entire 1st quarter or 1st half. A major gripe amongnst KF haters was DJK wasnt getting enough snaps and needed to be on the field more.

It wasnt just "punishment on paper".
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