The sad life of DJK

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DJK ‏@coachkoul 28m
"You've never had to work for anything in your life. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth." - @Coach_Doyle

DJK ‏@coachkoul 26m
"If you do one more thing between now and the bowl game, I will tell every scout what you've done wrong since you got here." - KF

DJK ‏@coachkoul 19m
Let me chill before I reveal things the NCAA might wanna know about concerning improper benefits from the '09 and '10 seasons.
I used to feel for the guy and felt like he was given the shaft a bit for being flamboyant and outspoken. But, he said it himself: Kirk said, 'Stay out of trouble for the next month or I'm not going to do a damn thing for you.' He responds by getting himself arrested w/ drugs in his possession/home/whatever.

Improper benefits? What credibility does the guy have left? Believe it when I see the sanctions.

Really hard to feel bad at this point. Desperate to stay relevant, I guess.
It's always the disgruntled ex-players who are first to talk about receiving improper benefits in college sports. They're also the ones with the least amount of credibility.
Man, I will fully admit he had amazing talent. I was always jealous of ISU not having a receiver like that. Plus a sweet name. Sad state he must be in.
I am Twitter ignorant, so someone help me out here, please. One of those tweets has Coach Doyle at the end. Does that mean it's directed at Coach Doyle or from Coach Doyle?
He watched Maruice Clarrett's 30 for 30 Youngstown Boy last night. Which kind of made OSU look like the AD had it out for Clarrett. Now he thinks the same thing happened to him with KF at Iowa and he's got Youngstown boy in his twitter description, cause they all get screwed by their college.
looks more like KF gave him every opportunity to succeed and he kept F'ing it up.

the kid is sooo starved for attention.
Someone at some grubby restaurant is ticked off because their appetizers are slow getting to their table. Tweeting while waiting tables is discouraged. Now he will be blackballed from making it to assistant to the assistant manager.

Where rob howe when you need him?
Who is this DJK character? He seems like alot of trouble to me. I wouldn't want him on our football team. I believe he feels the world owes him something for being able to catch and run with some leather. Now, guys with character who can do that, well, they are worth something. This guy...dime a dozen.
Sad life is right.

DJK, you aren't "owning up" to jack, and unless/until you do, you'll be a loser the rest of your life.
I think we've learned why Ohio State "let him get away".

This kid hasn't played in 3 years.... talk about living in the past.

Sad, though I have a hard time feeling sorry for him.
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