The sad life of DJK

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Everyone caused his problems but him. Someone forced him to stay in a drug house. It's their fault he didn't make it in the NFL. This guy has made himself irrelevant.
I am Twitter ignorant, so someone help me out here, please. One of those tweets has Coach Doyle at the end. Does that mean it's directed at Coach Doyle or from Coach Doyle?

Unless Doyle has DJK blocked, that tweet will show up in Doyle's @ replies.
If DJK had any knowledge of skeletons in the UI closet, he would've brought them forth long before now.
Just a sad and pathetic attempt at attention.

BTW, I quit following that hack long ago.
If there were NCAA rules broken and improper benefits provided, I'd like to kn ow what they are. Does anybody know where they get their scooters? LOL. I had a hard time typing that with a straight face.
DJK had a huge coke problem and probably won't be taken seriously. I stopped following him awhile ago because all he spews is crap. He's living in the past and doing nothing more.
sounds like he is and was insecure and wounded. He had more talent than nearly everyone on the team, yet apparently wanted to feel sorry for himself instead of doing the right thing and working hard.

If you believe the tweet, he had everyting to gain and knew what he had lose. and still ****** it all away- that would be what an adict does.
He reminds me of Al Bundy on Married with Children. Always bragging up his High School (college for DJK) days.

Get over it and move on.
One of the things about DJK, that has always been perplexing to me is this. The kid was adopted (if not legally, effectlvely) by a couple that appear to be successful and solid. IIRC, his adoptive Father is a Doctor. While that doesn't necessarily translate to good has always puzzled me.
Did they go so overboard with the "white guilt" thing, that they blew it.
Seem to remember him blaming Kirk for blackballing him in the NFL; however he had tryouts in CFL and Arena ball and didn't make it.
I personally liked DJK and thoroughly enjoyed his play for the Hawkeyes. I saw an extremely talented gifted athlete. He's outspoken
but he's a smart young man and has remained loyal to the Hawks despite his troubles. Life's tough and DJK has his demon's, but I think he has a good heart. One mistake can close doors that are tough to re-open. DJK's an open person and speaks his mind - that's important if you're attempting to overcome an addiction and a sign he's still trying to find his place in the world. Hopefully, he lands a job as a receivers coach at some small college and is able to share his talents. It'd be a shame to see him give in and end up in prison or worse. I recall an incident at the start of his sophmore year when he was finally being eligible to speak to the media - (Ferentz doesn't allow media access to freshman). DJK showed up at the preseason Media Day dressed in black & yellow striped overalls, work boots, a straw hat and a corncob pipe. Ferentz caught him and noone got an interview. I would have enjoyed hearing that interview. In a way, I think the DJK's in life cause us to grow and maybe see things from a different perspective.
Can tweets be considered libel?

Yes. Most everything posted online that is not clearly labeled "opinion" can be. Even some "opinion" can be libelous if the author portrays it as fact, which in this case DJK seems to be implying.

As far as DJK himself, what a huge disappointment. He had every opportunity to excel and make the most of the gifts he was given. I don't blame KF for warning him against one more rules infraction between the end of the season and the bowl game. He would be best served to clean himself up and move on.
I personally liked DJK and thoroughly enjoyed his play for the Hawkeyes. I saw an extremely talented gifted athlete. He's outspoken
but he's a smart young man and has remained loyal to the Hawks despite his troubles. Life's tough and DJK has his demon's, but I think he has a good heart. One mistake can close doors that are tough to re-open. DJK's an open person and speaks his mind - that's important if you're attempting to overcome an addiction and a sign he's still trying to find his place in the world. Hopefully, he lands a job as a receivers coach at some small college and is able to share his talents. It'd be a shame to see him give in and end up in prison or worse. I recall an incident at the start of his sophmore year when he was finally being eligible to speak to the media - (Ferentz doesn't allow media access to freshman). DJK showed up at the preseason Media Day dressed in black & yellow striped overalls, work boots, a straw hat and a corncob pipe. Ferentz caught him and noone got an interview. I would have enjoyed hearing that interview. In a way, I think the DJK's in life cause us to grow and maybe see things from a different perspective.

Spare us the melodrama. DJK made his own poisoned bed. He needs to decide whether to continue to lie in it or to get up and get on with life.
Not a big fan of the piling on a clearly troubled person.

I think people put a little too much stock in the wasted potential thing with DJK.

His numbers across all agility drills were not close to NFL caliber numbers. That has doomed countless guys that excelled in college. It basically means you can't get open against NFL DB's.

Playing NFL football is like a lottery win. Only a select few get that opportunity. To think it is a very likely possibility only to fall short must be really hard. Any of you had a similar experience?
I think they were a great family and gave him great support. I sat with his family at one game and 19 family members had drove out from Ohio. One told me they all travel to every game. Seemed like terrific people. He did have a rough childhood. But had every chance to overcome it. Does anyone know where he is now. Last I heard which was a while ago he was hanging out in Oskaloosa
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