The sad life of DJK

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Okay, so they care like .00000001%. But they don't care enough for this guy to even get a $100 advance for a book.

I think too many people here have a biased opinion of the situation. My point is that he tweeted some serious accusations yet everyone just says "He can't move on" or "he did drugs". I mean is his past that bad that everyone turns from him and ignores him? I figured there would be more Ferentz haters rushing in taking DJK's side and wanting the roof blown off this story. Guess one 8 win season and DJK getting kicked off the team was enough to silence the critics.
yeah message boards aren't news sources

its fun to talk about what kate upton would be like in bed, but that doesn't mean a reporter should do a story about it

Discussing what Kate would be like in bed isn't close to DJK claiming he is going to tell about improper benefits from '09 to '10. It is more like someone claiming Kate used to be a man named Kyle. But I guess everyone views DJK as a scorned lover and less like a surgeon who performed the surgery to make Kyle into Kate.
The saddest part about all this is that the University of Iowa was probably the perfect spot for DJK.

How many programs would have guys like Ferentz and O'Keefe repeatedly invest time and effort attempting to assist DJK's development from boy to man? Based on everything I've read, it appears they had genuine interest in helping him along the path of life.
The saddest part about all this is that the University of Iowa was probably the perfect spot for DJK.

How many programs would have guys like Ferentz and O'Keefe repeatedly invest time and effort attempting to assist DJK's development from boy to man? Based on everything I've read, it appears they had genuine interest in helping him along the path of life.

that's what they want you to believe. from the first day they started recruiting DJK, they had a plan to try to ruin his life. you know, in the 15 years KF has been coaching at iowa, he picked DJK and only DJK to completely screw over. quite clever actually. do everything you can to produce quality young men with every other player that has gone through the program so when DJK makes accusation, it looks as though he has no leg to stand on.

KF totally trolled DJK. well played KF. well played
Rob Howe definitely cares. He cares so much he felt like bringing it up the season after DJK was booted at a random press conference.

Lol... boy he's never going to live that one down. The one member of the media willing to go to bat for DJK at the time, and look how it has played out.

Dave, I think the crap Rob Howe continues to get because of the DJK situation is a prime example why no member of the media, no matter how desperate they are for a story, would want to touch the DJK twitter rant. Because DJK has absolutely no credibility. Would it get some clicks on a website? Yes probably. However, sharing DJK's version of a story is going to do nothing but ruin a reporters credibility because it basically screams desperation.
do you honestly feel DJK has any credibility here? this isn't a news story. that's why no one picked it up

No, I (me personally) don't feel he is a credible source. But just found it odd that an ex-player throws out this type of accusation and no one seems to care but the fans. Doesn't that seem odd, or is DJK that big of a piece of $H!t that no one bothers to even talk about it besides fans?
No, I (me personally) don't feel he is a credible source. But just found it odd that an ex-player throws out this type of accusation and no one seems to care but the fans. Doesn't that seem odd, or is DJK that big of a piece of $H!t that no one bothers to even talk about it besides fans?

what has he done with his life that shows that he has anything credible to say? he picks now as the time to throw KF under the bus? if he had any legit time to do it, it would have been after he got kicked off the team, not now.
Discussing what Kate would be like in bed isn't close to DJK claiming he is going to tell about improper benefits from '09 to '10. It is more like someone claiming Kate used to be a man named Kyle. But I guess everyone views DJK as a scorned lover and less like a surgeon who performed the surgery to make Kyle into Kate.

After this post i threw up in my mouth a little and then needed to see a shrink!!!!! Sadly i totally followed your logic!!!!
There are a ton of players who do what ever the coaches ask, work they living off and go the extra mile. These players hang on and make a decent career in the NFL. They have no more talent than DJK, but they have attitude and work ethic- things he seems to not have.
That has worked out well in recent years for places like OSU, Michigan, USC, Penn State, etc...
All of them ended up in trouble with the NCAA because they "trusted" the guy leading their program. Penn State is on a whole different level and speaks for itself.

Never stop questioning. Never.

Ok, I think the point is fans typically don't have enough information to criticize (credibly) who plays and doesn't play.
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