The sad life of DJK

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Regarding DJK claiming Kirk Ferentz MADE him wear a trash can on his head during practice as punishment in front of recruits parents... These comments need to be shared before a select few idiots start throwing rocks at KF and Chris Doyle:

From a former player…. ps- i tell everyone that story of him wearing the trash can on his head… possibly the funniest thing I had ever seen. The truth is he actually was told to carry the trash can around the practice field because he went on a tirade towards Doyle during a lift, wasnt allowed to practice for 3 days. He was half way around the grass fields when we were on turf and put the big *** blue trash can over his head and started walking with it down to his waist thinking no one could see him. Doyle saw it and took a picture then stood and waited for him on his path. Doyle was standing there cross armed when DJK could see his feet he lifted it up and Doyle went off on him. HILARIOUS! Then he made him tie a rope around his waist tied to a weight plate and had to backpedal the grass field. We were all laughing our ***** off. Kid is and was a complete [bleep] up, he deserved everything he got. True “cancer” to the team. - See more at: DJK, Twitter and a possible book offer | TheGazette

Another:put it this way… going into his senior year summer he had just set the bench press record and was a beast physically. We drafted teams for competitions over the 3 times a year for workouts(lifting, 40 times, etc) but you lost points if the guy got in trouble or was late to anything. 12 team leadership captains drafted the players they wanted on their squad all 80 some guys at that point. DJK was DEAD last the last 3 times in his career. His own team mates didnt want him on the team… this is when he about to become leading WR in Iowa history. That should tell you everything you need to know
- See more at: DJK, Twitter and a possible book offer | TheGazette

This guy is a complete moron. This is a perfect example of him elaborating his version of the events that took place simply to point the blame towards the Iowa staff, and away from himself. This has got trainwreck written all over it.
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These tweets have done the exact opposite of what DJK thought they would. It re-affirms the things I like about Kirk for not putting up with all of the obvious attempts to cross the line by DJK. He basically admits that he kept doing things that were against the rules/law, but somehow blames others for the punishments that predictably followed.

Say what you want about him as a gameday coach, it is somewhat deserved, but in this case he did what he needed to do.
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Re: People are listening to DJK

According to The Gazette he claims he already has an offer on the table. Apparently he's trying to decide whether or not he's willing to throw former teammates under the bus in his book. People will write anything if they know it will make money.
Re: People are listening to DJK

He could always just launch blog if all he wanted to do is put info out there. No cash in it though.
Re: People are listening to DJK

DJK‏@coachkoul10hAt least 10 NFL teams said to me "We understand you made a mistake but my concern is no one at Iowa had anything good to say about you."

I was thinking about this last night. In the real world with real workforces and such it is usually considered bad form for a former employer to bad mouth or give a bad recommendation to a prospective employer. Most of the time former employers only verify that a person worked there and the dates they were there. I think Kirk probably does the same thing. However with Kirk, his word is accepted as gold among the NFL scouts, and when he has something good to say about somebody, scouts listen. So along comes DJK after his arrest, and the scouts don't hear a peep about him from Kirk. If they ask, he tells them that DJK was on the team from 2006-2010, and that's it. For a scout looking into a Kirk player, the silence must have been deafening. Kirk's silence was basically worse than a bad recommendation.
These tweets have done the exact opposite of what DJK thought they would. It re-affirms the things I like about Kirk for not putting up with all of the obvious attempts to cross the line by DJK. He basically admits that he kept doing things that were against the ruleslaw, but somehow blames others for the punishments that predictably followed.

Say what you want about him as a gameday coach, it is somewhat deserved, but in this case he did what he needed to do.

I'll just plan on stealing a copy of the book, scanning every page, and putting it on the Interwebs for free. That way you can all have something to read while you're dropping a deuce, without having to actually give this moron any royalties.
This is ugly. I dont like this whole thing at all.

I especially don't like the timing. I assume that's part of the reason DJK decided to speak now. The fanbase is feeling good because of the 8-4 season and the impending bowl game. And since we are smack dab in the middle of the time between the Nebby game and the bowl game the media can focus a lot of attention on him since nothing is really going on with the team.
Here's the deal. If DJK does happen to release a tell all book he better have something to back it up. You can be sure if he starts spreading false statements the UofI will come at him for libel.

If they sued, the best they could get is an injunction to stop selling the book. Dude has to be judgment proof. With no cash to go after, a suit seems unlikely. Plus, the school wouldn't want to harm its reputation by going after an ex player.
If they sued, the best they could get is an injunction to stop selling the book. Dude has to be judgment proof. With no cash to go after, a suit seems unlikely. Plus, the school wouldn't want to harm its reputation by going after an ex player.

Wait, you're forgetting about all that income he'll earn from book sales. Factoring in that projected income, the UI could probably just about recover the cost of the filing fee.
If they sued, the best they could get is an injunction to stop selling the book. Dude has to be judgment proof. With no cash to go after, a suit seems unlikely. Plus, the school wouldn't want to harm its reputation by going after an ex player.

Kenny - his twitter feed says he wouldn't be writing this book for the money - as he doesn't need the money. I'm guessing you aren't factoring in his amway income stream with your comment of 'no cash to go after'....i'm betting the guy is made of gold - probably why (his words) he didn't have the passion to do what it took to play professionally - he didn't need to as his finances were already taken care Forrest Gump said when he cashed out on Apple - 'it's just one less thing'......




I'm still very skeptical that this book ever hits any shelves. It would probably sell 85 copies. Unless he has documentation to back up his ridiculous claims, no way a legitimate publisher touches it. The guy did blow (pun intended) all of his credibility.
Re: People are listening to DJK

But in all seriousness, DJK might be on these boards, he needs the attention.

And in even more seriousness, DJK, if you are here, get a life. You are only doing two things right now, further ruining yourself in the eyes of the fans and possibly hurting the fans you say you love if you actually garner the attention of the NCAA and they take you seriously.

Sometimes coaches are ******, but most of the time it is for your own good.

This is 100% correct.
Re: People are listening to DJK

I'm not trying to be a jerk to DJK, but he really wasn't good enough to make a living in the NFL. If he was a less self-centered person, would he have gotten a shot with a team? Maybe, but it would have been short-lived regardless. I get the impression that his perception of his own abilities did/do not match reality.
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