
Dude, come on. While not perfect, this wasnt a poorly called game. You know what the main issue was. Now, BF could have yanked that issue...I'll give ya that.
Those refs were complete rubbish! TJ clearly made that catch! There is no way that call should have been reversed. Those worthless refs handed the game to a bunch of scumbags that care one bit if their coaches molest children. It's a disgrace that they are still even allowed to have a team, and that call reversal was a complete travesty! In addition to that there were multiple occasions where the Iowa receivers were being held and interfered with, but nothing was called.
I haven't posted all season. Trying to control my stress, etc.
I was at the Rose Bowl a few years ago.
I haven;t felt this bad since that day.
A 7th grade FB Coach would have known to sit Stanley in 4th qtr. Had been off ALL game, plus a banged up R thumb,
Too bad we don't have a 7th grade FB coach coaching the Hawkeyes.
That was a poorly a played game as I've seen in a long time. Brian is not Kirk, but three or four fake plays in one game? Mass confusion, your QB trying to make a play they must have been practicing all week and the receiver is asleep. Three or four offsides on one player. This one is tougher to swallow than the Wisconsin loss, because we were clearly the better team in this game.
Nope. A team that is inconsistent and, so far, has beating inferior teams and lost to teams who should have lost to us but we cant stop slamming our own dicks in the door.

Yep that’s what your thoughts were at 2:30 and when we were ahead 12-0. Step away for a few hours it’s gonna be ok. It hurts but there’s still opportunities as much as we aren’t a top 15 team
That's just the thing. He should have pulled him early in the 3rd quarter. Also, an OC's job isn't strictly play calling. Ya gotta get out of that way of thinking.
Mansell should have started the 3rd quarter. Let nate relax and get it through to him that the team expects better.

Or just leave him out there to die. That works too.

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