The Mythical Recruiting Disadvantage

With Valley and Dowling recruiting the Metro it's apples and oranges. Better coaching obviously builds better players. Look at the success Ankeny has had with a smaller class
Are you sayin' an escrow of T. Boone's money is used to sway recruits?

The stadium at Okie State is named after him! Pickens donated $165 million overall to the university, the largest single donation for athletics to an institution of higher education in American history.

Story from 2009:

OSU's Boone Pickens Stadium renovations: It's not your father's Lewis Field | News OK

What began as Athletic Field in 1913 and initially seated 8,000 fans in 1920, the same piece of property has now become 60,218-seat Boone Pickens Stadium, with $282 million of renovations on the verge of completion — $47 million for the stadium’s south side; $55 million for the north side; $180 million for the west end zone, video scoreboards, etc.

In the last two weeks, the team has moved into the training room, weight room, equipment room and dressing rooms. Next month, coaches will move into their offices.

Asked if new facilities could be heavily influential in recruiting, Young said: "Oh, there’s no question. It’s going to help us immensely. When you drive into Stillwater and see the facilities now compared to the erector set they had when I was here, it’s not even the same.

"We certainly are taking a huge, giant step, and we’re not stopping. We’re going to continue."
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Are you sayin' an escrow of T. Boone's money is used to sway recruits? I thought of Oregon's lack of tradition, but the state has a good number of blue chippers, and the offense is/was sexy. The lack of tradition argument for Iowa doesn't hold water. It does make things harder for Iowa, but not impossible as some losers would claim.

no, you winner you, what I am saying is the $300,000,000+ check he wrote the athletics dapartment with the ultimatum of "win and there will be more" helped with facilities...A LOT and if you combine that with the Mass amount of backyard talent in TX, OK, AR alone....that equals at least some success....

I don't think anyone is saying Iowa doesn't have tradition, but there tradition...then there's tradition. We are a quality program historically with plenty of pround tradition, with periods of great teams and periods of tough times. But if you compare our recent 25 history to that of....say...the fuskers....ours pales in comparison (it actually pains me to type that), thus, with "Championship tradition", that why with 1/2 the population(but a metro that is 3x's bigger than any metro in Iowa)...they can get pretty much all the in state recruits.

It's pretty obvious you have your opinions and won't be swayed....or even meet in the enjoy the season, stay the winner you are, take pity on us "losers"...and Go Hawks.
Some interesting stuff on a topic that has been kicked around a lot on this board. Just a couple of thoughts: First, I listen to College Sports programming on my XM radio. The personalities are generally SEC oriented. They, to a man, describe the SEC as a "ground and pound" offense conference. They talk about other conferences, particularly the Big 12, as more wide open. So, the "Iowa is too conservative" argument as to why Iowa can't attract big time players doesn't seem to hold much water. Secondly, African American football players are represented beyond their percentage in the US population. We can argue nurture or nature forever, but suffice it to say that it would be no surprise that athletes of any race may consciously or unconsciously gravitate toward schools attended by their fellows. Hayden Fry and KF are both about as color blind as you can get, as are most educated people these days. But, the fact that Iowa does not have a large minority population likely impacts on who enrolls here. Interestingly, once black athletes come to Iowa City, they are somewhat surprised at how much they enjoy the culture. See the article on Mel Basabe in today's news. Finally, it is naïve to think that being in the larger population centers in the country does not create a recruiting advantage. Be practical: How many large cities are proximate to the U. of I.? Do college bound kids in general tend to stay close to home? Do their parents, in the case of football players in particular, want their children close enough that game attendance is a reality? Yes, their are anecdotal exceptions to colleges in less populated areas success in attracting big time players, Nebraska usually cited as a prime example. But, statistically...I would ask you to look at a US map and consider the campuses that are elite football programs and their proximity to large population areas. Just some thoughts you may wish to consider. Thanks for the interesting views on this important topic!

According to wikipedia Oregon was 93% white in 2005 with a current population of 3.8 million. Iowa was 96% white with a current population of about 3 million.

Oregon has played in what? 8 consecutive BCS games?
With Valley and Dowling recruiting the Metro it's apples and oranges. Better coaching obviously builds better players. Look at the success Ankeny has had with a smaller class

I believe that better coaching builds a better TEAM more so than bulding better individual players.
According to wikipedia Oregon was 93% white in 2005 with a current population of 3.8 million. Iowa was 96% white with a current population of about 3 million.

Oregon has played in what? 8 consecutive BCS games?

I'm sorry but if your point is that Iowa is a better draw for recruiting than The Oregon "little Nike" Ducks?
According to wikipedia Oregon was 93% white in 2005 with a current population of 3.8 million. Iowa was 96% white with a current population of about 3 million.

Oregon has played in what? 8 consecutive BCS games?

That is a great point....on how much 3% can actually be.

cherry pick.
no, you winner you, what I am saying is the $300,000,000+ check he wrote the athletics dapartment with the ultimatum of "win and there will be more" helped with facilities...A LOT and if you combine that with the Mass amount of backyard talent in TX, OK, AR alone....that equals at least some success....

I don't think anyone is saying Iowa doesn't have tradition, but there tradition...then there's tradition. We are a quality program historically with plenty of pround tradition, with periods of great teams and periods of tough times. But if you compare our recent 25 history to that of....say...the fuskers....ours pales in comparison (it actually pains me to type that), thus, with "Championship tradition", that why with 1/2 the population(but a metro that is 3x's bigger than any metro in Iowa)...they can get pretty much all the in state recruits.

It's pretty obvious you have your opinions and won't be swayed....or even meet in the enjoy the season, stay the winner you are, take pity on us "losers"...and Go Hawks.
Why do you 'handcuff' yourself and Iowa so?
The stadium at Okie State is named after him! Pickens donated $165 million overall to the university, the largest single donation for athletics to an institution of higher education in American history...
So you're sayin' Okie State has better facilities... Iowa has better facilities. Are you saying Okie State's facilities are better than Iowa's? And that's the reason for Okie State's success in recruiting blue-chippers compared to Iowa's?
Why do you 'handcuff' yourself and Iowa so?

Again, I hope for the best.... Anything can happen. Expectations are based on each individuals own veiwpoints and reference.

There is no historical evidence that would suggest that Iowa "doesn't" have a dissadvantage in recruiting when comparing to perennial powers...whereas...the is loads of evidence to suggest they do....that is all I am less.

See my signature, it pretty much sums up my thoughts currently.

I don't see it as a handcuff...I see it as reality.
So you're sayin' Okie State has better facilities... Iowa has better facilities. Are you saying Okie State's facilities are better than Iowa's? And that's the reason for Okie State's success in recruiting blue-chippers compared to Iowa's?

ok, I smell an alt now....this has been asked...and answered.

1) Yes, there facilities are better...but that's not why they have a recent recruiting advantage currently and thus's the fact they have the facilities AND the access to nearby recruiting beds.
"Why do you 'handcuff' yourself and Iowa so?"

How the heck is some guy expressing an opinion "handcuffing" anyone, much less a large goverment institution?
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Are you saying Okie State's facilities are better than Iowa's?


Football's facility arms race: Can you top this? - NBC Sports | NBC Sports

At Oklahoma State, boosters led by oilman T. Boone Pickens have provided the Cowboys with Boone Pickens Stadium, which houses a multi-faceted football headquarters that includes sports medicine center, media area, hall of fame area and lots more.

And just what constitutes state-of-the-art these days?

"Technology is absolutely huge with young people today. You can't turn your back to it," said Mack Butler, director of football operations at Oklahoma State. "We have all that capability in all of our meeting rooms."

Butler said that flat screens in meeting rooms enable a coach to show anything from game films of opponents to motivational videos.

The Cowboys also put a premium on having everything in their football program fairly close together. Five player lounges with video games, locker room, strength training, training table and football offices are all in close proximity.

Then there are the shower heads.

"One of the things Boone Pickens felt was that there was a particular shower head he liked that he thought was far and away better than the others," Butler said. "Each shower head is $700, and we have 60 of them."

After the shower, the players can relax at their lockers, safe in the notion that they're breathing ionized air through strategically positioned vents.
What was, for example, Oklahoma State's tradition? Explain Oklahoma State's success in suddenly getting top recruits. And quit making excuses. Excuses are for, you know.

What is your point? You could have put Iowa on that list 10 years ago.

There are a select few blue bloods that are traditionally strong all the time, and even if they are down, they are usually only a year or two away from being a power again. Then you have the rest of the schools. They ebb and flow, and teams like Iowa can be strong for 3 year stretches, teams like Wisconsin can do the same.

Teams like Okie St. and Oregon have the potential to become powerhouses because of the money backing them. If you can't see that, you just aren't worth wasting time with. As I said at the very beginning, Iowa isn't really at a disadvantage, except against the elites.
Oregon and Ok St not only have the amazing hundreds of millions flowing into their programs from a single donor,but they also have warm climates. Getting a player to come from Cal to Oregon is not that tough.
Getting that kid from Cal to Iowa,not so easy.
Getting the Texas kid to Ok St is not hard,but up to frozen Iowa? tougher.

Iowa has the worst of all worlds....a league that is constantly derided, a locale that is cold, in a state that has few prospects,and a school/program that does not cheat on academics or cash.
Iowa is just above South Dakota in natural recruiting advantages...and when was the last time South Dakota won a BCS bowl?
ok, I smell an alt now....this has been asked...and answered.

1) Yes, there facilities are better...but that's not why they have a recent recruiting advantage currently and thus's the fact they have the facilities AND the access to nearby recruiting beds.
So you admit there are MANY factors involved in recruiting BChippers... There are numerous, at least 9 factors, IMO, that determine if a school is able to recruit BChippers. To 'handcuff' Iowa in the BChipper recruiting department, as you are want to do, must be an admission that recruiting BChippers aren't that important to you, you aren't aware of the factors involved in recruiting a BChipper, or the HC is more important than BChip recruiting? <P> IMO, and not in any order, (1) size of state. (2) number of BChippers in state. (3) coaches/style of play. (4) facilities. (Are Okie State's facilities, for example, all that much better that they radically effect BChip recruiting compared to Iowa's) (5) conference. (6) success of program (could mean current success or tradition). (7) TV exposure. (8) climate and 'amenities'. (9) FAN BASE. I'm sure there's got to be other factors.... <P> How many of those factors does Iowa currently possess? (1)Size of state? NO. (2) Number of BChippers in state? NO. (3) Coaches/style of play? I'd say KF is a coach that BChippers aspire to play for, but not for his system. (4) Facilities? I'd say Iowa has kept up with other schools. (5) Conference? Unfortunately, the B1G is down, IMO, in college football (6) Current or traditional success? IMO, both are currently down. (7) TV exposure? EXCELLENT. (8) Climate and amenities? NO. (9) Fan base? IMO, No one in the Iowa fan base (it seems accept for me) is pushing the coaching staff to greatness. Mediocrity is tolerated, for some reason. <P> When Bill Callahan coached Nebby in the mid-2000's and had the .500 record, there was no evidence of tradition after tradition was 'squandered'). Nebby's fan base wouldn't tolerate Callahan's .500 record. Why does Iowa's fan base tolerate KF's .500 record? Why do you? <P> Every coach of every school has the ability to create tradition and also tear it down (in Hayden's and KF's cases, for example). Johnny Majors created tradition at (forgive me if I say) ISU, Pitt, and Tennessee. Other coaches came along to tear it down <P> Are you saying I have an alt? What's my alt? Is accusing me of having an alt a quick and easy way of discrediting my arguments with a straw man argument?
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So you admit there are MANY factors involved in recruiting BChippers... There are numerous, at least 9 factors, IMO, that determine if a school is able to recruit BChippers. To 'handcuff' Iowa in the BChipper recruiting department, as you are want to do, must be an admission that recruiting BChippers aren't that important to you, you aren't aware of the factors involved in recruiting a BChipper, or the HC is more important than BChip recruiting? <P> IMO, and not in any order, (1) size of state. (2) number of BChippers in state. (3) coaches/style of play. (4) facilities. (Are Okie State's facilities, for example, all that much better that they radically effect BChip recruiting compared to Iowa's) (5) conference. (6) success of program (could mean current success or tradition). (7) TV exposure. (8) climate and 'amenities'. (9) FAN BASE. I'm sure there's got to be other factors.... <P> How many of those factors does Iowa currently possess? (1)Size of state? NO. (2) Number of BChippers in state? NO. (3) Coaches/style of play? I'd say KF is a coach that BChippers aspire to play for, but not for his system. (4) Facilities? I'd say Iowa has kept up with other schools. (5) Conference? Unfortunately, the B1G is down, IMO, in college football (6) Current or traditional success? IMO, both are currently down. (7) TV exposure? EXCELLENT. (8) Climate and amenities? NO. (9) Fan base? IMO, No one in the Iowa fan base (it seems accept for me) is pushing the coaching staff to greatness. Mediocrity is tolerated, for some reason. <P> When Bill Callahan coached Nebby in the mid-2000's and had the .500 record, there was no evidence of tradition after tradition was 'squandered'). Nebby's fan base wouldn't tolerate Callahan's .500 record. Why does Iowa's fan base tolerate KF's .500 record? Why do you? <P> Every coach of every school has the ability to create tradition and also tear it down (in Hayden's and KF's cases, for example). Johnny Majors created tradition at (forgive me if I say) ISU, Pitt, and Tennessee. Other coaches came along to tear it down <P> Are you saying I have an alt? What's my alt? Is accusing me of having an alt a quick and easy way of discrediting my arguments with a straw man argument?

Ummmm, what?
So you admit there are MANY factors involved in recruiting BChippers... There are numerous, at least 9 factors, IMO, that determine if a school is able to recruit BChippers. To 'handcuff' Iowa in the BChipper recruiting department, as you are want to do, must be an admission that recruiting BChippers aren't that important to you, you aren't aware of the factors involved in recruiting a BChipper, or the HC is more important than BChip recruiting? <P> IMO, and not in any order, (1) size of state. (2) number of BChippers in state. (3) coaches/style of play. (4) facilities. (Are Okie State's facilities, for example, all that much better that they radically effect BChip recruiting compared to Iowa's) (5) conference. (6) success of program (could mean current success or tradition). (7) TV exposure. (8) climate and 'amenities'. (9) FAN BASE. I'm sure there's got to be other factors.... <P> How many of those factors does Iowa currently possess? (1)Size of state? NO. (2) Number of BChippers in state? NO. (3) Coaches/style of play? I'd say KF is a coach that BChippers aspire to play for, but not for his system. (4) Facilities? I'd say Iowa has kept up with other schools. (5) Conference? Unfortunately, the B1G is down, IMO, in college football (6) Current or traditional success? IMO, both are currently down. (7) TV exposure? EXCELLENT. (8) Climate and amenities? NO. (9) Fan base? IMO, No one in the Iowa fan base (it seems accept for me) is pushing the coaching staff to greatness. Mediocrity is tolerated, for some reason. <P> When Bill Callahan coached Nebby in the mid-2000's and had the .500 record, there was no evidence of tradition after tradition was 'squandered'). Nebby's fan base wouldn't tolerate Callahan's .500 record. Why does Iowa's fan base tolerate KF's .500 record? Why do you? <P> Every coach of every school has the ability to create tradition and also tear it down (in Hayden's and KF's cases, for example). Johnny Majors created tradition at (forgive me if I say) ISU, Pitt, and Tennessee. Other coaches came along to tear it down <P> Are you saying I have an alt? What's my alt? Is accusing me of having an alt a quick and easy way of discrediting my arguments with a straw man argument?

you took all that from my post. dude...relax. My primary point is that Iowa DOES have a recruiting disadvantage to top schools(yes, for many reasons....not all the same for the same schools). If you don't agree that's fine...doesn't make it any less fact.

the whole "strawman argument" line is soooooo overused on this sight.

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