The facts don't lie

You aren’t really equipped to evaluate anything. Neither am I. We are simply fans.

Iowa had a very average OL last year. Ferentz has said it will improve. It did not look good last week. Let’s see what happens this week.

your whining is ridiculous. What are you proposing?

1. play a different QB? (I’m guessing that might happen soon).
2. Fire the 4th winningest coach in Big Ten history? Not happening.

it is amazing to me that in the 24th year of Ferentz ball fans are still barking for a more dynamic offense. Not happening.

My beef is with the O line. That has to improve.
So, your proposing an O line that can give our QBs 6 or more seconds for passing in conference play so they wait for a play to develop and then maybe miss their target. This is what I've been seeing. Those are some huge, fast OL dudes you,re proposing.
You surprise me.

If the OL comes together, this team will be fine. If it doesn’t, it will be a long season.

QB gets too much credit when a team wins and too much blame when a team loses.

you know this better than anyone.
I saw an in-over-his-head OC run Williams up the middle into a stacked box ad nauseum because he couldn’t come up with anything else. He almost literally threw his hands up and said through his actions, “I have no idea what I’m supposed to do and can’t think of anything else to try.” You see it. You know you do.

I saw 3 yd out routes into 2-3 waiting and un-blocked defensive backs.

I saw Petras miss wide open receivers who had clear green pasture in front of them or at the very least first downs.

All of these things and more are hallmarks of the Petras/BF marriage for the last three years. And the longer it goes on the better other teams are going to get at shutting it down. Our team got absolutely manhandled by a 1AA team that knew exactly what was coming from our offense.

They knew because:

1) It’s apparent to every opponent that our qb produces more turnovers (either INTs or failed 3rd downs) than completions). You can sell out on the run against Iowa with no fear of getting beat.

2) It’s also been said by our head coach and OC publicly that no matter what happens or how bad our QB plays, he will keep taking snaps. Makes a DC’s job easy to plan for, that’s for sure.

3) Brian has a 3-4 play book with the only variation being left hash/right hash, exacerbated by a QB who despite being a really, really good kid can’t hit the broad side of a barn. We run straight up the 3 or 4 gap, a 3-5 yd out route, and a 10-15 yard slant. That’s it.

The punch up the gut is just Brian wasting a down trying to get a RB hurt. I can’t understand that one. It’s not an attempt to set up a pass or screen because defenses know we can’t hit receivers. Brian needs to get creative instead of repeating that constantly.

The short out-routes on 3rd down short of the stick as I said before are futile. They’re futile and even a 1-AA team sees them a mile away. On what planet do you throw short of the stick when to survive you require your receiver to get 5 yds after the catch? Look up the odds of a receiver getting 5 yards after the catch within 10 yds of the line of scrimmage. That’s coaching 101 and defenses know it.

The slants out to the sideline? Great idea. Seriously. But our QB can’t hit a 6’4” All-American caliber tight end. What more can you ask for to throw to?

And that is the end of the playbook and the recipe to lose unless you either get lucky or your defense/punter saves your ass, which isn’t going to happen against good teams anymore.

Brian should see the (repeated and obvious) failings of his scheme and QB and make changes, but the problem is he’s too in over his head to know what to do. He has no resume. He has no experience for a job that chews up and spits out even great football minds. He’s defeated.

One of Kirk’s many jobs is to recognize failure and see when things aren’t working, and force change when his assistants prove themselves incapable. He’s not doing that because he feels untouchable and the coach in question is his son, and to make a change would horribly embarrass both of them (in his eyes). I’m sorry but that is not debatable and it is not conjecture. Find me any P5 OC in any year since the 1800s who has been allowed by his head coach/AD to fail for so long. I won’t wait because it doesn’t exist.

None of what I just wrote was written as a knee jerk tantrum. Everything is right there to see in person or on TV. It is what it is and the leader of the team has come out and said in literal, very clear English that he’s not going to change no matter how bad it gets. If you can’t see negligence in that I don’t know what I can tell you. Your analysis, on the other hand, is based on hope and faith. Hope and faith without action? That’s pretty much just shitting in your hand and staring at it thinking it’s going to turn into a gold bar, friend.
How about firing an OC with arguably the worst 5 year offenseive production in Big Ten history?

No one is calling for firing Kirk. You’re being dramatic when you suggest that.

People are calling for firing Brian. He’s proven himself inept. That’s not debateable.

You know it.
Were OCs a thing before WWII? If not, I think you're on to something. Definitely the worst since the forward pass.
I saw an in-over-his-head OC run Williams up the middle into a stacked box ad nauseum because he couldn’t come up with anything else. He almost literally threw his hands up and said through his actions, “I have no idea what I’m supposed to do and can’t think of anything else to try.” You see it. You know you do.

I saw 3 yd out routes into 2-3 waiting and un-blocked defensive backs.

I saw Petras miss wide open receivers who had clear green pasture in front of them or at the very least first downs.

All of these things and more are hallmarks of the Petras/BF marriage for the last three years. And the longer it goes on the better other teams are going to get at shutting it down. Our team got absolutely manhandled by a 1AA team that knew exactly what was coming from our offense.

They knew because:

1) It’s apparent to every opponent that our qb produces more turnovers (either INTs or failed 3rd downs) than completions). You can sell out on the run against Iowa with no fear of getting beat.

2) It’s also been said by our head coach and OC publicly that no matter what happens or how bad our QB plays, he will keep taking snaps. Makes a DC’s job easy to plan for, that’s for sure.

3) Brian has a 3-4 play book with the only variation being left hash/right hash, exacerbated by a QB who despite being a really, really good kid can’t hit the broad side of a barn. We run straight up the 3 or 4 gap, a 3-5 yd out route, and a 10-15 yard slant. That’s it.

The punch up the gut is just Brian wasting a down trying to get a RB hurt. I can’t understand that one. It’s not an attempt to set up a pass or screen because defenses know we can’t hit receivers. Brian needs to get creative instead of repeating that constantly.

The short out-routes on 3rd down short of the stick as I said before are futile. They’re futile and even a 1-AA team sees them a mile away. On what planet do you throw short of the stick when to survive you require your receiver to get 5 yds after the catch? Look up the odds of a receiver getting 5 yards after the catch within 10 yds of the line of scrimmage. That’s coaching 101 and defenses know it.

The slants out to the sideline? Great idea. Seriously. But our QB can’t hit a 6’4” All-American caliber tight end. What more can you ask for to throw to?

And that is the end of the playbook and the recipe to lose unless you either get lucky or your defense/punter saves your ass, which isn’t going to happen against good teams anymore.

Brian should see the (repeated and obvious) failings of his scheme and QB and make changes, but the problem is he’s too in over his head to know what to do. He has no resume. He has no experience for a job that chews up and spits out even great football minds. He’s defeated.

One of Kirk’s many jobs is to recognize failure and see when things aren’t working, and force change when his assistants prove themselves incapable. He’s not doing that because he feels untouchable and the coach in question is his son, and to make a change would horribly embarrass both of them (in his eyes). I’m sorry but that is not debatable and it is not conjecture. Find me any P5 OC in any year since the 1800s who has been allowed by his head coach/AD to fail for so long. I won’t wait because it doesn’t exist.

None of what I just wrote was written as a knee jerk tantrum. Everything is right there to see in person or on TV. It is what it is and the leader of the team has come out and said in literal, very clear English that he’s not going to change no matter how bad it gets. If you can’t see negligence in that I don’t know what I can tell you. Your analysis, on the other hand, is based on hope and faith. Hope and faith without action? That’s pretty much just shitting in your hand and staring at it thinking it’s going to turn into a gold bar, friend.
You can't get anymore factual describing what I watched on Saturday 9/4/2022. It is reprehensible how Brian and Kirk are treating Spencer Petras. They are asking him to be a Big Ten Quarterback for an offensive coordinator that as you state "is in over his head". You can't ask him to run plays that he can't perform and expect anything different than what viewers saw Saturday. To put a QB in that can't run or elude a rush is asking for an injury to the young man. When you can't run or pass reliably you have a disastrous situation for the members of the team and especially for Spencer Petras. He doesn't deserve the disgust he has to shoulder by being put in a position he can't perform. Enabling is a terrible thing to do.

I'm going to criticize Gary Barta. Supposedly Brian Ferentz reports to him as well as Kirk. He had factual evidence that Brian got an F as a offensive coordinator after last season. He didn't do anything to affect change and is just as guilty in this matter as the aforementioned individuals. Barta has the evidence to ask Kirk to replace Brian and demand changes in offensive philosophy. Barta needs to sit down with Kirk this week and lay it down that Brian is out. Kirk can move OKeefe as a temporary coordinator until a new hire is made.
You can't get anymore factual describing what I watched on Saturday 9/4/2022. It is reprehensible how Brian and Kirk are treating Spencer Petras. They are asking him to be a Big Ten Quarterback for an offensive coordinator that as you state "is in over his head". You can't ask him to run plays that he can't perform and expect anything different than what viewers saw Saturday. To put a QB in that can't run or elude a rush is asking for an injury to the young man. When you can't run or pass reliably you have a disastrous situation for the members of the team and especially for Spencer Petras. He doesn't deserve the disgust he has to shoulder by being put in a position he can't perform. Enabling is a terrible thing to do.

I'm going to criticize Gary Barta. Supposedly Brian Ferentz reports to him as well as Kirk. He had factual evidence that Brian got an F as a offensive coordinator after last season. He didn't do anything to affect change and is just as guilty in this matter as the aforementioned individuals. Barta has the evidence to ask Kirk to replace Brian and demand changes in offensive philosophy. Barta needs to sit down with Kirk this week and lay it down that Brian is out. Kirk can move OKeefe as a temporary coordinator until a new hire is made.
Damn I wish Barta would act as you suggest. Yes. BF reports to Barta. That was made clear at the outset since KF as supervisor would be a conflict.
Move BF to O Line coach, bite the bullet. Fans will accept that outcome immediately. Do not, under any circumstances appoint our special teams coordinator to OC this season. Dumbest idea since hiring BF. It would set him up for failure. He has a bright future. OC in 2023? Maybe.
KO’KF in the interim. Non controversial stop gap. Then re-open the QB position. Maybe pull a Harbaugh and give SP and Padilla each a game? Following Harbaugh resulted in me throwing up a bit in my mouth. But so does our offense.
Damn I wish Barta would act as you suggest. Yes. BF reports to Barta. That was made clear at the outset since KF as supervisor would be a conflict.
Move BF to O Line coach, bite the bullet. Fans will accept that outcome immediately. Do not, under any circumstances appoint our special teams coordinator to OC this season. Dumbest idea since hiring BF. It would set him up for failure. He has a bright future. OC in 2023? Maybe.
KO’KF in the interim. Non controversial stop gap. Then re-open the QB position. Maybe pull a Harbaugh and give SP and Padilla each a game? Following Harbaugh resulted in me throwing up a bit in my mouth. But so does our offense.
KO’K just got retired (not undeservedly) to save face. They aren’t inviting him back. Otherwise one of your more sensible posts of late.
How about firing an OC with arguably the worst 5 year offenseive production in Big Ten history?

No one is calling for firing Kirk. You’re being dramatic when you suggest that.

People are calling for firing Brian. He’s proven himself inept. That’s not debateable.

You know it.
The 4th winning coach in Big Ten history? My god, he has been there since the stone age. Let's ask a more relevant question, what is his winning percentage? I guarantee you, it is not the 4th best in Big 10 history.
Brian Ferentz is fair game for boos. That’s where most of it was directed. The student section was chanting fire Brian. Everyone knows what the elephant in the room is.

I was just going to react to that post with the same comment. Totally agree.
Good point made on the O line. If they can run block well with LOS entirely stacked, if they can pass protect all day so no pressure ever seen at Petras, then maybe the offense can improve, can score. Big ask for the Oline but not any more than is being asked of the entire defense. Alot of excellence required to cover up for the abysmal performance level of a couple guys in super key positions. Go Oline!
Kirk Is too old to realize that this is hurting the future of Iowa football. In a world with barstool sports and social media covering everything, high school kids see the kind of comments and attention this style of play gets and the kids are going to choose other schools. We are the laughing stock of college football right now and honestly have been since cowherd called us the fake ID team. It also doesn’t help to schedule cupcake games every year to inflate a record, get national attention from the rankings then get blown out when all eyes are on us.

I wonder this. How are you going to be able to recruit any half azz QB or WR. It's an anchor and a problem.
QB or receiver - should be scared to come to Iowa. All those cool things that occurred at high school. Well forget about it, you're now at Iowa.
KO’K just got retired (not undeservedly) to save face. They aren’t inviting him back. Otherwise one of your more sensible posts of late.
Does anyone have intel on this one? I never heard. It could have been as simple as a guy with plenty of money ready to step down while still in good health and enjoy more time with his family. Or it could have been that he "got retired" like you allude to (wasn't sure if you were speculating or actually heard that). I think it is also possible he felt strongly that Padilla should be the starter, or at least had a different opinion on the quarterback position that was pretty at odds with Brian. And decided it was a decent time to step aside.
How about firing an OC with arguably the worst 5 year offenseive production in Big Ten history?

No one is calling for firing Kirk. You’re being dramatic when you suggest that.

People are calling for firing Brian. He’s proven himself inept. That’s not debateable.

You know it.
Not debating any of that. Which one metric/stat do you like to look at for measuring an offense?
Does anyone have intel on this one? I never heard. It could have been as simple as a guy with plenty of money ready to step down while still in good health and enjoy more time with his family. Or it could have been that he "got retired" like you allude to (wasn't sure if you were speculating or actually heard that). I think it is also possible he felt strongly that Padilla should be the starter, or at least had a different opinion on the quarterback position that was pretty at odds with Brian. And decided it was a decent time to step aside.
Rank speculation, but handing BF KO’K’s old responsibilities does nothing to assuage my theory, and nothing that our QBs did year over year while Ken was back in town suggests that he was any sort of QB whisperer. They brought in the analyst on top of it.
Any of them. They're all bad.

I have been arguing for years that looking at total offense is stupid and lazy, especially as it pertains to Iowa's offense. Their limited # of possessions and emphasis on protecting the defense and playing the field position game will always make total yards/game look much worse than their offense actually is. Offensive efficiency is a much better metric, and in their good years, Iowa is around top 1/3 or top 1/2 of the country in offensive efficiency metrics.

In BF's first year, they were 44th in the country (better than the previous year under Davis, 57th).

In 2018, they were 41st. Things didn't look too bad.

In 2019, they were 53rd, but they were way lower than that prior to the bowl game vs. USC (that single game moved them up about 15 spots).

In 2020, they were 64th.

In 2021, they were 90th.

There are no numbers yet published in 2022, but it is safe to say that however many FBS teams there are, that will be Iowa's ranking.

I was reserving judgement on the BF-hire until things played out...they have now played out, and then some.

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