The B1G Ten needs to suspend the PSU football program

If there ever was a case of "Lack of institutional control" the Penn State scandal is it. I understand that the NCAA does not have a lot of say in this matter, but the B1G Ten certainly could and should suspend them from conference play. I think a two year suspension should be levied.

I know many will say that this penalizes the current players who had nothing to do with this, but this has happened to other players at OSU, USC, etc of other schools that have faced suspensions in which they had nothing to do with. All players should be allowed to transfer without penalty.

I understand football is a huge thing to many of us and our cultures, but there are bigger and more important things in life and protecting our children is one of them. There also may have been federal crimes committed with covering up a felony along with committing crimes in other states on the road.

I think the following is just too much to comprehend:

According to, As Recently As 2009, Jerry Sandusky Was Running An Overnight Football Camp For Kids On Penn State Campuses

So even after the 1998 incident and his confession, then the 2002 rape in the football complex showers, this monster is allowed to run a University sponsored football camp for 4-9 year olds?

The B1G Ten needs to step up and do what needs to be done.
If there ever was a case of "Lack of institutional control" the Penn State scandal is it. I understand that the NCAA does not have a lot of say in this matter, but the B1G Ten certainly could and should suspend them from conference play. I think a two year suspension should be levied.

I know many will say that this penalizes the current players who had nothing to do with this, but this has happened to other players at OSU, USC, etc of other schools that have faced suspensions in which they had nothing to do with. All players should be allowed to transfer without penalty.

I understand football is a huge thing to many of us and our cultures, but there are bigger and more important things in life and protecting our children is one of them. There also may have been federal crimes committed with covering up a felony along with committing crimes in other states on the road.

I think the following is just too much to comprehend:

According to, As Recently As 2009, Jerry Sandusky Was Running An Overnight Football Camp For Kids On Penn State Campuses

So even after the 1998 incident and his confession, then the 2002 rape in the football complex showers, this monster is allowed to run a University sponsored football camp for 4-9 year olds?

The B1G Ten needs to step up and do what needs to be done.

I go back and forth on this. Part of me thinks it is an individual issue. Punish the individuals, all of them, as harshly as the law allows. Force PSU to pay enormous damages to the victims. But don't take it out on the athletic department per se.

But then I start thinking about the parallels you draw with USC and OSU, and that idea of "lack of institutional control," and I cannot think of a better example than this.

I think it will come down to whether anyone can prove that there was a plot in place to cover this up to protect PSU and the FB program. If so, they go down hard. I find it unlikely that this can be proven, however, and consequently I will guess that those involved will be punished, and the University will pay huge monetary damages, but there will be no athletic department punishment.

If I was a PSU athlete, I might almost prefer a forced shutdown and the opportunity to transfer. It would be very difficult to wear those colors right now.
The US department of education is looking into it concerning the Cleary (spelling) act. That could be a big deal. The B1G might have a very negative view on what happens from here on out.
I don't know about suspending the program for the rest of the season, but what are the Big10's bylaws as far as evicting a university from the conference? After this heinous crime and seemingly top to bottom turning of a blind eye, if not a total university cover up, can the Big10 say "you know what...your entire university just pi$$ed all over everything that this conference hopes and tries to represent...get the f*ck out! NOW!"?

They'd probably say it much prettier than I apologies...:eek:
If there ever was a case of "Lack of institutional control" the Penn State scandal is it. I understand that the NCAA does not have a lot of say in this matter, but the B1G Ten certainly could and should suspend them from conference play. I think a two year suspension should be levied.

I know many will say that this penalizes the current players who had nothing to do with this, but this has happened to other players at OSU, USC, etc of other schools that have faced suspensions in which they had nothing to do with. All players should be allowed to transfer without penalty.

I understand football is a huge thing to many of us and our cultures, but there are bigger and more important things in life and protecting our children is one of them. There also may have been federal crimes committed with covering up a felony along with committing crimes in other states on the road.

I think the following is just too much to comprehend:

According to, As Recently As 2009, Jerry Sandusky Was Running An Overnight Football Camp For Kids On Penn State Campuses

So even after the 1998 incident and his confession, then the 2002 rape in the football complex showers, this monster is allowed to run a University sponsored football camp for 4-9 year olds?

The B1G Ten needs to step up and do what needs to be done.

Punishment of a college football program is generally a result of that program gaining an unfair competitive advantage from breaking the rules and/or criminal activity.

I don't see where this incident created a competitive advantage for the Penn State football program.

Also, Penn State as an institution, as I see it, broke no corporate criminal laws that would subject it to fines and/or penalties from this incident.

On the other hand, this incident should be treated as a criminal event by individuals guilty of crimes. Those guilty of breaking the law should be punished in accordance with the law.

To conclude, I don't see where this criminal activity pertains to Penn State as an institution or its football program, rather it pertains to individuals breaking the law who happen to who work for or is associated with the institution.
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No criminal actions by the university?????? The university gave a known child rapist access to the PSU brand and facilities to perpetuate his attacks on children AFTER they learned of his harm of children not once but TWICE. The president, VP Finance, Athletic Director, Head Coach all knew of this monster and nothing of substance was done to stop him. That sounds like criminal activity by the University to me.
You cannot punish the kids on the team right now. If you want to allow all players the chance to transfer w/o having to sit and suspend the school next year, I'm in.
No criminal actions by the university?????? The university gave a known child rapist access to the PSU brand and facilities to perpetuate his attacks on children AFTER they learned of his harm of children not once but TWICE. The president, VP Finance, Athletic Director, Head Coach all knew of this monster and nothing of substance was done to stop him. That sounds like criminal activity by the University to me.

The University as a corporation did not violate any corporate laws. It's the representatives of the University that broke the law.

Take an example where the CEO of a major corporation commits a felony. Does the judicial system punish the corporation or the CEO? The system punishes the CEO. The corporation was not subject to corporate violations/breaking corporated laws just because a representative of the corporation broke the law.

I'm not an attorney. But this is how I see it. Maybe an attorney will respond to this post and either affirm or invaliade my point.
Punishment of a college football program is generally a result of that program gaining an unfair competitive advantage from breaking the rules and/or criminal activity.

I don't see where this incident created a competitive advantage for the Penn State football program.

Also, Penn State as an institution, as I see it, broke no corporate criminal laws that would subject it to fines and/or penalties from this incident.

On the other hand, this incident should be treated as a criminal event by individuals guilty of crimes. Those guilty of breaking the law should be punished in accordance with the law.

To conclude, I don't see where this criminal activity pertains to Penn State as an institution or its football program, rather it pertains to individuals breaking the law who happen to who work for or is associated with the institution.

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH- Ufair advantage-blah blah. Are you a lawyer or something?

The correct answer to the O.P. is yes. They should be banned from the post season. Anything Joe PA touched is tainted for the season. And don't be so sure Joe Pa will not be charged with something. He has already admitted publicly he is guilty and "should have done more". He will at least be sued and will be paying for it monetarily_ you can take that one to the bank.
If there ever was a case of "Lack of institutional control" the Penn State scandal is it. I understand that the NCAA does not have a lot of say in this matter, but the B1G Ten certainly could and should suspend them from conference play. I think a two year suspension should be levied.

I know many will say that this penalizes the current players who had nothing to do with this, but this has happened to other players at OSU, USC, etc of other schools that have faced suspensions in which they had nothing to do with. All players should be allowed to transfer without penalty.

I understand football is a huge thing to many of us and our cultures, but there are bigger and more important things in life and protecting our children is one of them. There also may have been federal crimes committed with covering up a felony along with committing crimes in other states on the road.

I think the following is just too much to comprehend:

According to, As Recently As 2009, Jerry Sandusky Was Running An Overnight Football Camp For Kids On Penn State Campuses

So even after the 1998 incident and his confession, then the 2002 rape in the football complex showers, this monster is allowed to run a University sponsored football camp for 4-9 year olds?

The B1G Ten needs to step up and do what needs to be done.

You start the petition to the BIG Ten and NCAA, and I for one will sign it. BTW I already posted pretty much the same thing earlier today, and have not had much support. I belive PSU should get the boot from the BIG 10.
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH- Ufair advantage-blah blah. Are you a lawyer or something?

The correct answer to the O.P. is yes. They should be banned from the post season. Anything Joe PA touched is tainted for the season. And don't be so sure Joe Pa will not be charged with something. He has already admitted publicly he is guilty and "should have done more". He will at least be sued and will be paying for it monetarily_ you can take that one to the bank.

Banned for what? We are not talking about NCAA rules that determine the banning of football programs from bowl games. We are talking about criminal activity handled by the judical system of the State of Pennsylvania and or the United States who are far more powerful institutions than the NCAA and who have the means to issue far more severe forms of punishment to the guilty individuals.

Let's give it due process and see where it all ends up.

Too often people make false assumptions, get ahold of bad information or think they know all the facts and then makes a judgment. Allow the judicial system to take its course and we'll see who is ultimately guilty and who isn't followed by sentences given to the guilty by state and or federal judges.
You have GOT to be kidding me right?? Suspend the program and punish the players and fans that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this. That makes sense.
You have GOT to be kidding me right?? Suspend the program and punish the players and fans that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this. That makes sense.

The mentality of some folks on this board is similar to the mentality of nuking an entire country killing everyone for the crimes of a few leaders.

Folks, please maintain some perspective here. You go after the guilty ones, not the entire Penn State community.

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