The B1G Ten needs to suspend the PSU football program

I should have stipulated that once "due process" has occurred and all the facts have come out then the B1G should do something.

Most NCAA penalties affect a group of athletes who were not there at the time or had anything to do with the specific infraction(s). Regardless, the program is still penalized.

These heinous acts are just too much and go way beyond football and being able to tailgate on Saturday afternoon. There is already sworn testimony that shows "lack of institutional control" which is the standard for the death penalty of a program.

The direction of this scandal is heading makes it very similar the Franklin Cover Up of the late '80s in Omaha, Nb. Which also had ties to the Johnny Gosch case. It is terrible irony that the game on Saturday is Penn St vs Nebraska.

If you are not familiar with on the later, do some research and educate yourself on the Franklin case. Conspiracy of Silence

That sounds a lot better.
These heinous acts are just too much and go way beyond football and being able to tailgate on Saturday afternoon.

Because these acts go beyond football, then why should the football team suffer? This has nothing to do with football, so punishing the football team accomplishes nothing but giving blood to those who want blood.

Like I said before, punishing the football team would be implicating 85 young men in the cover up of child molestation. Are you prepared to hang that on the men on that team? I'm not. The issues caused by the leaders in the football program didn't get one recruit, one win, or earn one more dollar for the football team, so why should the football team suffer?

This isn't an infraction or an impermissible benefit, it is a crime, and those who committed the crime need to pay, but no one else.
First. This is not a lack of institutional control because it does not violate NCAA rules which are more regarding recruiting/grades/impermissable benefts things of that nature. This is not about Penn State gaining an advantage on the football field through violation of NCAA rules. No student athletes were involved in this. This is about the failure to report criminal activity of someone who was not employed by the university,which will be handled through the legal system. But this may make the NCAA consider changing its rules to address criminal activity of a program even if it is not football related.

Right. Eject those found to be responsible. The lack of control (however heinous it may be, and IT IS) involved ignoring crimes being committed that weren't related to how football is to be conducted, per NCAA. The lack of control can be maintained, once all who are found responsible are found out.
Because these acts go beyond football, then why should the football team suffer? This has nothing to do with football, so punishing the football team accomplishes nothing but giving blood to those who want blood.

Like I said before, punishing the football team would be implicating 85 young men in the cover up of child molestation. Are you prepared to hang that on the men on that team? I'm not. The issues caused by the leaders in the football program didn't get one recruit, one win, or earn one more dollar for the football team, so why should the football team suffer?

This isn't an infraction or an impermissible benefit, it is a crime, and those who committed the crime need to pay, but no one else.

Don't cancel the season, but IMMEDIATELY cut off their ability to give scholarships to at least the football program beginning IMMEDIATELY. The perjury charges are enough to make this happen. Do not allow them to pay for more young men to be molded at that school during this awful situation.
Because these acts go beyond football, then why should the football team suffer? This has nothing to do with football, so punishing the football team accomplishes nothing but giving blood to those who want blood.

Like I said before, punishing the football team would be implicating 85 young men in the cover up of child molestation. Are you prepared to hang that on the men on that team? I'm not. The issues caused by the leaders in the football program didn't get one recruit, one win, or earn one more dollar for the football team, so why should the football team suffer?

This isn't an infraction or an impermissible benefit, it is a crime, and those who committed the crime need to pay, but no one else.

RIGHT. If anyone directly connected to PSU football is found to be involved, remove them. Yes people can question if simply removing them is sufficient, and yes people can question "what else" might the "involved" been involved in. One thing at a time here folks. We could hear news tomorrow that changes everything. As for now, the football program isn't the suspect.
I should have stipulated that once "due process" has occurred and all the facts have come out then the B1G should do something.

Most NCAA penalties affect a group of athletes who were not there at the time or had anything to do with the specific infraction(s). Regardless, the program is still penalized.

These heinous acts are just too much and go way beyond football and being able to tailgate on Saturday afternoon. There is already sworn testimony that shows "lack of institutional control" which is the standard for the death penalty of a program.

The direction of this scandal is heading makes it very similar the Franklin Cover Up of the late '80s in Omaha, Nb. Which also had ties to the Johnny Gosch case. It is terrible irony that the game on Saturday is Penn St vs Nebraska.

If you are not familiar with on the later, do some research and educate yourself on the Franklin case. Conspiracy of Silence

DC, you aren't Gannon, are you?
RIGHT. If anyone directly connected to PSU football is found to be involved, remove them. Yes people can question if simply removing them is sufficient, and yes people can question "what else" might the "involved" been involved in. One thing at a time here folks. We could hear news tomorrow that changes everything. As for now, the football program isn't the suspect.

The football program might not be the suspect, but it is completely suspect. So lets say that there are 4 deptartments in a football program, offense, defense, special teams, and special molesting, do you not see anything wrong with the offense, defense, and special teams because they are different departments within a program while the special molesting department is carrying out its functions?
It is because of the football program that there was a cover up. The current players shouldn't be punished, and I don't think you sanction them through the NCAA but make no mistake - if Penn State football was more like Indiana football I think things may have been handled differently.
The football program might not be the suspect, but it is completely suspect. So lets say that there are 4 deptartments in a football program, offense, defense, special teams, and special molesting, do you not see anything wrong with the offense, defense, and special teams because they are different departments within a program while the special molesting department is carrying out its functions?

I would. Hence what I already said... Root out/suspend the possibly involved personnel. Sounds easier than it would actually be. But, I really doubt EVERYONE currently engaged with the football program is involved.
I would. Hence what I already said... Root out/suspend the possibly involved personnel. Sounds easier than it would actually be. But, I really doubt EVERYONE currently engaged with the football program is involved.

And that is why in order to truly be sure that the correct action has been taken, the whole thing has to come down.
And that is why in order to truly be sure that the correct action has been taken, the whole thing has to come down.

I don't know about the whole thing. Can't they just suspend anyone in question, while having a new/temporary staff change handle things? Would be very complicated. I realize the main reason why the cover-up took place is to protect the football program's image, I do.
Not only does PSU deserves to be suspended but they absolutely need to be evicted out of the conference.(if the allegations are confirmed, due process completed, etc) This is the biggest scandal and catastrophe in the history of collegiate sports.

Anything attached to PSU including the member teams are at risk. This is already going to reach epic proportions and will eventually go nuclear.

This has nothing to do with the players but EVERYTHING to do with the Institution! The players would be allowed (much like USC) to transfer immediately and not have to sit out anytime.

I'm tired of hearing this about football and not fair to the kids--how about the victims and the families? I agree it's not their fault--thus let them transfer and not sit out.

but in no way should we allow PSU to remain in the conference-- consider this--- SMU was given the death penalty for paying players(yes, it was intense amount of money I get that)-- but what should we consider for PSU if found guilty that there was an institutional cover-up of molesting several young children???

I realize some may argue how is that even possible--but there are code of conduct policies in the contracts--- the same with NCAA--also with regards to institutional corruption--- if this isn't a code of ethic violation then I’m clearly not right.

If SMU got the death penalty then we need to get mid-evil on PSU.
Not only does PSU get evicted from the conference, the NCAA then comes down and bans football(as in PSU is not allowed to field a football team) for 8 years, the 8 years that PSU negated to handle this.

the consequences of this for PSU needs to be so harsh, so severe, so intense that it sends a message not to just every school, but every organization in America that this will never happen again. NEVER. HAPPEN. AGAIN.

No bribe, no tattoo for money, no drugs being smoked or sold, no free cars even remotely comes with in the same hemisphere as what has happened with PSU--and this is just the tip of the iceberg--- remember how it spread with the Catholic church? same thing will happen here--and ask yourself--- you want that program in your conference?!? Then you can say there is no justification for eviction of PSU!?

I'm not one to tote the moral card, I'll be the first one to admit that my morals can be as convenient and subjective as the next guy-- but there is one rule in life, one solid hard rule(also with theft and murder duh lol)--that even Criminals share(no I’m not a criminal!!!) and that is you don't phuck with kids!!! you don't molest them, abuse them, verbal, physically, etc!!

any organization that covers and protects the violator is absolute grounds for dismissal from conference as well as any other entity.

Not only does PSU deserves to be suspended but they absolutely need to be evicted out of the conference.(if the allegations are confirmed, due process completed, etc) This is the biggest scandal and catastrophe in the history of collegiate sports.

Anything attached to PSU including the member teams are at risk. This is already going to reach epic proportions and will eventually go nuclear.

This has nothing to do with the players but EVERYTHING to do with the Institution! The players would be allowed (much like USC) to transfer immediately and not have to sit out anytime.

I'm tired of hearing this about football and not fair to the kids--how about the victims and the families? I agree it's not their fault--thus let them transfer and not sit out.

but in no way should we allow PSU to remain in the conference-- consider this--- SMU was given the death penalty for paying players(yes, it was intense amount of money I get that)-- but what should we consider for PSU if found guilty that there was an institutional cover-up of molesting several young children???

I realize some may argue how is that even possible--but there are code of conduct policies in the contracts--- the same with NCAA--also with regards to institutional corruption--- if this isn't a code of ethic violation then I’m clearly not right.

If SMU got the death penalty then we need to get mid-evil on PSU.
Not only does PSU get evicted from the conference, the NCAA then comes down and bans football(as in PSU is not allowed to field a football team) for 8 years, the 8 years that PSU negated to handle this.

the consequences of this for PSU needs to be so harsh, so severe, so intense that it sends a message not to just every school, but every organization in America that this will never happen again. NEVER. HAPPEN. AGAIN.

No bribe, no tattoo for money, no drugs being smoked or sold, no free cars even remotely comes with in the same hemisphere as what has happened with PSU--and this is just the tip of the iceberg--- remember how it spread with the Catholic church? same thing will happen here--and ask yourself--- you want that program in your conference?!? Then you can say there is no justification for eviction of PSU!?

I'm not one to tote the moral card, I'll be the first one to admit that my morals can be as convenient and subjective as the next guy-- but there is one rule in life, one solid hard rule(also with theft and murder duh lol)--that even Criminals share(no I’m not a criminal!!!) and that is you don't phuck with kids!!! you don't molest them, abuse them, verbal, physically, etc!!

any organization that covers and protects the violator is absolute grounds for dismissal from conference as well as any other entity.

I'm not ignoring the victims. Nobody should forget them. This particular thread is about the football program being suspended.
correct--- and I apologize for any confusion, but I believe I was pretty clear with my analysis with the rest of my commentary regarding the subject of the football program--the football program must be cancelled for 8 years and PSU institution should be evicted from the big 10
The football program at a minimum will be done at PSU. The players will find a new place to play.

Couldn't disagree more. In a time of crisis the players will rally around each other and become even more committed. PSU football will be fine.
Couldn't disagree more. In a time of crisis the players will rally around each other and become even more committed. PSU football will be fine.

PSU football, at the very least, will not be fine if it even exists in the future.

I stand by that. This has nothing to do with football. Just because the people involved were in football, doesn't mean that it had anything to do with it. That is like saying if a police chief got caught molesting boys, and the leadership in the department helped cover it up, you need to get rid of the police department.

I want the people responsible for their crimes to be punished in a court of law. I do not want the players on the team, the alumni of the school, and the state of Pennslyvania as a whole punished for the action or inaction of a sorry few. No one deserves punishment for the crimes committed except those who committed them.

Justice for the victims is the criminals facing their due. Their is no justice in punishing the innocent.

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